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André Lahmann committed
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André Lahmann committed
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André Lahmann's avatar
André Lahmann committed

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LibraryName = " - Literatur für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftler"
adlr_head_description_de = " ist das zentrale Rechercheportal und Fachinformationsdienst (FID) für die Kommunikations-, Medien- und Filmwissenschaft sowie Publizistik."
adlr_head_description_en = " is the main research portal and specialist information service (FID) for communication, media and film studies as well as journalism."
adlr_head_keywords_de = "Suchportal, Fachinformationsdienst, Kommunikationswissenschaft, Medienwissenschaft, Filmwissenschaft, FID, Journalistik, Fernsehen, Film, Zeitung"
adlr_head_keywords_en = "search portal, specialist information service, communication studies, media studies, film studies, FID, journalism, television, film, newspaper"
adlr_head_title = " | Fachinformationsdienst (FID) für die Kommunikations-, Medien- und Filmwissenschaft"

enter-search-term = "Enter search term ..."

About Us = About us
Blog = Blog
Create New Account = "Register"
Deutsch = "German"
Login = "Login"
Menu = "Menu"
Menu Close = "Close"
New Items = "New Book Releases"
Specific Databases = Databases
header_text = "Resources for the Communication, Media, and Film Studies"
prefacet_all = "All"
prefacet_books_and_more = "Books & more"
open_search_box = "Open Search Box"
Refine Results = "Filter"
clear_tag_filter_all = "Clear all Filters"
get_it = "Get it"

# facet_avail
Availability = "Access"
Free    = "Open Access"
Local   = "Physical Resources"
Online  = "Online Resources"

# Pagination
Page = "Page"
of = "of"

# SearchTabs
All = "All"
AV-Media = "AV-Media"
Releases = "New Releases"
Texts = "Texts"
# SearchToggler
Apply Filters = "apply filter"
Apply Format Filters = "Choose category"
Close Search = "close search"
Open Search = "open search"
basic_search_keep_filters = "Retain Filters"
Format = "Media Type"
view_worldcat = "Also available in these libraries"
Description = "further information"
go_to_list = "Back to results"

contact_adlr = "Contact"
database_access = "Access to databases"
history_my_searches = "My Searches"
history_saved_searches = "Saved searches"
new_print_publications = "New print publications"
Your Orders = "Orders"
Your Favorites = "Saved items"

# Get It Box
getit_links = "Resource Links"
getit_infos = "Resource Infos"
getit_logged_not = "Not logged in"
getit_text_default = "Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further information on availability for this title at the moment."
getit_order = "Order Free of Charge"
getit_partcopy = "Get part copy"
getit_partcopy_notice = "(max. 10 % of the entire book)"
getit_text_free_avail = "This resource is open access."
getit_text_free_loan = "You can order this new publication on loan when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_3_1 = "You will see more information when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_3_2 = "Register now"
getit_text_izi = "This title is recorded in the IZI database of the International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television.<br/><br/>Access to the full text is only available for some titles of this source via the link above."
getit_text_margaret = "This resource is open access.<br/><br/>This item is being held by and shown here courtesy of Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences."
getit_text_digital_access_hint = "Free access to or download of on demand videos available from Germany.<br/><br/>For legal reasons, access may be blocked after a certain period of time or from other countries."
getit_text_bielefeld = "This title is from the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine.<br/><br/>Some documents from this source may not be accessible as full text."
getit_text_no_further_info_notice = "Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further information on availability for this title at the moment.<br/><br/>Your home library can tell you whether the title can be ordered by interlibrary loan. Some media types (e.g. manuscripts, records, CDs, videos) may be excluded from interlibrary loan."
getit_text_online_res_money = "Access to electronic resources may be subject to a license or a fee."
getit_text_info_req_reg = "You will see more information when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_multipart_mono = "This title is a multi-volume work. Individual titles are listed under "%%hierarchy_tree%%"."
getit_text_direct_delivery = "Order a loan copy of this new publication at the expense of The book will be sent directly to you.<br/><br/>"
getit_text_adlr_license = "This e-book is free to access for you via an license."
getit_text_13b_1 = "Your account is currently blocked for access to this resource. Please %s us to request an unblocking."
getit_text_13b_2 = "contact"
getit_text_media_type_limitation = "Some media types (e.g. manuscripts, records, CDs, videos) may be excluded from interlibrary loan."
getit_text_access_ebook_hint = "This e-book can only be used with a license from your home library. If indicated as available at your library, direct access via the link above should be possible.<br /><br />Part copies are not available for e-books. If you need a part copy, please browse our portal for the print edition of this work."
hierarchy_tree = "Associated Volumes"

You must be logged in first = "Please log in first."
email_success =  "Your message has been sent."

in_collection_label = "Part of"
Published in = "published in"
Set Multipart = "Part of"
Source = "Collection"

Your Profile = My account
Forgot Password = Forgot your password?
Services for subject specialists = Services for Subject Specialists
offcanvas-toggler-myresearch = "Show profile options"

; Branding for Source Ids (result list)
Branding Facet Free = Open Access
Branding SID48 = GENIOS Wiso Database
Branding SID51 = New Release
Branding SID76 = E-books for
Branding SID78 = IZI Database
Branding SID103 = Margaret Herrick Library
Branding collection-UBL-FID-EBC = E-books for
Branding Title From = title from
Branding Verbundkatalog Film = Verbundkatalog Film

contact_form = "contact form"
contact_form_next = "Proceed"
contact_form_subject_pre = "How can we help you?"
contact_form_subject_main = "How can we help you?"
contact_form_response = "Thank you very much for your inquiry. We will deal with your request as soon as possible and get back to you shortly."

