- Jan 21, 2020
* replace finc logo by inverted standard finc logo with higher resolution (no svg) * add ubl logo * combine footer logos in one line (except xs sreen) * set text for ubl footer link ** add translation ** remove duplicate key contact_form from translation files
refs #16672 [fid_adlr] move advanced search information and linking from header into the content section * show always searchbox / searchForm, even if advanced search was used * add partial within content section, repositioning offcanvas-toggler * add translations
- Jan 20, 2020
* move advanced search from searchbox to menu and home link * replace type filter by toggle for disabling facets * reset prefilter (type) too when retain-filters-checkbox is disabled ** use javascript to set hidden dropdown to default = all * change category filter text by javascript * fix main menu layout for sm and xs
- Dec 05, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* adds config for hierarchy display * changes on hierarchy tree ** changes link target to default Record view ** adds background color for current tree element * change tab hierarchy title translations
- Dec 04, 2019
refs #16584 [fid_adlr] set design for closing button of lightbox / flash messages to adlr primary button
* fix broken padding for main links (from #16567) ** rollback padding for main links ** add exception for search controls * fix and refactor notices for database page ** change main headline ** remove unused licenses_desc_2 from language files ** extract url from language files into phtml * change text for databases description on home page
- Dec 03, 2019
* fix height of brand icon (logo): avoid overlapping into content * menubar: fix shine-through content when scrolling on sm-md (tablet) screen * share links: fix padding of icons, prevent line break * fix missing end tag of span on start page
- Nov 29, 2019
* correct translations in footer and start page * use fid adlr translation for Specific Databases
* change font size of facet filter headline * change font size of facet filter button * also increase min-width of submenuToggler in menu, to avoid moving menu (English menu / closE)
* bug fixing
- Nov 28, 2019
* like default toolbar .nav-stacked-items * refactor scss for openUrls: move to basic decalration as special case
* add padding right for search input and different screens * refactor start page for small screens / remove obsolete margin
* set spinner wheel instead of loading ...
* modified font-size
* set note password * translate instead of transEsc * set spacing
* fix link to contact form ** delete link for development from header ** add link in footer ** style link as specified in mockup, use icon moon for arrow ** use / add translation * fix text on home page - fit as mockup * refactor preselect form ** lower font-size of headline / h1 => h2 ** change translations for subject and submit button * style and refactor second feedback forms ** configure default fields in FeedbackForms.yml to hard override defaults by same name (name / email) ** order inputs in second form (after preselect) by FeedbackForms.yml ** remove unused / duplicated code / add comments ** TODO: merge preselect.phtml into form.phtml and preselectAction into formAction ** set textarea min height in feedback forms by css ** set required attribute styling like in registration forms * feedback forms: ** add config for alpha ** remove unused user in preselect action ** add necessary label for dummy elements in Feedback.yaml ** fix caching of email subje...
- Nov 22, 2019
* set position pda-text * set word-wrap button text * update boss-module version to 0.0.9
- Nov 14, 2019
* add mixin for main links * reorder myresearch menu and add letter spacing * handle hover effect * use ubuntu mono font for normal links too * change translation for go_to_list link
- Nov 13, 2019
* show toggler for myresearch menu and toggler for search facets in sm * use xs styling / effects for sidebar * fix minus-icon hover disappearing in facets and compress entries (lower padding)
* decrease headline line-height and font-size * decrease width of elements in menubar * set backgrpund white in menubar * fix footer on detail view * todo: handle tables / favorites
- Nov 07, 2019
* fine tuning of ordering of links * dont use side-panels on detail record, instead display get-it-box within media-body * fix internal format on detail view * remove toggler for sidebar * remove box from sidebar in SolrAI and SolrMarc also ** set new breakpoint for full width of get-it-box: small-medium-max (col-md) ** rearrange title icons like mock-ups for different screens ** fix footer right padding (if within main) * fix styling for PDA ** differentiate between full and partly copy ** set border radius for both get it box (amber and azure) like mockup * style text for pda partcopy notice
