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Commit 6f04578f authored by Jean-Pascal Kanter's avatar Jean-Pascal Kanter :speech_balloon: Committed by Robert Lange
Browse files

refs #21487 [fid_adlr] GetItBox, RulesEvaluator

* added rules yaml, changed language files
parent d4a55ff1
No related merge requests found
# this file defines the rules in Symfony Expression Syntax (
# that are used to define the static availabilty of records that have no such infrmation in the ILS
# todo: explain what is in here
# you cannot actually use anchors as those will not be used and the reference just interpreted as string
var_source1_openaccess: [ 13, 22, 26, 28, 30, 34, 39, 53, 80, 84, 87, 88, 99, 101, 150, 153, 170, 191, 196 ]
var_source3_magazinarticles: [ 48, 49, 55, 68, 105 ]
var_source4_pda: [ 51]
var_source5_ebl: [ 76 ]
var_source6_izi: [ 78 ]
var_source7_margeretlib: [ 103 ]
var_source8_vkfilmcollection: [ 0, 109, 117, 119, 127, 142, 148, 151, 155 ]
var_source9_vkfilm2: [ 0 ]
var_source_10_mediawb: [ 169 ]
var_source_11_base: [ 126 ]
# fid bbi copy
var_media1: [ Book, E-Book, Thesis, "Book, E-Book" ]
var_media2: [ "Article, E-Article", Article, E-Article, Electronic Resource, Map, Unknown Format, Manuscript, Visual Media, Microform ]
var_media3: [ Video, Software, Musical Score, Audio, "Journal, E-Journal" ]
var_media4: [ a ]
var_media5: [ "Journal, E-Journal", "Article, E-Article", Journal, ElectronicJournal, E-Journal, Article, ElectronicArticle, E-Article, ElectronicResource, Video, DVDVideo, VideoCassette, VideoDisc, OtherVideoCarrier, Audio, AudioDisc, AudioCassette, Audiobook, DVDAudio, AudioTapeReel, AudioCartridge, OtherAudioCarrier ]
var_media6: [ Website ]
var_media7: [ Kit, Physical Object ]
var_megacollection: [ Lizenzfreie Online-Ressourcen ]
var_collection2: "UBL-FID-EBC"
var_institute1: ["DE-15"]
# 'allow' means that the function is generally available, there is also a user based 'permission' for Digitization
conf_allowSubitoPartialCopy: True
conf_allowSubitoArticleCopy: True
conf_allowPDA: True
- 'is_loggedOn'
- >
- 'is_source1'
- >
sid in var_source1_openaccess
- 'is_source3'
- >
sid in var_source3_magazinarticles
- 'is_source4'
- >
sid in var_source4_pda
- 'is_source5'
- >
sid in var_source5_ebl
- 'is_source6'
- >
sid in var_source6_izi
- 'is_source7'
- >
sid in var_source7_margeretlib
- 'is_source8'
- >
sid in var_source8_vkfilmcollection
- 'is_source9'
- >
sid in var_source9_vkfilm2
- 'is_source10'
- >
sid in var_source_10_mediawb
- 'is_source11'
- >
sid in var_source_11_base
- 'is_authorized_for_fid_acquisitions'
- >
- 'is_collection2'
- >
var_collection2 in collection
- 'is_megacollection'
- >
this.isArrayIntersect(megacollection, var_megacollection)
- 'is_institute1'
- 'this.isArrayIntersect(var_institute1, institution)'
- 'is_facetFree'
- >
"Free" in facet_avail
- 'is_facetOnline'
- >
"Online" in facet_avail
- 'is_facetLocal'
- >
"Local" in facet_avail
- 'is_media1'
- >
this.isArrayIntersect(format, var_media1)
- 'is_media2'
- >
this.isArrayIntersect(format, var_media2)
- 'is_media3'
- >
this.isArrayIntersect(format, var_media3)
- 'is_media4'
- >
this.isArrayIntersect(format, var_media4)
- 'is_media5'
- >
this.isArrayIntersect(format, var_media5)
- 'is_media6'
- >
this.isArrayIntersect(format, var_media6)
- 'is_media7'
- >
this.isArrayIntersect(format, var_media7)
# EBC Button ################################################################################
ebce_function: # ADLR stamp
- 'ebce_decider'
- >
is_source9 and is_facetOnline and is_collection2
- 'isEBCEBooks'
- 'ebce_decider ? true : false'