; DBIS / Licenses
dbis_licenses_name = "Databases with license"
licenses_FAZ = "F.A.Z.-Corporate (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/Frankfurter Rundschau)"
licenses_FAZ_desc = "Press database with articles of the F.A.Z. (since 1949), the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (since 1990), FAZ.NET (since 2001), Frankfurter Allgemeine Woche (from 2016), Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly (since 2016) and Frankfurt Allgemeine Metropol (since 2016) as well as the Frankfurter Rundschau (since 1995). Articles can also be called up as facsimilized article clips in the original layout or as full page (PDF).
licenses_SZ = "SZ-Library Net (Süddeutsche Zeitung)"
licenses_SZ_desc = "Press database with articles of the Süddeutsche Zeitung (German-wide, Bavarian und Munich issue, respectively) since 1945, SZ-Landkreisausgaben since 1972, SZ supplements like SZ Magazin, SZ für Kinder, jetzt, and The articles are also available as full pages (PDF).
licenses_WISO = "WISO (BILD/BILD am Sonntag/FOCUS/Handelsblatt/DER SPIEGEL/Stern/Die Welt/DIE ZEIT)"
licenses_WISO_desc = "Press database with articles of BILD (incl. regional editions) and BILD am Sonntag (since 4/1956, also as full-page PDF), FOCUS (since 3/1993) and FOCUS Money (since 2000) (full-page PDF since 4/2017), Handelsblatt (since 1986, also as full-page PDF), DER SPIEGEL (since 1993), SPIEGEL ONLINE (since 3/2002), SPIEGEL special (since 3/2003), kulturSPIEGEL (since 1/2003) and uniSPIEGEL (since 5/2003), Stern (since 1/1996), Die Welt (since 3/1999, also as full-page PDF), and DIE ZEIT (since 1946, also as full-page PDF since 2013).
licenses_text = "Here you have access to databases that have been specially licensed for you by We cover the costs for you."

; Home Section
Adlr Home Register Free = "Register for free"
Adlr Home Research = "Search through around 3 million entries"
Adlr Home Info = " is the Specialised Information Service for media, communication and film studies.<br /><br />Anyone researching, teaching or studying these subjects can search here for books, journal articles, AV media and online resources in around 3 million records. Our index consists of more than 35 data sources specifically tailored to the subjects, which are constantly updated and expanded by us."
Adlr Home Blog = "News from our blog"
Adlr Home New Releases Text = "Publishing new releases of the last 30 days to order"
Adlr Home Services = "Services of"
Adlr Home Services Access Title = " enables access"
Adlr Home Services Access Text = "For almost all books and articles, shows you whether the medium is already in the holdings of your own university library. If this is not the case, you may order the article or a partial copy with one click. If you do not find a resource at all, write us and we will take care of it."
Adlr Home Services Inform Title = " informs about novelties"
Adlr Home Services Inform Text = "Every week there are around 40 new publications of relevance to the field. You can order new books with one click and we will deliver them directly to you, on loan for 30 days."
Adlr Home Services Open Access Title = " advises on Open Access"
Adlr Home Services Open Access Text = "Many resources found on are freely accessible. We mark open access documents in the search results and advise users and publishers on open access publications and the publishing of research data. You are welcome to contact us."
Adlr Home Services Resources Title = " licenses resources"
Adlr Home Services Resources Text = "Via, all users who work full-time in science have access to special FID licenses. In addition, we have a constantly growing range of e-books licensed specifically for"

; Footer
funded_by = "Funded by"
contact_us = "Send Feedback"
Legal Info = "Imprint"
Contact = "Contact us"
powered_by = "Powered by"
service_of = "A service of"

# 16180
error_password_pattern = "The password needs to contain at least one digit and one capital letter."

; feedback form
feedback_information = "Can't find a particular resource or do you have questions about your account or another concern? Write to our team and we will help you quickly and easily."
email_contact_policy = "I have read and agree to the %%policy_link%%."
; feedback form options
general_question = "I have a general question."
catalogue_error = "I found an error in the catalogue."
account_question = "I have a question about my account."
resource_not_found = "I didn't find a resource."
purchase_request = "I have a purchase request."

Your search terms = "Your advanced search"
Edit this Advanced Search = "Edit search"

; sending card, record or search by mail
From = "From (Email address)"
To = "To (Email address)"
Email Record = "E-Mail this Record"
email_record_information = "Here you can send the current record by e-mail. Optionally you can add a message."
email_search_information = "Here you can send the current search by e-mail. Optionally you can add a message."

#16750 SwitchTab recommendation
nohit_change_tab = You have searched only in the category <b>%%activeTab%%</b>. If necessary, choose another category or use the faceting:
switchtab_headline = "Category"

save_search_saved_in_account = This search request is already saved in your account.

#16984 customize title error messages
An error has occurred = "Sorry, that shouldn't have happened."
Please contact the Library Reference Department for assistance = "Contact us for further assistance."

select_item_favorite = "Select item for mailing or exporting"

enable = "Enable"
disable = "Disable"
page_reload_on_enable_result_grouping_hint = "Page will refresh with similar grouped items when checkbox is selected"
page_reload_on_disable_result_grouping_hint = "Page will refresh without similar grouped items when checkbox is deselected"

show_grouped_items_count = "Show %%COUNT%% more version(s) of this record"