- Jul 30, 2021
* new inputs: library, signature, external_url * now 2 different forms: ** a) via record, prefilled (like before) ** b) via profile: free request (not indexed record) * about b) ** new action and route ** inherit and extend form configuration (new hydrator, 4 more fields) from a) ** reuse template from a) and add record-inputs ** new inputs: title (required), responsible, year, language ** record information ships via digitization-array (see FidAcquisitionTrait.php) into order object ** using createViewModel-function from AbstractBase for prevent loading not existing record * adjust orders listing template for displaying none indexed records correctly refs #20106 [fid] orders list * enable external links coming from data-lightbox * show additional request data if request is not linked to solr record
- Jul 20, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* adds delegator for SolrMarcFinc * can add SolrMarcUrlRules.yaml now * decide on sub-result sets to be used in actual result of getURLs
- Jul 15, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* set non-lucene-syntax handling configurable on a per-SearchType basis co-authored by: André Lahmann <lahmann@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * added some more comments to searches.ini
- Jul 06, 2021
* allow list of ids and load results as batch from solr * escape colons centralized in getFincId * code styles * move searchRelatedRecords from SolrMarcFincTrait to new finc\Controller\CustomTraits\SearchTrait * call searchRelatedRecords instead of getFincId within getAlternativeItemId * merge elements of getFincId into getAlternativeItemId ** handle multiple ids within getAlternativeItemId ** escape colon when existing ** rude exception catching * replace call of getFincId by getAlternativeItemId within mapPaiaItems co-authored by "Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de>" * slight refactoring * add more method comments co-authored by "André Lahmann <lahmann@ub.uni-leipzig.de>" * added comment for choice of trait location
- Jul 02, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* copy from DE-15 code to finc's FincLibero * use separate queryBoundItem() * use generic pattern * make bound item query adaptable
- Jul 01, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* isTitleHold * placeTitleHold * extendPickUpLocation
Dorian Merz authored
* now named LiberoWachtl * less misleading naming * refactor liberoWachtlUrl INI key ** plus: cache in local property
- Jun 24, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Jun 22, 2021
* set default value noticeLinkType * remove useless variable noticeWithLink
* extend AbstractAdmin to check for access permission for AdminModule ** admin module must be activated in config.ini by admin_enabled = true ** permission access.AdminModule should be set in permissions.ini
- Jun 16, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* more specific message for RecordMissing exception * redirect message in case a fallback is used
- Jun 03, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* do not check for existence of linked record on every call * add fallback seacrh in case of calling a missing record
- May 20, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* remove unused getJournalHoldingsSolr in SolrMarcFincTrait * code styles for FincIls
- May 19, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* adds sysMessage to success message when placing a hold * cf. #7730
- Apr 22, 2021
* multiple pickup locations should be possible and not overwritten * but a fallback of department as pickup location should only be set, when ** there has been a service of presentation or loan ** and no pickup location could be filtered
Dorian Merz authored
* fix problems with unset homeLibrary
- Apr 21, 2021
Gregor Gawol authored
* own array field status
Gregor Gawol authored
* bugfixing method reading config
- Apr 20, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* from now on, if a set of fidis permissions is configured, users having ANY of those will be granted the respective VuFind permission * potentially BREAKING CHANGE
* set additional view context parameter
- Apr 16, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* now shows error message in lightbox
* new method in SolrMarcFincTrait to check for leader 18 a or i = no punctuation needed * use publicationDetailsImprint of MultiDataFieldsTrait as finc standard, copied from de_15
- Apr 15, 2021
Gregor Gawol authored
* added EnhancedRenderArray to finc * fixed profileMapper bug * added X-LIBRARY-BORROWER-BLACK-LIST-INDICATOR and X-LIBRARY-BORROWER-BLACK-LIST-DESCRIPTION
Gregor Gawol authored
* fixed profileMapper bug
Dorian Merz authored
* now uses YAML * enables use of special characters
- Apr 09, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* avoid unnecessary entries in electronic
- Apr 07, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
* caused ajax errors
* avoid redirect after list action in layout context ** override Vufind CartController::redirectToSource for bulk export and mail ** override Vufind CartController::deleteAction for bulk delete ** override Vufind RecordController::saveAction for saving favorites on result list * use empty template for rendering messages in lightbox ** override Vufind RecordController::processSave instead of saveAction ** render messages in new message.phtml
- Apr 06, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Mar 26, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de> * keep label Published
- Mar 25, 2021
* always return array of PublicationDetails from SolrDefaultFincTrait:getPublicationDetails() * dont call getImprint within getPublicationDetails for SolrDefault, return type is alwas PublicationDetails object * remove special treatment for strings and arrays of string in template data-publicationDetails.phtml * call getImprint instead of getPublicationDetails in specs of defaultCore of RecordDataFormatterFactory * add new template data-imprint.phtml to add basic property info
Dorian Merz authored
- Mar 24, 2021
* improve apa template
* prevent from reuse former saved values within handling of an other marc field
* added method
Robert Lange authored
* move code for determination of record icon class type from template record-icon to record view helper * combine access icon and text ** add parameter addText to method getRecordIcon to return icon with text co-authored by: Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * some refactoring of cover loading logic ** include missing records ** introduce another helper function ** adapt template ** also refs #19382_b
- Mar 23, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
follows https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/1894
- Mar 22, 2021
* change translation * change comments text field to textarea
- Mar 18, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* mask colons to avoid badly formatted SOLR query