# Boss ######################################################################################
boss_decider: # ADLR Stamp
- 'bossData'
- >
(is_source8 and !is_facetFree and !is_collection2 and is_media1 ) or
(is_source8 and !is_facetFree and !is_collection2 and !is_media1 and (is_facetLocal and is_media3) )
- 'hide_notice_con1'
- >
is_loggedOn and 'Local' in facet_avail
- 'hide_notice_false'
- >
is_source8 and !is_collection
- 'hide_notice_true'
- >
(is_source8 and format in var_media1 and not isbn and var_institute1 not in institution and !is_collection2)
- 'hideNotice'
- 'hide_notice_false ? false : hide_notice_true ? true : false'
# AI Record #################################################################################
- 'ai_condition'
- >
sid in var_source3_magazinarticles
ai_decider: ['isAiSidRecord', 'ai_condition']
# Accordeon #################################################################################
isAlternative_function: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isAlternativeAccordeon'
- >
or is_source3
or is_source5
or is_source7
or is_source10
or (is_source8 and is_facetFree)
or (is_source8 and is_facetOnline and (is_media1 or is_media5 or is_media6) )
or (is_source9 and is_megacollection)
or (is_source9 and is_collection2)
accordeonColor_decider: [ 'accordeonColor', 'isAlternativeAccordeon ? "amber" : "azure"' ]
accordeonHeadline_decider: [ 'accordeonHeadline', 'isAlternativeAccordeon ? this.translate("getit_links") : this.translate("getit_infos")' ]
# Box Headline ##############################################################################
- 'isLogonRequired'
- >
(is_source3) or
(is_source4) or
(is_source5) or
(is_source8 and is_source9 and is_collection2) or
(is_source8 and is_facetLocal and ( (is_media1 and !is_institute1) or is_media3 ) ) or
(is_source8 and is_facetOnline and not is_facetFree and is_media1)
boxHeadline_decider: [ 'boxHeadline', '!is_loggedOn && isLogonRequired ? this.translate("getit_logged_not") : this.translate("Get it")' ]
# region notice
notice_function1: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isNoticeEmpty' # CASE 7 & 17
- > # media 1&3 have shared components, that is why the condition is so convoluted
sid in var_source3_magazinarticles
or (
is_source8 and
is_source9 and
is_facetLocal and
!collection and
!is_megacollection and
( is_media1 or
) and
is_loggedOn and
or (
is_source8 and
is_facetLocal and
is_loggedOn and
notice_function2: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isNoticeFreeAvail' # CASE a, 4, 9, 18
- >
sid in var_source1_openaccess or
(is_source8 and is_source9 and is_megacollection) or
(is_source8 and !is_source9 and is_facetFree)
notice_function3: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isNoticeDirectDelivery' # CASE d
- >
is_source4 and is_loggedOn
notice_function4: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isNoticeInfoReqReg' # CASE i, 1, 5, 11, 15, 21
- >
(is_source5 and !is_loggedOn and !hasEBookAccess ) or
(is_source8 and is_source9 and is_collection2 and !is_loggedOn) or
(is_source8 and is_source9 and is_facetLocal and (is_media1 or is_media3) and !is_loggedOn) or
(is_source8 and is_source9 and is_facetOnline and is_media1 and !is_loggedOn) or
(is_source8 and !is_source9 and is_facetLocal and !is_loggedOn) or
(is_source8 and !is_source9 and is_media1 and !is_loggedOn)
notice_function5: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isNoticeResMoneyHint' # CASE 10 & 19 - where two with and without is_source9,
- >
is_source8 and is_facetOnline and (is_media5 or is_media6)
