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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jan 12, 2021
  2. Dec 16, 2020
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #18754 [finc] more specific labels for checkboxes · d372be3b
      Alexander Purr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * add specific translations: try to switch between search results and favorites
      * add context parameter for renderer to figure out the right label for search results or favorites listings checkboxes
      ** once in Contoller
      ** once in earliest template
      co-authored by: Claas Kazzer <>
      * minor translation changes for checkboxes
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #18509 [finc] add language tags · 585045a0
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * in menu of side facets:
      ** by using SideFacets helper
      ** setting terms to decorate in facets.ini
      * in footer:
      ** remove empty call to layout()->poweredBy
      ** translate poweredBy
      ** remove language tag of poweredBy, because it's translated
      ** use external link view helper for footer images
      ** set aria-hidden to true for images
      * adjust alt text for footer images (like UBL) in language files
  3. Dec 01, 2020
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #17613 [finc: VF5.1] barfs recent acquisitions feature · f8a2f485
      Robert Lange authored
      * use solr instead of ils
      ** because not every instance has an ils
      ** because ils driver has not to be configured anymore
      ** but still use ils on local alpha for demo driver and missing indexExtension
      * add finc New Items Plugin and Controller
      ** use indexExtension to create query for date range
      * use radio selects instead of buttons for range
      * add label-for options
      * add legend and better translations (Choose Period)
      * removes styling br
      * adds mainbody for styling
  4. Nov 30, 2020
  5. Nov 20, 2020
  6. Nov 13, 2020
    • ha848myco's avatar
      refs #17601 [finc] Review offcanvas behaviour on XS · 9e71bb86
      ha848myco authored
      * For offcanvas=true:
      ** Set focus to back button on sidebar resp. to active element on account sidebar
      ** Add back button for Author search on result list
      ** Add toggle button for search tips
      ** Add back button for search tips
      ** Add toggle button on page Library Cards
      ** Add toggle button on page Change Password
      * For offcanvas=false:
      ** Add back button
      ** Add link to the sidebar (toggle button)
      ** Add link to the content (back button)
      ** Set focus to back button on sidebar resp. to active element on account sidebar
      * Add new translation for search tip toggle button
      * adds aria-labels to offcanvas
      * sets sidebar for XS
      ** sets default to offcanvas true
      ** sets default to bookbag true
      ** makes sidebar on XS 100% wide when offcanvas is off
      ** corrects various scss glitches
      * use altered function in separate JS file
      ** avoid copy-paste overhead in case of changes on parent theme
  7. Nov 09, 2020
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #18129 [finc] set description for new kxp links without subfields · f955f8ce
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * edit getURLs in SolrMarcFincTrait for marc 856
      ** new: set description to full text if 856 ind.2 = 0 (resource) and other subfields missing (3, x, z, y)
      ** new: set description to further information if 856 ind.2 = 2 (related resource) and other subfields missing (3, x, z, y)
      ** keep: set description to Online Access if ind.2 = 0 and and ind1 = 0
      * add translation for Further information and full text plain
      ** full text / Volltext
      ** Further informationen / Weiterführende Informationen
  8. Nov 06, 2020
  9. Nov 02, 2020
  10. Oct 15, 2020
  11. Oct 09, 2020
  12. Oct 08, 2020
  13. Oct 05, 2020
  14. Sep 29, 2020
  15. Sep 25, 2020
  16. Sep 02, 2020
  17. Jul 31, 2020
  18. Jul 01, 2020
    • Dorian Merz's avatar
      refs #17375 [master] Restore missing favorites · ce18d9ef
      Dorian Merz authored
      * rebuild changes from #9016
      * serialize data to new DB field
      ** use VuFind's new getExtraMetadata
      * change method for serialization
      ** relies on RecordDriver function instead of Solr fields
      ** adds some additional data
      ** add some functions to serialization
      * adds result-list template to provide print output
      * change search link for missing records
      * use advanced search
