- Mar 07, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
* adds autocomplete to home and office address forms * adds autocomplete to user update form * add autocomplete to 2nd address (home address) update form * add template comments co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
- Mar 04, 2022
Robert Lange authored
refs #21219 [fid_adlr] isbn_isn_mv / issn_isn_mv: adjust searchspecs and expected test fixtures for alpha and live * beautify SearchSpecsReaderTest.php
- Sep 01, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* copied from local * adjust test fixture results
- Jul 23, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* remove specialized tree renderer * add linked tab config
- Nov 30, 2020
- Nov 06, 2020
Alexander Purr authored
* override methods with adlr.link specific behavior * add missing warning information to order
- Oct 09, 2020
Alexander Purr authored
* if not show error template * add translation
- Sep 22, 2020
* sync RecordDataFormatterFactory with fid and finc * simplify escaping: use setLine and set separator instead of using template data-escapeHtmlCommaSep * refactor data-authors.phtml ** remove mostly redundant data-authors.phtml (extra strong) from finc ** emphasize author name by css instead * use multiline for ** Additionals ** other relationships * dont refactor data-price, remove fixme * reuse accidentally removed data-authorNotes.phtml for Author Notes * use correct labelling function for titleUniform
- May 28, 2020
Robert Lange authored
* add adlr specific method 'getFidAcquisitionSpecBuilder' in adlr formatter * copied from fid\View\Helper\Root\RecordDataFormatterFactory and line for language removed
- Apr 28, 2020
* add field within controller function
- Apr 21, 2020
* add adlr specific translations * add subito partial copy special copyright warning for adlr ** add session to record controller via extending record controller delegator factory ** override partial copy record controller action
- Mar 20, 2020
Alexander Purr authored
* fid still contains same permissions
- Jan 27, 2020
- Jan 21, 2020
* consider adlr-specific form fields
* override history action of vufind search controller and bootstrap history template for handling lightbox (no menu), exclude bookmarks * place clock icon with tooltip beneath and therefore adjust css * add translation like de_15 for headline
- Jan 09, 2020
* get LiberoId via Client * add FeedbackControllerDelegatorFactory
- Dec 06, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
- Dec 05, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* adds config for hierarchy display * changes on hierarchy tree ** changes link target to default Record view ** adds background color for current tree element * change tab hierarchy title translations
* modified module config
- Dec 04, 2019
- Dec 03, 2019
* RecordDataFormatterFactory does not inherit method / settings from finc... * therefore add setting default core * therefore add method getDefaultCoreSpecs * try to use order / items from finc and other adlr defaults * restrict possible fields for default core * remove unnecessary function calls in getDefaultCoreSpecs
* remove e-books section and obsolete lines in MediaLicenses (config.ini) * policy: use link in accordeon instead of button * show descriptions for several databases
- Nov 28, 2019
* fix link to contact form ** delete link for development from header ** add link in footer ** style link as specified in mockup, use icon moon for arrow ** use / add translation * fix text on home page - fit as mockup * refactor preselect form ** lower font-size of headline / h1 => h2 ** change translations for subject and submit button * style and refactor second feedback forms ** configure default fields in FeedbackForms.yml to hard override defaults by same name (name / email) ** order inputs in second form (after preselect) by FeedbackForms.yml ** remove unused / duplicated code / add comments ** TODO: merge preselect.phtml into form.phtml and preselectAction into formAction ** set textarea min height in feedback forms by css ** set required attribute styling like in registration forms * feedback forms: ** add config for alpha ** remove unused user in preselect action ** add necessary label for dummy elements in Feedback.yaml ** fix caching of email subje...