notice_function6: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isNoticeAccessEbookHint' # CASE 12, 20
- > # CASE 12 and 20 are basically the same thing with and without source9, condensed them
is_source8 and is_source9 and is_facetOnline and is_media1 and is_loggedOn
notice_function_7: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isNoticeNoFurtherInfo'
- > # CASE 8, 14
is_source8 and is_facetLocal and is_media2 and not (is_media1 or is_media3)
notice_function_8: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isNoticeMediaTypeLimitations'
- > # CASE 6, 16 # once again, where with source9 without it mattering
is_source8 and is_facetLocal and is_media3 and is_loggedOn
notice_function_9: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isNoticeFreeLoan'
- > # CASE e
is_source4 and !is_loggedOn
notice_function10: # ADLR Stamp
- 'isNoticeAdlrLicense'
- > # CASE g
( is_source5 and is_loggedOn and hasEBookAccess ) or
( is_source8 and is_source9 and is_collection2 and is_loggedOn )
notice_function11: #ADLR Stamp
- "isNotice13b1"
- > # CASE h
is_source5 and is_loggedOn and !hasEBookAccess
notice_function12: # ADLR Stamp
- "isNoticeIzi" # might as well not exist but this is a set so it got all the members
- > # CASE j
notice_function13: # ADLR Stamp
- "isNoticeMargaret"
- > # CASE k
notice_function14: # ADLR Stamp
- "isNoticeDigitalAccessHint"
- > # CASE l
notice_function15: # ADLR Stamp
- "isNoticeBielefeld"
- > # CASE m / m
notice_function16: # ADLR Stamp
- "isNoticeMultipart"
- > # CASE 3
is_source8 and !is_source9 and this.isCollection and !is_collection2
notice_function17: # ADLR Stamp
- "isNoticeAccessEbookHint"
- > # CASE 12
is_source8 and is_source9 and is_facetOnline and is_media1 and is_loggedOn
notice_function18: # ADLR Stamp
- "isNoticeNeedsLogin"
- > # CASE 13
(is_collection2 and is_source9 and !is_loggedOn) or
(is_source5 and !is_loggedOn)
- 'notice'
- >
isNoticeDirectDelivery ? this.out("direct_delivery") :
isNoticeMultipart ? this.out("multipart_mono") :
isNoticeAdlrLicense ? this.out("adlr_license") :
isNotice13b1 ? this.out("13b_1") :
isNoticeIzi ? this.out("izi") :
isNoticeMargaret ? this.out("margaret") :
isNoticeDigitalAccessHint ? this.out("digital_access_hint") :
isNoticeBielefeld ? this.out("bielefeld") :
isNoticeFreeLoan ? this.out("free_loan") :
isNoticeFreeAvail ? this.out("free_avail") :
isNoticeMediaTypeLimitations ? this.out("media_type_limitation") :
isNoticeResMoneyHint ? this.out("online_res_money") :
isNoticeAccessEbookHint ? this.out("access_ebook_hint") :
isNoticeNoFurtherInfo ? this.out("no_further_info_notice") :
isNoticeNeedsLogin ? this.out("3_1") :
isNoticeEmpty ? "" :
isNoticeInfoReqReg ? this.out("info_req_reg") :
# region notice - END
# Notice Link ###############################################################################
- 'notice_lnk_reg'
- >
(is_source8 and is_source9 and (
(!is_loggedOn and is_facetLocal)
or (!is_loggedOn and is_facetOnline and is_media1)
or (sid in var_source4_pda and !is_loggedOn )
or (sid in var_source5_ebl and !is_loggedOn )
- 'notice_lnk_ctc'
- >
sid in var_source5_ebl and is_loggedOn and !hasEBookAccess
- 'noticeLinkType'
- >
isNoticeInfoReqReg ? "register" :
isNoticeFreeLoan ? "register" :
notice_lnk_ctc ? "contact" :
# show Links ###############################################################################
# this is a bit tricky, its always true by default and only in V5 it might be false if not logged in
# and not possessing the rights which leads to this awkward construction
show_links_ebl_function: # ADLR Stamp
- 'showLinksEbl'
