- Mar 11, 2021
* set method get newsletter bool
* add landmarks for active facets * refactor short (aka skip) links * add hint for page reload as title in side facets * show all applied side facets * Add filter title to facet title tags * Add filter name to facets * Corrects filter help texts * Filter help texts * adds filter help text to top selection * specify side facet help texts * make facets more accessible * make exclude-facets more accessible for details see issue/18993 co-authored by: "Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de>"
- Mar 05, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
* new route via "/Record/0-123456/fidDigitization" * new form config * new form template * add type specific order information on acquisition trait and order hydrator * add translation keys - incomplete jet * add translation
- Mar 04, 2021
for details see issue/18845
- Mar 01, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* also see 18509 * use language tags in format facet ** refactor method getLanguageTag in side facets helper *** add parameter for html attributes *** always return html wrapped in specified element tag *** lax check if tag key starts with term instead of full match ** fetch language tags in finc format-list for format facets on result list * refactor language tags for performance ** avoid pregmatch, use fastest isset *** keys in facet.ini must be case sensitive and full length * add more tags in facet.ini
- Feb 26, 2021
* adopt changes of 17673, performance optimization for local holdings boost
* unwrap BackendException to get TimeoutException * use camelCase for systemEmail view helper in exception templates
Dorian Merz authored
* removes erroneous AjaxController definition
- Feb 25, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* preferredly use $689 * obey order given in ind2 * adds sources priority * adds fallback to $650 if empty * + corrects empty return type in getLocalSubject
- Feb 24, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
merged via diff and patch by "Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de>"
Dorian Merz authored
* can now produce objects from sub class of fid's MyResearchController
- Feb 17, 2021
* change return priority (first start to end page, last only start page) * remove bug: pages string can have more than one char
- Feb 16, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* moves some standard configuration from ADLR module to FID module to be reused in other FIDs
- Feb 11, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* use instance specific MARC-entries primarily * use LFER as pseudo-local entry * use unspecific default as fallback * fix in-line comment for de-duplication
- Feb 09, 2021
* add pickuplocations instead of overwrite each one with newly found ones * fixed impossible condition edited: empty() instead of count() == 0, Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
Dorian Merz authored
- Feb 05, 2021
* removed obosolete facet access_avail from facets.ini * searchspecs.yaml optimization for Local holdings boosting * removed obsolete method getAccessFacet from SolDefaultFincTrait
Dorian Merz authored
* fixes display of online links in result list for DE-L152
- Feb 03, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* move some functions from TUF FincLibero to LiberoDingTrait * also refs #17230
- Jan 22, 2021
- Jan 20, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* generate search links for mega collections ** alike old sources list ** configure by setting show_link = true in Amsl.ini * show descriptions of mega collections ** use collection_description, configure with show_description = true and sub_description_key = 'collection_description' * configure additional resources manually in Amsl.ini with [AdditionalResources] and entries like: ** mega_collection = source_id * configure misspelled resources manually in Amls.ini with [MisspelledResources] and entries like: ** wrong collection label = correct collection label for links ** value of "" means no link, only text * refactore button for collapse / expand all list items in sources-display.js ** disable button while collapsing ** toggle label after collapsing / expanding ** don't expand / collapse already expanded / collapsed panels when clicking * sort output by source label when configured in Amsl.ini * refine caching ** encapsulate clearing of cache into own function ** use own namespace ** set default caching time to one day if not configured in Amsl.ini ** cache fully rendered HTML instead of API output ** boosts performance * remove unused features co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>
* Enhance the timeout to guaranty the complete Channels search * Prevent Whoops error by adding extends \VuFind\Cover\Router * Show the details view after clicking on an element refs #18898[finc] Adopt the changes made in ticket 17612 * Contrasty hover over slick arrows ** Set color contrast and an outline
- Jan 19, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Jan 13, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* defines some basic functional permissions * uses permission manager to give/deny access to ** acquisitions ** ebook links * handle fid.Acqusitions permission via Permission Controller Plugin of VuFind
- Jan 11, 2021
* remove outdated access comment * handle spaces consistent
* prepend type of reproduction if set * eventually outsource new helper method $getSubfieldLinesConcat to SolrMarcFinc later
- Dec 16, 2020
* add specific translations: try to switch between search results and favorites * add context parameter for renderer to figure out the right label for search results or favorites listings checkboxes ** once in Contoller ** once in earliest template co-authored by: Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de> * minor translation changes for checkboxes
* using reload flag within user details request to force refresh * do not save order list in session any more
Dorian Merz authored
+ code styling
* in menu of side facets: ** by using SideFacets helper ** setting terms to decorate in facets.ini * in footer: ** remove empty call to layout()->poweredBy ** translate poweredBy ** remove language tag of poweredBy, because it's translated ** use external link view helper for footer images ** set aria-hidden to true for images * adjust alt text for footer images (like UBL) in language files
- Dec 11, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* reverts some changes from #17950 * also adds role=alert to alerts (accessibility:vf5.1) co-authored by: "Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de>"
- Dec 08, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* add ezb=1 to Ezb Resolver request * fix Ezb Resolver config ** you MUST NOT send issn AND zdbid ** this fix prefers issn
Dorian Merz authored
* externalize generation of off site links * add target = _blank and rel=noopener to all external links * set standard value for $translateLabel to false * set merging order for parameters, so rel and target may be overwritten
- Dec 07, 2020
* fixed bug * remove partcopy button * changed text
- Dec 04, 2020
* prevents from displaying not updated user data in VuFind * user-object is refreshed automatically after successful user update
- Dec 03, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* introduce finc HeadTitle ViewHelper * use library name instead of empty title