      * show standard title line for missing records
      * assure bacwards compatiblity
      ** handle resource table entries that have been added before this feature went active
      ** early return if extra_metadata is missing
      * some code styling
  19. Jun 25, 2020
  20. Jun 24, 2020
  21. Jun 19, 2020
  22. Jun 16, 2020
  23. Jun 15, 2020
  24. Jun 03, 2020
  25. Mar 19, 2020
    • Gregor Gawol's avatar
    • Claas Kazzer's avatar
      refs #17100 [master-v5] · f6187ecb
      Claas Kazzer authored and André Lahmann's avatar André Lahmann committed
      * changes the heading for record view/detail view from h3 into h1
      * turns toolbar description in record view/detail view into proper sr-only heading + adds translations
      * fixes bookbag button paddings for toolbar in record view/detail view
      * make offcanvas back buttons in sidebar more prominent + align properly
      * clarifies media queries comments section
      * fixes checkbox input postioning error on XS devices
      * fixes headings hierarchy in myresearch/profile and menu
      * fixes first header in sidebar
      * fixes sidebar back button color in result view
  26. Mar 03, 2020
    • Claas Kazzer's avatar
      refs #16902 · f1a4c851
      Claas Kazzer authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * makes delete from favorites buttons accessible
      * corrects back to list labeling
    • Claas Kazzer's avatar
      refs #13547 · 9768a0f3
      Claas Kazzer authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * sets headings correctly for better accessibility
      * layout.phtml: corrects skip link to search + hides it in advanced search
      * footer.phtml: corrects powered by section
      * header.phtml: corrects header (accessibility), improves scalability
      * corrects adv. search labels and headers (also requires changes to advanced_search.js)
      * corrects adv. search x-buttons
      * corrects lightboxes/modals accessibility, corrects modal close button
      * corrects Breadcrumbs description
      * corrects accessibility of search box
      * adds modal description, improves modal accessibility (also requires changes to lightbox.js)
      * adds missing accessibility-related translations
      * adds initial batch of improvements from
      * removes Browsealoud Trial Code
      * re-arranges header to make more room for search box
      * fixes and adapts header for XS, SM, Desktop
  27. Nov 11, 2019
  28. Oct 18, 2019
    • Claas Kazzer's avatar
      refs #16101 offcanvas toggler · 5f75c865
      Claas Kazzer authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * adds missing sidebar toggler to myresearch/profile.phtml
      * adds preliminary translation for toggler
      * adds missing offcanvas toggler to other myaccount templates
  29. May 08, 2019
    • Claas Kazzer's avatar
      refs #15148 [master-v5] - further layout fixes of theme finc due to vf5 migration · 09005090
      Claas Kazzer authored and Frank Morgner's avatar Frank Morgner committed
      * adopts changes to data-otherRelationshipEntry in DefaultRecord
      * changes searchbox to flex for better display on XS and SM
      * pushes shard checkboxes benath search box on SM
      * adopts NEW OFFCANVAS toggler (visible in XS, SM only)
      * adapts new offcanvas toggler for record view use (XS, SM only)
      * fixes search-sort, limit etc appearance in result list (XS, SM only)
      * moves offcanvas-toggler code to separate template
      * updates references to offcanvas-toggler in all recorddriver core files
      @to-do PLS NOTE: ALL SOLRDEFAULT files had to be moved to DEFAULTRECORD! during migration
  30. Apr 15, 2019
  31. Feb 22, 2019
    • Dorian Merz's avatar
      refs #14583 · 27012cde
      Dorian Merz authored
      * introduces SolrDico Record type
      ** represents Digital Collections with JSON fullrecord
      ** uses HierarchyTree tab instead of CollectionHierarchyTree for DiCo
      * changed translations of tab labels in collection view
      * added data-link template for RecordDataFormatter
    • Dorian Merz's avatar
      refs #14672 · 8e791a3c
      Dorian Merz authored
      * translations for DigitalCollection format facet
  32. Feb 05, 2019
    • Dorian Merz's avatar
      refs #14583 · ecbc2938
      Dorian Merz authored
      * introduces SolrDico Record type
      ** represents Digital Collections with JSON fullrecord
      ** uses HierarchyTree tab instead of CollectionHierarchyTree for DiCo
      * changed translations of tab labels in collection view
      * added data-link template for RecordDataFormatter