- is_loggedOn and hasEBookAccess
show_links_else: # ADLR Stamp
- 'showLinksElse'
- >
!is_source5 or
not (is_source9 and is_collection2 and !is_loggedOn)
show_links_function: # ADLR Stamp
- 'showLinks'
- 'showLinksElse ? true : showLinksEbl ? true : false'
# show Print Order Button ###################################################################
- 'showOrderBtn_V4' # ADLR Stamp
- >
sid in var_source4_pda and conf_allowPDA
- 'showOrderBtn_V9' # ADLR Stamp
- >
is_source9 and
conf_allowPDA and
is_facetLocal and
is_media1 and
!is_collection2 and
!this.isCollection and
show_print_order_button_decider: [ 'showOrderButton', 'showOrderBtn_V9 or showOrderBtn_V4' ]
# show Part copy Button #####################################################################
show_part_copy_button_function: # ADLR Stamp
- 'show_part_copy_button'
- >
is_source8 and
conf_allowSubitoPartialCopy and
is_media1 and
!is_collection2 and !this.isCollection and
!is_facetOnline and !is_facetFree
show_part_copy_button_decider: [ 'showPartCopyButton', 'show_part_copy_button' ]
# show Article Button ######################################################################
show_article_button_decider: # ADLR Stamp
- 'showArticleButton'
- >
is_source3 and conf_allowSubitoArticleCopy
stopFlags: 'break'
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -91,24 +91,24 @@ getit_text_default = "Für diesen Titel können wir derzeit leider keine weitere
getit_order = "Kostenlos bestellen"
getit_partcopy = "Teilkopie besorgen"
getit_partcopy_notice = "(max. 10 % des Gesamtumfangs)"
getit_text_1 = "Diese Ressource ist frei verfügbar."
getit_text_2 = "Diese Neuerscheinung können Sie zur Leihe bestellen, wenn Sie angemeldet sind.<br/><br/>Noch keinen Account? %s"
getit_text_free_avail = "Diese Ressource ist frei verfügbar."
getit_text_free_loan = "Diese Neuerscheinung können Sie zur Leihe bestellen, wenn Sie angemeldet sind.<br/><br/>Noch keinen Account? %s"
getit_text_3_1 = "Sie müssen angemeldet sein, um Zugang zu diesem Titel zu erhalten.<br /><br />Noch keinen Account? %s"
getit_text_3_2 = "Jetzt registrieren"
getit_text_4 = "Dieser Titel ist in der IZI-Datenbank des Internationalen Zentralinstituts für das Jugend- und Bildungsfernsehen nachgewiesen.<br/><br/> Zugang zum Volltext erhalten Sie nur bei einigen Titeln dieser Quelle über den obigen Link."
getit_text_5 = "Diese Ressource ist frei verfügbar.<br/><br/>Dieser Titel ist im Bestand der Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, und wird mit freundlicher Genehmigung hier angezeigt."
getit_text_6 = "Aus Deutschland freier Zugang zu oder Download von Mediathek-Videos möglich.<br/><br/>Der Zugang kann aus rechtlichen Gründen nach Ablauf eines bestimmten Zeitraums oder aus anderen Ländern gesperrt sein."
getit_text_7 = "Dieser Titel stammt aus der Bielefeld Academic Search Engine.<br/><br/>Einige Dokumente aus dieser Quelle sind möglicherweise nicht als Volltext zugänglich."
getit_text_8 = "Für diesen Titel können wir derzeit leider keine weiteren Informationen zur Verfügbarkeit bereitstellen.<br/><br/>Ob der Titel per Fernleihe bestellbar ist, kann Ihnen Ihre Heimatbibliothek mitteilen. Einige Medientypen (wie z. B. Manuskripte, Schallplatten, CDs, Videos) können von der Fernleihe ausgeschlossen sein."
getit_text_9 = "Online-Ressourcen können Lizenzen erfordern oder kostenpflichtig sein."
getit_text_10 = "Weitere Informationen sehen Sie, wenn Sie angemeldet sind.<br /><br />Noch keinen Account? %s"
getit_text_11 = "Dieser Titel ist ein mehrbändiges Werk. Einzeltitel sind unter "%%hierarchy_tree%%" aufgeführt."
