- Apr 28, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* adding abstract translation * add default translation for homepage, volume and year * build translation key within template
- Apr 04, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* add correct language main file inheritance
- Mar 31, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* EZB-Resolver: ** save access state to each ezb resolver result ** reuse getElectronicResults removed in ticket 20764 * ResolverLinks helper hands over print- or electronic results to templates instead of prepared access and message information * handle access (article order button) and messaging in templates now ** messages are generated by type (electronic / print and access state) * improve array merging in template resolverLinks-print.phtml * change parseLinks method: differs from inherited finc ezb resolver by not requesting print state 10
- Mar 09, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* allowing empty comments on pda/print * building type translation keys with _ instead of - * fix method signature for isValid() to fit interface - can not change param of simple type mixed to string * do not show user name in users order list * create order edit form only if order type has form configuration in fid.ini
- Feb 07, 2022
* fix php short opening tag to display type header
- Feb 02, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
refs #20655 [fid] create some separate column field templates and split column configuration for user and admin order list * due date * edit
Alexander Purr authored
* use OrderList->displayCols array in fid.ini for activation and ordering columns * configuration is uses for order listing in user and admin view * restructure templating for best re-usage and less code * move templates into fid/order directory * add missing section in fid.ini * using renderInContext to retain parent's template variables too * hide empty lines / entries in renderArray-helper for displaying properties of free digitization-on-demand
- Jan 06, 2022
André Lahmann authored
* introduced translation domain for GetItBox * refactored templates to use GetItBox domain * refactored state logic in resolverLinks-button.phtml to work with standardized VuFind access states * refactored and aligned GetResolverLinks->handleRequest with finc version * remove fetchLinks from EZB, use parent
- Jan 04, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* devops info: ** run "./install-codestylechecker.sh install" to install dependencies for git hooks code style checks ** see https://projekte.ub.uni-leipzig.de/projects/finc-intern/wiki/Code-Quality-Checking_mit_PHPStorm#section-5 for integration of CS Fixer validation in PHPStorm * $HOME/bin/codestylechecker/php-cs-fixer3 fix --config=$HOME/bin/codestylechecker/vufind.php-cs-fixer.php_cs module/fid/src/ * add missing class and method comments * move view helper classes to correct directory * run codesniffer-beautifier for modules and templates co-authored by: Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de> co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
- Dec 07, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
- Oct 22, 2021
* check if order has solr record / record driver * if not: display record information given by user * add default status on digitization without solr record
- Oct 15, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
* new Client methods: ** get order (uses fidis GET resource) ** update order (is complemented by fidis PUT resource - ticket 20690) * add new route for EditOrder * new UserController methods ** editOrderAction -> loads order, form-config & view; checks EditOrder-Permission ** updateOrder ** applyStatusOptions for correct prefilling and translate of status options * new form-configs for simple (only status) and complete (status and due date) form * new configuration blocks in fid.ini (disabled) ** OrderList section for displaying additional columns in order list table ** Edit section (depending on order type - here pda and digitization) sets form type (basic / complete) and possible status options * templates ** add configured columns (like type, status, due date, edit button) on admin order list (and nested templates) ** new edit order main template (incl. some order information) ** new basic and complete form template * add getter and setter (status, due date) on DTO order * create updateOrderHydrator ** used for prefilling form and update order object before requesting fidis * new translations * add preconfigured default status on creating an order / acquisition (via trait and order hydrator) * add template acquisition-contact-details.phtml from bbi ** used in pda action ** used in edit order action * add translation for order type * always show current status of order in order list ** by force reload user data inclusive orders in controller action * allow null value on setting order status
- Sep 29, 2021
* enable comment field for pda ** in controller ** in hydrator * check complete address * allow multi-step form by saving and retrieving followup url * prevent hiding pda form in lightbox after redirect from profile update - SuccessMessage of flash messenger would disable displaying pda form
- Aug 10, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* add action in User Controller * add form for password confirmation * check credentials in Client * add properties in User dto for deletion * check for deleted property on login in Authenticator * add default translation texts * add template for success message * redirect to home page after closing of modal
- Jul 30, 2021
* new inputs: library, signature, external_url * now 2 different forms: ** a) via record, prefilled (like before) ** b) via profile: free request (not indexed record) * about b) ** new action and route ** inherit and extend form configuration (new hydrator, 4 more fields) from a) ** reuse template from a) and add record-inputs ** new inputs: title (required), responsible, year, language ** record information ships via digitization-array (see FidAcquisitionTrait.php) into order object ** using createViewModel-function from AbstractBase for prevent loading not existing record * adjust orders listing template for displaying none indexed records correctly refs #20106 [fid] orders list * enable external links coming from data-lightbox * show additional request data if request is not linked to solr record
- Apr 22, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Mar 22, 2021
* change translation * change comments text field to textarea
- Mar 15, 2021
- Mar 05, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
* new route via "/Record/0-123456/fidDigitization" * new form config * new form template * add type specific order information on acquisition trait and order hydrator * add translation keys - incomplete jet * add translation
- Mar 03, 2021
- Feb 16, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* moves some standard configuration from ADLR module to FID module to be reused in other FIDs
- Feb 09, 2021
* H2 -> H1 * single page content and modal content now always starts with H1
- Jan 06, 2021
Gregor Gawol authored
* content height gets get-it-box height as minimum for large resolutions
- Dec 03, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 09, 2020
- Nov 05, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* also refs #18191
* check if link
- Oct 09, 2020
Alexander Purr authored
* if not show error template * add error translation
- Jul 07, 2020
Robert Lange authored
- Jun 05, 2020
Gregor Gawol authored
* extended status to display subito button
- May 28, 2020
Robert Lange authored
* remove redundant hint for ordering in all three acquisition forms * add German translation for price
- Apr 28, 2020
* config * template * translations * controller / FidAcquisitionTrait * repositioning comment field and error messages
- Apr 21, 2020
* add new validators ** page selection: correct page order ** page selection: highest selected page can not exceed number of pages ** page selection: can not not exceed a certain percentaged part of whole record * add first validator to form configuration * add other validators within controller trait to from * add hyphen filter to form configuration * add dynamic page selection validators ** add session to RecordController via DelegatorFactory ** adjust behavior to handle false page selection warning with session parameter * add fid translation * display number of record pages in summary of subito partial copy ** changes in RecordDataFormatterFactory *** add general spec builder function *** extend general specs for subito partial copy
- Apr 07, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
- Apr 02, 2020
* requested als bold text * add tablesorter
- Mar 30, 2020
* use fid-matomo url * customize font and colors
- Mar 06, 2020
Sebastian Kehr authored
* preprocess whole config in mvc event listener * handle the case of forbidden base url override * render fidis status in fixed footer
- Feb 24, 2020
Sebastian Kehr authored
* render job title field type-agnostic * remove permissions headline * set limited_access to granted for all
- Feb 19, 2020
* set client function * set get it box function * set some translations