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André Lahmann's avatar
André Lahmann committed
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André Lahmann committed
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LibraryName = " - Literatur für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftler"
adlr_head_description_de = " ist das zentrale Rechercheportal und Fachinformationsdienst (FID) für die Kommunikations-, Medien- und Filmwissenschaft sowie Publizistik."
adlr_head_description_en = " is the main research portal and specialist information service (FID) for communication, media and film studies as well as journalism."
adlr_head_keywords_de = "Suchportal, Fachinformationsdienst, Kommunikationswissenschaft, Medienwissenschaft, Filmwissenschaft, FID, Journalistik, Fernsehen, Film, Zeitung"
adlr_head_keywords_en = "search portal, specialist information service, communication studies, media studies, film studies, FID, journalism, television, film, newspaper"
adlr_head_title = " | Fachinformationsdienst (FID) für die Kommunikations-, Medien- und Filmwissenschaft"

enter-search-term = "Enter search term ..."

About Us = About us
Blog = Blog
Create New Account = "Register"
Deutsch = "German"
Login = "Login"
Menu = "Menu"
Menu Close = "Close"
New Items = "New Book Releases"
Specific Databases = Databases
header_text = "Resources for the Communication, Media, and Film Studies"
prefacet_all = "All"
prefacet_books_and_more = "Books & more"
open_search_box = "Open Search Box"
Refine Results = "Filter"
clear_tag_filter_all = "Clear all Filters"
get_it = "Get it"

# facet_avail
Availability = "Access"
Free    = "Open Access"
Local   = "Physical Resources"
Online  = "Online Resources"

# Pagination
Page = "Page"
of = "of"

# SearchTabs
All = "All"
AV-Media = "AV-Media"
Releases = "New Releases"
Texts = "Texts"
# SearchToggler
Apply Filters = "apply filter"
Apply Format Filters = "Choose category"
Close Search = "close search"
Open Search = "open search"
basic_search_keep_filters = "Retain Filters"
Format = "Media Type"
view_worldcat = "Also available in these libraries"
Description = "further information"
go_to_list = "Back to results"

contact_adlr = "Contact"
database_access = "Access to databases"
history_my_searches = "My Searches"
history_saved_searches = "Saved searches"
new_print_publications = "New print publications"
Your Orders = "Orders"
Your Favorites = "Saved items"

# Get It Box
getit_links = "Resource Links"
getit_infos = "Resource Infos"
getit_logged_not = "Not logged in"
getit_text_default = "Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further information on availability for this title at the moment."
getit_order = "Order Free of Charge"
getit_partcopy = "Get part copy"
getit_partcopy_notice = "(max. 10 % of the entire book)"
getit_text_1 = "This resource is open access."
getit_text_2 = "You can order this new publication on loan when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_3_1 = "You will see more information when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_3_2 = "Register now"
getit_text_4 = "This title is recorded in the IZI database of the International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television.<br/><br/>Access to the full text is only available for some titles of this source via the link above."
getit_text_5 = "This resource is open access.<br/><br/>This item is being held by and shown here courtesy of Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences."
getit_text_6 = "Free access to or download of on demand videos available from Germany.<br/><br/>For legal reasons, access may be blocked after a certain period of time or from other countries."
getit_text_7 = "This title is from the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine.<br/><br/>Some documents from this source may not be accessible as full text."
getit_text_8 = "Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further information on availability for this title at the moment.<br/><br/>Your home library can tell you whether the title can be ordered by interlibrary loan. Some media types (e.g. manuscripts, records, CDs, videos) may be excluded from interlibrary loan."
getit_text_9 = "Access to electronic resources may be subject to a license or a fee."
getit_text_10 = "You will see more information when you are logged in.<br/><br/>No account yet? %s"
getit_text_11 = "This title is a multi-volume work. Individual titles are listed under "%%hierarchy_tree%%"."
getit_text_12 = "Order a loan copy of this new publication at the expense of The book will be sent directly to you.<br/><br/>"
getit_text_13 = "This e-book is free to access for you via an license."
getit_text_13b_1 = "Your account is currently blocked for access to this resource. Please %s us to request an unblocking."
getit_text_13b_2 = "contact"
getit_text_14 = "Some media types (e.g. manuscripts, records, CDs, videos) may be excluded from interlibrary loan."
getit_text_15 = "This e-book can only be used with a license from your home library. If indicated as available at your library, direct access via the link above should be possible.<br /><br />Part copies are not available for e-books. If you need a part copy, please browse our portal for the print edition of this work."
hierarchy_tree = "Associated Volumes"

You must be logged in first = "Please log in first."
email_success =  "Your message has been sent."

in_collection_label = "Part of"
Published in = "published in"
Set Multipart = "Part of"
Source = "Collection"