* fix home page * fix default pages
* use and adjust styles from facet offcanvas-toggler * edit back button in menu.phtml * add icon to offcanvas-toggler-myresearch.phtml * add translations
- Oct 28, 2019
* fixed config bug * fixed bug to register new lightbox network notice * new boss module version ** added network notice
- Oct 24, 2019
* accordeon opening ** remove "in" -class of accordeon in holdings and aquisition ** keep closed on mobile in holdings and aquisition ** open by javascript on desktop in holdings and aquisition ** add forgotten id in acquisitionpda * disable hover * do word-break * extract box into own template ** move from acquisitionpda.phtml and holdingsils.phtml into get-it-box/side-panel-links.phtml * truncate links to 50 chars * increase width for desktop * use moon icons for plus and minus in accordeon ** both icons have same width => no shaking * float icons left (for all accordeon) and set offset
* use get it box * set configuration file * display buttons * set boss module * edited translations * edited texts * modified accordeon config
- Oct 23, 2019
* move menu items from footer to header ** mv faq and subject specialists from footer to header ** fit offset for language and registration links on mobile navigation overlay ** set nowrap for menu items to prevent line break ** raise padding for menu items ** lower font-size for menu items & screen >= lg * fix header links ** use target blank ** use temporary links to blog * adapt language menu to main menu ** no hover ** same line-height
* for buttons * for icons and text on search
- Oct 17, 2019
* add icons for sid 48, 51, 78, 103 - icon for 76 (adlr ebooks) still missing * add icon for facet_avail = free * add mega_collection (value=VK Film), really needed / possible? * add icon for mega_collection = Verbundkatalog Film * read and set branding classes for sid / facet_avail / mega_collection in result-list of DefaultRecord * add class "left" in result-list of AIRecord to keep margin to get-it-button accurate * add some translations for title / mouse over (SID51, SID76, SID78, SID103) * add facet_avail for open access icon (value=free) * resize icons and set blue boxes instead of old images * make brand icons more eye-catching ** make text labels bold ** show ""open access" as text label ** rename ebooks for adlr.link
* add file customForms to owerwrite default form styles * set black border for inputs * disable highlighting * style default checkbox as in mockup * mark required asterix as red * change colors of info-text * combine success-text and info-text message colors + border * set label font = ubuntu * disable hover colors (user agent autocompletion?) * set black color for default input
* screen >= lg: navigation-overlay fits content * screen >= lg: navigation-overlay add border and padding, position beneath burger menu, adjust z-index * remove some obsolets css * add missing links for databases and blog - "FIXME: about us still missing" * repair closing icon * lower font size of lg menu dropdown links * consolidate language submenu: use stylings of main sub menu ** same font size, padding and border ** same distance to navbar ** use letter spacing of main sub menu * improve main menu for mobile ** cover background on scrolling completely on tablet / phone ** set new calculation of placement for language and registration links -> closer to main menu * use arrow (chevron) instead of X for closing icon * closee main submenu after click on language menu or within search box * same scrolling behaviour of language and main menu ** both stay in top on home page ** keep visible when scrolling on other pages * use same width for closing and opening text to prevent moving menubar * rename close in German * improve javascript for closing menus by click on each other
* mark required fields in registration forms * map job title to requested permission * account for generalization of user creation form * translation fix * adjustments needed for hydration * build attributes after submit of user creation form * added newsletter boolean flag * adjust user update form * use hydrator for all user forms * translation fixes * override not-empty validator for newsletter field * fixup: adjust newsletter field options * adjust translations in user profile view and update form * include user group in user update form * adjust user update form spec * rename property for less confusion * rename user property and according form fields * fix input filter spec for newsletter field * render job_title element as select field * remove job_title element from update form * grant permissions on user creation * display user group as non-editable field in update form * changes to job title field in update form * display job title upda...
