- Oct 05, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
Gregor Gawol authored
- Sep 29, 2021
* enable comment field for pda ** in controller ** in hydrator * check complete address * allow multi-step form by saving and retrieving followup url * prevent hiding pda form in lightbox after redirect from profile update - SuccessMessage of flash messenger would disable displaying pda form
* add translation * override pda template * display address for direct delivery service * display contact details only for Digitization-On-Demand * own pda template ** add link for address editing ** adding comment field in form config * improve feedback on missing address ** show complete form except submit button ** add translation
- Sep 28, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* do not provide link to empty search * fix permission name * adds info text ** ... for logged in users without access to licensed material ** fixes English translation * stay in Releases search, inform user * fix error concerning homepage search box using stored hidden filters
* insert twitter-Link * delete double Sentence * revise text on databases * turn "lizensiert" into "lizenziert" * correct spelling mistakes * add information on direct delivery service * insert h2 on delivery services * shift paragraphs
Dorian Merz authored
from I18nController, authored by "Anna Lingnau <lingnau@hab.de>"
* hide pagination (not working yet) * style elements user friendly
Dorian Merz authored
* use getTOC and specific data template for TOC tab
- Sep 27, 2021
* beautify bootstrap-accessibility-en.min.js and bootstrap-accessibility-de.min.js * override bootstrap show / hide / addAriaAndCollapsedClass: don't add aria-expanded to collapsing element ** copy methods from bootstrap.min.js and avoid setting of aria-expanded="false" or aria-expanded="true" for elements to collapse (e.g. ul) * Recommend SideFacets: add aria-expanded for collapse trigger buttons in templates on page load
- Sep 24, 2021
Claas Kazzer authored
- Sep 23, 2021
Claas Kazzer authored
* removes redundant aria-labels
Claas Kazzer authored
* removes redundant aria-hidden in footer finc link
Robert Lange authored
* avoid loading spinner
- Sep 21, 2021
for details see issue/19158
- Sep 20, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Sep 17, 2021
* get multiple lines * show additional data (f) for Marc license information * combine text a (note f) with url u as link in data-license.phtml * use external links for licenses * move template from Default to new SolrMarc directory * consolidate data-license of Marc and DiCo to avoid confusion with Marc data-license and digital collections introduced with #14583 ** rename getLicenceInfo to getLicense in SolrDico record driver ** add Dico data-licence.phtml (moved from de_15) ** use same labels like Dico - possible to use same template under DefaultRecord
- Sep 15, 2021
Gregor Gawol authored
Gregor Gawol authored
* set label sr-only
- Aug 27, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Aug 19, 2021
- Aug 16, 2021
* streamlines with result list title
- Aug 10, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* add action in User Controller * add form for password confirmation * check credentials in Client * add properties in User dto for deletion * check for deleted property on login in Authenticator * add default translation texts * add template for success message * redirect to home page after closing of modal
- Aug 03, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
* missing key
Robert Lange authored
* do not set refreshOnClose to true in lightbox after neccessary catalog login for saving a record as favorite ** set userIsLoggedIn to true ** hide login link ** show logout link * improve code styles * also anticipate jshint for 17984 to set back focus on origin after closing * control overriding of page reload by extra parameter in template link
Alexander Purr authored
Anna Lingnau authored
* Correction "des oder der Nutzenden"
- Jul 30, 2021
* new inputs: library, signature, external_url * now 2 different forms: ** a) via record, prefilled (like before) ** b) via profile: free request (not indexed record) * about b) ** new action and route ** inherit and extend form configuration (new hydrator, 4 more fields) from a) ** reuse template from a) and add record-inputs ** new inputs: title (required), responsible, year, language ** record information ships via digitization-array (see FidAcquisitionTrait.php) into order object ** using createViewModel-function from AbstractBase for prevent loading not existing record * adjust orders listing template for displaying none indexed records correctly refs #20106 [fid] orders list * enable external links coming from data-lightbox * show additional request data if request is not linked to solr record
* profile menu: new group and entry to DoD * form: ** some new translations ** special styling for L-size: tables und forms behave the same * enable external links coming from DoD-form in data-lightbox * show DoD menu link only if acquisitions are granted
* new inputs: library, signature, external_url * now 2 different forms: ** a) via record, prefilled (like before) ** b) via profile: free request (not indexed record) * about b) ** new action and route ** inherit and extend form configuration (new hydrator, 4 more fields) from a) ** reuse template from a) and add record-inputs ** new inputs: title (required), responsible, year, language ** record information ships via digitization-array (see FidAcquisitionTrait.php) into order object ** using createViewModel-function from AbstractBase for prevent loading not existing record * adjust orders listing template for displaying none indexed records correctly refs #20106 [fid] orders list * enable external links coming from data-lightbox * show additional request data if request is not linked to solr record
- Jul 27, 2021
Claas Kazzer authored
* introduces fixes for FF 78.11 ESR
- Jul 25, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* add source 'Infodata' to allow list * set unproxied Infodata link in config.ini
Dorian Merz authored
* use correct kvk link generation * some html fixes * html layout de * html layout en * set DoD link below search box co-authored by: Anna Lingnau <lingnau@hab.de>
Dorian Merz authored
* "ElectronicBookComponentPart": "book-online", * "ElectronicSerialComponentPart": "article-online",
- Jul 21, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
co-authored by "Anna Lingnau <lingnau@hab.de>" via I18nController
- Jul 16, 2021
- Jul 12, 2021
* re-constructs original look of advanced search incl. recent BARF changes
- Jul 09, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
co-authored by "Anna Lingnau <lingnau@hab.de>" via I18nController