- Nov 22, 2019
* add receiver information to config.ini * add 2 forms configurations to FeedbackForms.yaml * include FeedbackController in module.config.php * add extended FeedbackController * add 2 form templates * add translations
- Nov 19, 2019
* for registration and password change (add adlr form and add embed in module.config) * no special sign required * but capital letter needed instead * change password validation error text for adlr
- Nov 14, 2019
* update composer dependency for dbis package * use latest adlr api * refactor DBIS usage *# use DBIS id from patron library list instead of bibId *# fallback: get home library from api directly *# fallback: can't get library list from api: set parameter for mapping bibId => dbis in js of dbis-content.phtml to true *# add fid client in MyResearch Controller for 2) and 3) * use latest dbis package
- Nov 13, 2019
* grant implicit permissions on registration * adjust office address line mapping * set default api to staging/adlr
* making data format definition from fid available in adlr
- Nov 08, 2019
* drop column username_id after copying to username * drop user_id_key unique key constraint * set default values on columns firstname, lastname, cat_username
- Nov 04, 2019
* Set the password fields to default value for all rows. * remove update on missing table column pass_hash * Note: ** This script contains statements to handle the specific adaptions of the tables for Adlr. ** This script ensures the proper execution of the common migration script migrateData_Vufind1ToVufind5_Common.sql stored in folder module/finc/sql/migrations/mysql. ** First run this Adlr script then run the Common script! ** The scripts have to be executed within a mysql session on the related database. Co-authored-by:
Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>
- Oct 24, 2019
* use get it box * set configuration file * display buttons * set boss module * edited translations * edited texts * modified accordeon config
- Oct 17, 2019
* mark required fields in registration forms * map job title to requested permission * account for generalization of user creation form * translation fix * adjustments needed for hydration * build attributes after submit of user creation form * added newsletter boolean flag * adjust user update form * use hydrator for all user forms * translation fixes * override not-empty validator for newsletter field * fixup: adjust newsletter field options * adjust translations in user profile view and update form * include user group in user update form * adjust user update form spec * rename property for less confusion * rename user property and according form fields * fix input filter spec for newsletter field * render job_title element as select field * remove job_title element from update form * grant permissions on user creation * display user group as non-editable field in update form * changes to job title field in update form * display job title update notice * use custom validator for home address fields * let first line of first address be optional * let user specify default delivery address * adjust permissions configuration * adjust permissoins translations * customize admin edit form * user update form style hotfix * revision of admin edit form
- Oct 09, 2019
* add basic structure for home page * add de / en translations for home page texts * import rss feed => todo: mv to myresearch controller * fix some css bugs: remove transitions * fix basic styling for xl screens ** keep home text centered * fix display menu toggle for edge ** problem with transitions still exists - need to disable collaps-timing * set z-index for header-links * fix menu z-index for xs * disable transitions to speed up main menu ecetera * supplement to home page: xs and sm text sizes * refactor texts on home page ** transform menu 1 and 2 uppercase ** lower line-height of Blog headline ** databases and new releases in ubuntu mono ** services sub headlines in ubuntu mono / separate div * fix font color and offsets in headlines * refactor blog import ** extract url data strings to main config ** rough catching of exceptions in rss helper ** set fallback = direct link to blog * fix line-height of services headlines for md screen - use same as lg
- Oct 01, 2019
* adds patch file from previous commit
- Sep 25, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
refs #15650
* .gitignore changed: ignore copied dbis mixin in theme folder * composer.json changed: add DBIS package AND add post-install / post-update - hooks to copy mixins after composer install or update * config/application.config.php changed: also dbis module is still needed here for activation * fid_adlr/config/vufind/config.ini changed: set adlr licenses configuration * fid_adlr/config/vufind/fid.ini changed: set current api backend - remove on go live * fid_adlr/config/vufind/permissionBehavior.ini added: derived from fid for correct handling of permissions in permissionHelper (defaultDeniedTemplateBehavior = true) * fid_adlr/config/vufind/permissions.ini added: set permissions for licenses (currenty full_access only) and dbis (all) * module/fid_adlr/config/module.config.php changed: add routes for licenses = dbis = databases * module/fid_adlr/src/Controller/MyResearchController.php & MyResearchControllerFactory.php added: handle dbis and licenses actions * themes/fid_adlr/languages/de.ini & themes/fid_adlr/languages/en.ini changed: add translations for dbis and licenses * themes/fid_adlr/scss/_customMixins.scss & themes/fid_adlr/scss/compiled.scss changed: add styling for dbis, stub accordeon as mixin * themes/fid_adlr/templates/footer.phtml added: for second link to dbis (databases) -> note #15652 * themes/fid_adlr/templates/myresearch/databases.phtml & dbis-content.phtml added: databases encapsulate dbis and licenses * themes/fid_adlr/templates/myresearch/menu-additional-entries.phtml added: plugin menu entry to databases - called by fid/myresearch/menu * themes/fid_adlr/theme.config.php changed: add finc-dbis theme