"themes/fid_adlr/templates/myresearch/menu.phtml" did not exist on "adc096e7b498c00252d5d946665ab9456d6d75dd"
- Apr 11, 2023
Claas Kazzer authored
Alexander Purr authored
* new blocks can be added
- Apr 06, 2023
André Lahmann authored
- Apr 04, 2023
Mathias Maaß authored
André Lahmann authored
- Mar 31, 2023
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
* changed language token on remove field to a more unique text that describes the action * extended the clear button javascript to also clear number fields and reset the sliders (apparently not even real vufind got this) * added a contengency function for clearing of the sliders in advanced search publishDate widget
- Mar 30, 2023
Robert Lange authored
* update to laminas or remove obsolete dependencies for dds * fix unit tests ** set Laminas as namespace ** correct signature for setUp method * fix OpenUrlTest method testValidateParamsEzbFalse by correcting import ** Redi resolver had been removed in finc - caused ReflectionException and made test fail ** corrected namespace ** run test via: docker exec -it de_15_ubl_php_1 sh -c "vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration module/finc/tests/phpunit.xml module/finc/tests/unit-tests/src/fincTest/View/Helper/Root/OpenUrlTest.php --filter testValidateParamsEzbFalse"
Robert Lange authored
refs #23527 [finc] remove media body width (use bootstrap defs) and set default image size for cover to large
- Mar 29, 2023
Robert Lange authored
* use finc records controller instead of vufind redirect; add check for: * print: load record and check for missing - otherwise there will be an exception in vufind * collections: when collections are activated, load record and check for solrdico
Viola Elsenhans authored
* change width only for xs
- Mar 27, 2023
Viola Elsenhans authored
* remove role=none * add aria-label for nav * adapt comments co-authored by: Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de> * refines sidebar semantic structure by adding <section>, <nav> and <aside> respectively * adds translation for my account sidebar section * corrects badge padding for favorites menu item * adds class for styling favorites menu item
Robert Lange authored
* change translation for holds tooltip in account menu
Alexander Purr authored
* add getitbase trait ** data provider itself ** move rule set testing method here * adapt in test classes (TC 1 - TC 7) ** set constants (RECORDS, RULES) *** records just as record ID instead path ** add annotation for data provider ** use runGetItRecord from getitbase trait * shrink nested rules to simple rule set * move test method into GetitTestBaseTrait * force login while setUp if login method is implemented - for prof or student * implementation of test method within each getit test class is not needed any more * adjust TC 01-07 & TC 16-17 * selenium docker compose file: add extra host for connection vufind environment with selenium setup refs #23384 [finc] remove getit rules testing * part of GetitTestBaseTrait now
- Mar 24, 2023
Mathias Maaß authored
* Dont use POST via form to set language. Instead use GET via link. * git ignore themes/finc/css/print.css
- Mar 21, 2023
Robert Lange authored
* also fix error in lightbox_form_cache.js after deleting item
Mathias Maaß authored
Alexander Purr authored
* add scss plugin * default: disabled * add background opacity * add comments co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>
- Mar 16, 2023
Robert Lange authored
* LmcRbacMvc is a Role-based access control module to provide additional features on top of Zend\Permissions\Rbac * also see https://github.com/Laminas-Commons/LmcRbacMvc
Robert Lange authored
* fix test for local searchspecs match - add WorkKeys
Robert Lange authored
- Mar 14, 2023
André Lahmann authored
* adapt Module.php to VuFind 7.1.1
- Mar 13, 2023
André Lahmann authored
* add ajax handler to retrieve count of ill requests * move menu.phtml from finc-accessibitily to finc and and update menu.phtml to contain all possible menu items. * add sub menu "prefences" to menu.phtml * add translation strings for use in browser * override vufinds account_ajax.js to meet fincs account menu needs * guard menu against missing route exception * hide ill count if number of ill requests is zero * add doc header and comments to account_ajax.js * remove duplicated item in menu.phtml
- Mar 09, 2023
* update all finc theme files * change serveral namespace paths from 'Zend' to 'Laminas' * fix style of record table and cover * update channels.js and channelList.phtml * update all finc-accessibility theme files * update js: advanced_search.js, check_item_statuses.js, lightbox.js, record.js * in advanced search: fix focus for added search field * fix breadcrumb color * disable list tags * update config to translate facet values * fix record data table size * fix facet list expand/collapse
- Mar 03, 2023
Claas Kazzer authored
Mathias Maaß authored
- Feb 28, 2023
Mathias Maaß authored
refs #23071 [finc] vf7 update: update finc config files according to changes in vufind 7 config files co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de> * VF7 comment changes for search api * move script for staff view tab to RecordTabs.ini
Robert Lange authored
* remove cover loader - use vufing * remove cover router - use vufind * keep loader class but remove duplicate * no icon text in coverreplacement * remove duplicate method getThumbnail * remove CoverDetails and move template to correct folder for overriding vufind * code styles: format php doc
- Feb 22, 2023
Robert Lange authored
- Feb 21, 2023
Robert Lange authored
- Feb 20, 2023
Robert Lange authored
Robert Lange authored
* add contentsecuritypolicy.ini ** copied from vufind (#1666) ** disable reporting for live in finc * use md5 hashing for short links * use slots (#1454) in templates * removed footer * added slot folder * fix media-body on record view * CSP for img-src self * fix cookies: use new cookie library * copy asset_pipeline_max_css_import_size from vufind * remove obsolete foundation view helper * slots (#1454) in templates: use same file name for footer bottom as for slot key * fix cart.js: use new syntax for get Cookies and use Same Site Cookie Lax
Robert Lange authored
* remove trailing spaces * print correct current key value
- Feb 17, 2023
Robert Lange authored
* add getitbox tests for adrl * add basic tests for UBL * also refs #22797 * handle groups and different environments * add account test for WHZ * also refs #22801 * implement selenium grid for parallel execution * add adlr test for user delete / reactivation * add test for user partial order * also refs #22589 co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * remove redundant records * not part of rules section refs #22013 [finc] minimal doc improvements
- Feb 16, 2023
Viola Elsenhans authored
Alexander Purr authored
refs #23135 [finc] center access icon / cover on (mobile) record view by using full view port width * add record component