getit_text_12 = "Bestellen Sie ein Leihexemplar dieser Neuerscheinung auf Kosten von Das Buch wird direkt an Sie geschickt.<br/><br/>"
getit_text_13 = "Dieses E-Book ist für Sie über eine freigeschaltet."
getit_text_izi = "Dieser Titel ist in der IZI-Datenbank des Internationalen Zentralinstituts für das Jugend- und Bildungsfernsehen nachgewiesen.<br/><br/> Zugang zum Volltext erhalten Sie nur bei einigen Titeln dieser Quelle über den obigen Link."
getit_text_margaret = "Diese Ressource ist frei verfügbar.<br/><br/>Dieser Titel ist im Bestand der Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, und wird mit freundlicher Genehmigung hier angezeigt."
getit_text_digital_access_hint = "Aus Deutschland freier Zugang zu oder Download von Mediathek-Videos möglich.<br/><br/>Der Zugang kann aus rechtlichen Gründen nach Ablauf eines bestimmten Zeitraums oder aus anderen Ländern gesperrt sein."
getit_text_bielefeld = "Dieser Titel stammt aus der Bielefeld Academic Search Engine.<br/><br/>Einige Dokumente aus dieser Quelle sind möglicherweise nicht als Volltext zugänglich."
getit_text_no_further_info_notice = "Für diesen Titel können wir derzeit leider keine weiteren Informationen zur Verfügbarkeit bereitstellen.<br/><br/>Ob der Titel per Fernleihe bestellbar ist, kann Ihnen Ihre Heimatbibliothek mitteilen. Einige Medientypen (wie z. B. Manuskripte, Schallplatten, CDs, Videos) können von der Fernleihe ausgeschlossen sein."
getit_text_online_res_money = "Online-Ressourcen können Lizenzen erfordern oder kostenpflichtig sein."
getit_text_info_req_reg = "Weitere Informationen sehen Sie, wenn Sie angemeldet sind.<br /><br />Noch keinen Account? %s"
getit_text_multipart_mono = "Dieser Titel ist ein mehrbändiges Werk. Einzeltitel sind unter "%%hierarchy_tree%%" aufgeführt."
getit_text_direct_delivery = "Bestellen Sie ein Leihexemplar dieser Neuerscheinung auf Kosten von Das Buch wird direkt an Sie geschickt.<br/><br/>"
getit_text_adlr_license = "Dieses E-Book ist für Sie über eine freigeschaltet."
getit_text_13b_1 = "Ihr Konto ist für einen Zugriff auf diese Ressource zurzeit gesperrt. Bitte nehmen Sie mit uns %s auf, um eine Entsperrung vorzunehmen."
getit_text_13b_2 = "Kontakt"
getit_text_14 = "Einige Medientypen (wie z. B. Manuskripte, Schallplatten, CDs, Videos) können von der Fernleihe ausgeschlossen sein."
getit_text_15 = "Dieses E-Book ist nur mit einer Lizenz Ihrer Heimatbibliothek nutzbar. Wenn es als bei Ihrer Bibliothek vorhanden angezeigt wird, dann sollte der direkte Zugang über den obigen Link möglich sein.<br /><br />Teilkopien sind bei E-Books nicht möglich. Wenn Sie eine Teilkopie benötigen, suchen Sie bitte in unserem Portal nach der Printausgabe dieses Werkes."
getit_text_media_type_limitation = "Einige Medientypen (wie z. B. Manuskripte, Schallplatten, CDs, Videos) können von der Fernleihe ausgeschlossen sein."
getit_text_access_ebook_hint = "Dieses E-Book ist nur mit einer Lizenz Ihrer Heimatbibliothek nutzbar. Wenn es als bei Ihrer Bibliothek vorhanden angezeigt wird, dann sollte der direkte Zugang über den obigen Link möglich sein.<br /><br />Teilkopien sind bei E-Books nicht möglich. Wenn Sie eine Teilkopie benötigen, suchen Sie bitte in unserem Portal nach der Printausgabe dieses Werkes."
