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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jan 21, 2020
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #16674 [fid_adlr] edit footer logos · e4f84ef0
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * replace finc logo by inverted standard finc logo with higher resolution (no svg)
      * add ubl logo
      * combine footer logos in one line (except xs sreen)
      * set text for ubl footer link
      ** add translation
      ** remove duplicate key contact_form from translation files
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #16672 [fid_adlr] move advanced search information and linking from... · dae926fc
      Alexander Purr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      refs #16672 [fid_adlr] move advanced search information and linking from header into the content section
      * show always searchbox / searchForm, even if advanced search was used
      * add partial within content section, repositioning offcanvas-toggler
      * add translations
  2. Jan 20, 2020
  3. Jan 09, 2020
  4. Dec 05, 2019
    • Dorian Merz's avatar
      refs #16525 [fid_adlr] hierarchy display · ff9216ec
      Dorian Merz authored
      * adds config for hierarchy display
      * changes on hierarchy tree
      ** changes link target to default Record view
      ** adds background color for current tree element
      * change tab hierarchy title translations
  5. Dec 04, 2019
  6. Dec 03, 2019
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #16567 [fid_adlr] several style fixes · 7c7eb448
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * fix height of brand icon (logo): avoid overlapping into content
      * menubar: fix shine-through content when scrolling on sm-md (tablet) screen
      * share links: fix padding of icons, prevent line break
      * fix missing end tag of span on start page
  7. Nov 29, 2019
  8. Nov 28, 2019
  9. Nov 22, 2019
  10. Nov 14, 2019
  11. Nov 13, 2019
  12. Nov 07, 2019
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #16286 [fid_adlr] style get-it-box · 0ced3c19
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * fine tuning of ordering of links
      * dont use side-panels on detail record, instead display get-it-box within media-body
      * fix internal format on detail view
      * remove toggler for sidebar
      * remove box from sidebar in SolrAI and SolrMarc also
      ** set new breakpoint for full width of get-it-box: small-medium-max (col-md)
      ** rearrange title icons like mock-ups for different screens
      ** fix footer right padding (if within main)
      * fix styling for PDA
      ** differentiate between full and partly copy
      ** set border radius for both get it box (amber and azure) like mockup
      * style text for pda partcopy notice
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #16100 [fid_adlr] revision of viewport and containers · b506fd9e
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * fix home page
      * fix default pages
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #16190 [fid_adlr] offcanvas-toggler styling & templates · 83a3e819
      Alexander Purr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * use and adjust styles from facet offcanvas-toggler
      * edit back button in menu.phtml
      * add icon to offcanvas-toggler-myresearch.phtml
      * add translations
  13. Oct 28, 2019
    • Gregor Gawol's avatar
      refs #16296 · 96c80f1a
      Gregor Gawol authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * fixed config bug
      * fixed bug to register new lightbox network notice
      * new boss module version
      ** added network notice
  14. Oct 24, 2019
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #15930 [fid_adlr] get-it-box · 1c44b7a2
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * accordeon opening
      ** remove "in" -class of accordeon in holdings and aquisition
      ** keep closed on mobile in holdings and aquisition
      ** open by javascript on desktop in holdings and aquisition
      ** add forgotten id in acquisitionpda
      * disable hover
      * do word-break
      * extract box into own template
      ** move from acquisitionpda.phtml and holdingsils.phtml into get-it-box/side-panel-links.phtml
      * truncate links to 50 chars
      * increase width for desktop
      * use moon icons for plus and minus in accordeon
      ** both icons have same width => no shaking
      * float icons left (for all accordeon) and set offset
    • Gregor Gawol's avatar
      refs #15930 [fid_adlr] get it box · 27af104e
      Gregor Gawol authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * use get it box
      * set configuration file
      * display buttons
      * set boss module
      * edited translations
      * edited texts
      * modified accordeon config
  15. Oct 23, 2019
  16. Oct 17, 2019
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #16177 [fid_adlr] set brand icons in result list · 3e6cad7d
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * add icons for sid 48, 51, 78, 103 - icon for 76 (adlr ebooks) still missing
      * add icon for facet_avail = free
      * add mega_collection (value=VK Film), really needed / possible?