- Oct 09, 2019
* add basic structure for home page * add de / en translations for home page texts * import rss feed => todo: mv to myresearch controller * fix some css bugs: remove transitions * fix basic styling for xl screens ** keep home text centered * fix display menu toggle for edge ** problem with transitions still exists - need to disable collaps-timing * set z-index for header-links * fix menu z-index for xs * disable transitions to speed up main menu ecetera * supplement to home page: xs and sm text sizes * refactor texts on home page ** transform menu 1 and 2 uppercase ** lower line-height of Blog headline ** databases and new releases in ubuntu mono ** services sub headlines in ubuntu mono / separate div * fix font color and offsets in headlines * refactor blog import ** extract url data strings to main config ** rough catching of exceptions in rss helper ** set fallback = direct link to blog * fix line-height of services headlines for md screen - use same as lg
* adding menu.phtml template ** reorder menu entries ** adding buttons / dummylinks for contact, personal orders & new print publications * removing menu-additional-entries.phtml template ** moving database access button / link to menu.phtml, now part of custom myresearch menu * adding translations to fid_adlr language files * style adjustments in compiled.scss ** in .myresearch-menu section for icons, font-weight and badges * changing of used icons * compiled.scss ** line braked link text does not float the icon anymore ** badge remains circle if link text has line brakes * menu.phtml ** remove bagde if list has any items * menu.phtml ** change items
- Sep 26, 2019
* fixed bugs
- Sep 25, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* use chevron-down instead of caret-down * use new code for search icon at find-button
* simplify header ** rename header-text to home-text and move to home.phtml ** no fixed header on home page, except for mobile ** use a non-changing search form on home page ** set background image for main on home page ** add more padding for navigation bar ** refine links on mobile navigation overlay ** refactor searchTabs W3C valid: remove errors ** fix bug of search filters in mobile view: close after click * style header background and menues for medium to large screens ** remove duplicate classes like additional-text-lg ** re-adjust allocation for md, lg and xl of header and menues ** never hide find button * implement hybrid 'tablet' view ** also set alert colors ** add some basic transitions * fix links / placeholders beneath home text and handle link styling (hover / active) * add background image gimmicks semicircles ** set on home page ** set on non-home page * remove duplicate css / unused variables
author Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de> 1567515639 +0200 committer Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de> 1569409532 +0200 refs #15785 [fid_adlr] result list * optimize search option ** show "results per page" in sidebar as adlr template like sort option ** set text uppercase ** improve displayed text in sidebar ** expand margin to sort option * style range slider label ** use uppercase and bold text ** remove colon * style sidebar and mainbody ** expand distance between results and sidebar... ** .. and therefore expand mainbody width for xl screens ** add padding for mobile sidebar ** adapt result list more like mockup: remove main border et cetera * refactor simple display problems in result list ** also open lightbox by clicking saving search ** prevent overlapping facet text ** center text in get-it-box vertically * change api - set latest adlr api * implement pagination styling ** as described in mockup ** arrows for previous and next page ** text for current page and link to last page * remove breadcrumbs * style links for save search and send search by mail * set font style for Year Of Publication * remove gibberish placeholder for formats in result list * use Englisch text in get-it-box for English AND German * redefine and translate side facets ** dont show 'finc_class_facet's ** rename Collections in German ** translate 'facet_avail'ables ** expand distance between header filter above result list and result list * move 'keep-filter-box' from searchbox to side facets ** remove checkbox to keep filter from searchbox (hidden inputs still remain) ** add general link to delete all facet filters in sidebar ** add translation for ALL filters to reset ** => also decreases confusion about format filter in searchbox (which are not going to be reseted) ** actually remove placeholder in result-list * rename 'clear all filters' for German * show minus symbol for 'less' button in side facets * use format_de15 ** set indexExtension to de15 to get needed format in SolrDefaultFincTrait ?! ** change format in results to format_de15 * maximize highlighting for all kind of solr fields * disable highlighting in searches.ini ** set highlighting to false ** set snippets to false
* .gitignore changed: ignore copied dbis mixin in theme folder * composer.json changed: add DBIS package AND add post-install / post-update - hooks to copy mixins after composer install or update * config/application.config.php changed: also dbis module is still needed here for activation * fid_adlr/config/vufind/config.ini changed: set adlr licenses configuration * fid_adlr/config/vufind/fid.ini changed: set current api backend - remove on go live * fid_adlr/config/vufind/permissionBehavior.ini added: derived from fid for correct handling of permissions in permissionHelper (defaultDeniedTemplateBehavior = true) * fid_adlr/config/vufind/permissions.ini added: set permissions for licenses (currenty full_access only) and dbis (all) * module/fid_adlr/config/module.config.php changed: add routes for licenses = dbis = databases * module/fid_adlr/src/Controller/MyResearchController.php & MyResearchControllerFactor...