hierarchy_tree = "Zugehörige Bände"
......@@ -88,24 +88,24 @@ getit_text_default = "Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further information o
getit_order = "Order Free of Charge"
getit_partcopy = "Get part copy"
getit_partcopy_notice = "(max. 10 % of the entire book)"
getit_text_1 = "This resource is open access."
getit_text_2 = "You can order this new publication on loan when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_free_avail = "This resource is open access."
getit_text_free_loan = "You can order this new publication on loan when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_3_1 = "You will see more information when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_3_2 = "Register now"
getit_text_4 = "This title is recorded in the IZI database of the International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television.<br/><br/>Access to the full text is only available for some titles of this source via the link above."
getit_text_5 = "This resource is open access.<br/><br/>This item is being held by and shown here courtesy of Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences."
getit_text_6 = "Free access to or download of on demand videos available from Germany.<br/><br/>For legal reasons, access may be blocked after a certain period of time or from other countries."
getit_text_7 = "This title is from the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine.<br/><br/>Some documents from this source may not be accessible as full text."
getit_text_8 = "Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further information on availability for this title at the moment.<br/><br/>Your home library can tell you whether the title can be ordered by interlibrary loan. Some media types (e.g. manuscripts, records, CDs, videos) may be excluded from interlibrary loan."
getit_text_9 = "Access to electronic resources may be subject to a license or a fee."
getit_text_10 = "You will see more information when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_11 = "This title is a multi-volume work. Individual titles are listed under "%%hierarchy_tree%%"."
getit_text_12 = "Order a loan copy of this new publication at the expense of The book will be sent directly to you.<br/><br/>"
getit_text_13 = "This e-book is free to access for you via an license."
getit_text_izi = "This title is recorded in the IZI database of the International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television.<br/><br/>Access to the full text is only available for some titles of this source via the link above."
getit_text_margaret = "This resource is open access.<br/><br/>This item is being held by and shown here courtesy of Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences."
getit_text_digital_access_hint = "Free access to or download of on demand videos available from Germany.<br/><br/>For legal reasons, access may be blocked after a certain period of time or from other countries."
getit_text_bielefeld = "This title is from the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine.<br/><br/>Some documents from this source may not be accessible as full text."
getit_text_no_further_info_notice = "Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further information on availability for this title at the moment.<br/><br/>Your home library can tell you whether the title can be ordered by interlibrary loan. Some media types (e.g. manuscripts, records, CDs, videos) may be excluded from interlibrary loan."
getit_text_online_res_money = "Access to electronic resources may be subject to a license or a fee."
getit_text_info_req_reg = "You will see more information when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_multipart_mono = "This title is a multi-volume work. Individual titles are listed under "%%hierarchy_tree%%"."
getit_text_direct_delivery = "Order a loan copy of this new publication at the expense of The book will be sent directly to you.<br/><br/>"
getit_text_adlr_license = "This e-book is free to access for you via an license."
getit_text_13b_1 = "Your account is currently blocked for access to this resource. Please %s us to request an unblocking."
getit_text_13b_2 = "contact"
getit_text_14 = "Some media types (e.g. manuscripts, records, CDs, videos) may be excluded from interlibrary loan."
getit_text_15 = "This e-book can only be used with a license from your home library. If indicated as available at your library, direct access via the link above should be possible.<br /><br />Part copies are not available for e-books. If you need a part copy, please browse our portal for the print edition of this work."
getit_text_media_type_limitation = "Some media types (e.g. manuscripts, records, CDs, videos) may be excluded from interlibrary loan."
getit_text_access_ebook_hint = "This e-book can only be used with a license from your home library. If indicated as available at your library, direct access via the link above should be possible.<br /><br />Part copies are not available for e-books. If you need a part copy, please browse our portal for the print edition of this work."
hierarchy_tree = "Associated Volumes"
<!-- fid_adlr: recordTab - holdingsils -->
<?=$this->inlineScript(\Zend\View\Helper\HeadScript::FILE, 'openurl.js', 'SET');?>
// Set up convenience variables:
$account = $this->auth()->getManager();
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