      * add icon for mega_collection = Verbundkatalog Film
      * read and set branding classes for sid / facet_avail / mega_collection in result-list of DefaultRecord
      * add class "left" in result-list of AIRecord to keep margin to get-it-button accurate
      * add some translations for title / mouse over (SID51, SID76, SID78, SID103)
      * add facet_avail for open access icon (value=free)
      * resize icons and set blue boxes instead of old images
      * make brand icons more eye-catching
      ** make text labels bold
      ** show ""open access" as text label
      ** rename ebooks for
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #16035 [fid_adlr] refactor basic form styling · 89c9f564
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * add file customForms to owerwrite default form styles
      * set black border for inputs
      * disable highlighting
      * style default checkbox as in mockup
      * mark required asterix as red
      * change colors of info-text
      * combine success-text and info-text message colors + border
      * set label font = ubuntu
      * disable hover colors (user agent autocompletion?)
      * set black color for default input
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #16135 [fid_adlr] redesign desktop main menu · 394d8a47
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * screen >= lg: navigation-overlay fits content
      * screen >= lg: navigation-overlay add border and padding, position beneath burger menu, adjust z-index
      * remove some obsolets css
      * add missing links for databases and blog - "FIXME: about us still missing"
      * repair closing icon
      * lower font size of lg menu dropdown links
      * consolidate language submenu: use stylings of main sub menu
      ** same font size, padding and border
      ** same distance to navbar
      ** use letter spacing of main sub menu
      * improve main menu for mobile
      ** cover background on scrolling completely on tablet / phone
      ** set new calculation of placement for language and registration links -> closer to main menu
      * use arrow (chevron) instead of X for closing icon
      * closee main submenu after click on language menu or within search box
      * same scrolling behaviour of language and main menu
      ** both stay in top on home page
      ** keep visible when scrolling on other pages
      * use same width for closing and opening text to prevent moving menubar
      * rename close in German
      * improve javascript for closing menus by click on each other
    • Sebastian Kehr's avatar
      refs #15998 [fid_adlr] user management forms related changes · 784a6b9b
      Sebastian Kehr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * mark required fields in registration forms
      * map job title to requested permission
      * account for generalization of user creation form
      * translation fix
      * adjustments needed for hydration
      * build attributes after submit of user creation form
      * added newsletter boolean flag
      * adjust user update form
      * use hydrator for all user forms
      * translation fixes
      * override not-empty validator for newsletter field
      * fixup: adjust newsletter field options
      * adjust translations in user profile view and update form
      * include user group in user update form
      * adjust user update form spec
      * rename property for less confusion
      * rename user property and according form fields
      * fix input filter spec for newsletter field
      * render job_title element as select field
      * remove job_title element from update form
      * grant permissions on user creation
      * display user group as non-editable field in update form
      * changes to job title field in update form
      * display job title update notice
      * use custom validator for home address fields
      * let first line of first address be optional
      * let user specify default delivery address
      * adjust permissions configuration
      * adjust permissoins translations
      * customize admin edit form
      * user update form style hotfix
      * revision of admin edit form
  17. Oct 09, 2019
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #16031 [fid_adlr] add basic content for home page · 7d0d4f01
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * add basic structure for home page
      * add de / en translations for home page texts
      * import rss feed => todo: mv to myresearch controller
      * fix some css bugs: remove transitions
      * fix basic styling for xl screens
      ** keep home text centered
      * fix display menu toggle for edge
      ** problem with transitions still exists - need to disable collaps-timing
      * set z-index for header-links
      * fix menu z-index for xs
      * disable transitions to speed up main menu ecetera
      * supplement to home page: xs and sm text sizes
      * refactor texts on home page
      ** transform menu 1 and 2 uppercase
      ** lower line-height of Blog headline
      ** databases and new releases in ubuntu mono
      ** services sub headlines in ubuntu mono / separate div
      * fix font color and offsets in headlines
      * refactor blog import
      ** extract url data strings to main config
      ** rough catching of exceptions in rss helper
      ** set fallback = direct link to blog
      * fix line-height of services headlines for md screen - use same as lg
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #16033 [fid_adlr] myResearch sidebar menu styling · 1c937efe
      Alexander Purr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * adding menu.phtml template
      ** reorder menu entries
      ** adding buttons / dummylinks for contact, personal orders & new print publications
      * removing menu-additional-entries.phtml template
      ** moving database access button / link to menu.phtml, now part of custom myresearch menu
      * adding translations to fid_adlr language files
      * style adjustments in compiled.scss
      ** in .myresearch-menu section for icons, font-weight and badges
      * changing of used icons
      * compiled.scss
      ** line braked link text does not float the icon anymore
      ** badge remains circle if link text has line brakes
      * menu.phtml
      ** remove bagde if list has any items
      * menu.phtml
      ** change items
  18. Sep 27, 2019