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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jun 19, 2024
  2. Feb 29, 2024
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #25606 [fid_adlr] reuse RSS-reader-helper of fid · 1de5b0fd
      Alexander Purr authored
      * is in fid_bbi in use too
      * remove RSS-reader-helper implementation of fid_adlr and listing in module.config.php
      * adjust configuration
      * shrink usage in home.phtml
      * load rss-feed from now on directly from adlr-link-blog instead of the RSS-File-Copy within catalog
      * add Blog-Config-section: do not use RssConsumer['fallback_url'] url as blog url any more
  3. Nov 30, 2023
  4. Aug 31, 2023
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #24324 [fid_adlr] vf7 upgrade · 6939dbd0
      Robert Lange authored
      * recaptcha => captcha
      * comment out duplicate QueryFields
      * Zend => Laminas
      * fix code style: include instead of require
      * add csp ini
      * update dbis-module to 5.0.0
      * update boss-module to 3.0.0
      * update dbis-module to 5.0.0
      * update worldcat module to 1.1
      co-authored by: Alexander Purr <>
      * use renamed cookies js file
      * replace Zend by Laminas in templates
      * feedback forms
      * FeedbackForms.yaml:
      ** prevent >>The reserved indicator % cannot start a plain scalar; you need to quote the scalar<<
      ** update docs
      * load correct capcha-view-helper
      * complement user-table-list for admin
      * reconfigure order list columns in user profile
      * using inline-script view-helper
      * add missing function in facets.ini that causes error
  5. Oct 21, 2022
  6. Sep 27, 2022
  7. Aug 26, 2022
  8. Aug 25, 2022
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #22148 [fid_adlr] vf6 changelog · 7111c53b
      Alexander Purr authored
      * remove static factories for record drivers, see also 21615
      * additional: remove factory entries in module.config for not explicit overridden record drivers
      * feedback form url error
      ** create policy back url by using route
      ** not vf6-upgrade specific
      * add UBL internal docker mailer for ALPHA configuration
      ** easier testing
      ** all vufind mails will be send and redirect to itself (
      2 tags
  9. Aug 17, 2022
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #22208 [fid_adlr] · 32a87e84
      Alexander Purr authored and André Lahmann's avatar André Lahmann committed
      * vf6: move tab configuration into ini-file
      ** see also refs #21611
      ** inheriting fid_adlr ini files from fid
      ** only record tab definition has moved into RecordTabs.ini
      ** collection tab definition was removed, exactly the same as in finc
      * remove redundant invokables from module.config.php
      ** same as in finc's module.config.php
      2 tags
  10. May 18, 2022
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #21281 [fid_adlr] add VuFindResultsGrouping · d506ed25
      Robert Lange authored
      * add package in composer.local.2.fid-adlr with zend version
      * add group limit an match string in configs for live and alpha
      * add record driver for default and ai to use package
      * add checkbox for grouping - but commented out
      * render grouping on result list of default and ai
      * update composer.lock after manual edit of composer.local.2.fid-adlr.json
      * check if driver uses result grouping by calling hasSubRecords
      * alpha config: override full section
      * hide checkbox control to deactivate result grouping
      2 tags
  11. Mar 23, 2022
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #19089 [fid_adlr] finc/dbis: remove redundant code and update package · da99aa18
      Robert Lange authored
      * remove redundant configuration
      * remove redundant MyResearchController
      * remove redundant templates
      * remove redundant German translations
      ** use "devops/ data/i18n/languages/de.ini themes/fid_adlr/languages/de.ini themes/fid/languages/de.ini":
      ** remove duplicate token "Username " and  E-Mail-Adresse with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "dbis_hint " and  "Hinweis" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "dbis_licenses_name_long " and  "Zugang zu freien und lizenzierten Fachdatenbanken" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "dbis_name " and  "Fachdatenbanken" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses " and  "Datenbanken" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses_desc_1 " and  "Momentan haben Sie Zugriff auf:" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses_not_available " and  "Diese Lizenzen sind derzeit leider nicht verfügbar." with parent
      * remove redundant English ...
      2 tags
  12. Jul 23, 2021
  13. Apr 21, 2020
  14. Jan 21, 2020
  15. Jan 09, 2020
  16. Dec 05, 2019
  17. Dec 04, 2019
  18. Nov 22, 2019
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #16020 [fid_adlr] add contact form · c94fb39c
      Alexander Purr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * add receiver information to config.ini
      * add 2 forms configurations to FeedbackForms.yaml
      * include FeedbackController in module.config.php
      * add extended FeedbackController
      * add 2 form templates
      * add translations
  19. Nov 19, 2019
  20. Oct 24, 2019
  21. Oct 17, 2019
    • Sebastian Kehr's avatar
      refs #15998 [fid_adlr] user management forms related changes · 784a6b9b
      Sebastian Kehr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * mark required fields in registration forms
      * map job title to requested permission
      * account for generalization of user creation form
      * translation fix
      * adjustments needed for hydration
      * build attributes after submit of user creation form
      * added newsletter boolean flag
      * adjust user update form
      * use hydrator for all user forms
      * translation fixes
      * override not-empty validator for newsletter field
      * fixup: adjust newsletter field options
      * adjust translations in user profile view and update form
      * include user group in user update form
      * adjust user update form spec
      * rename property for less confusion
      * rename user property and according form fields
      * fix input filter spec for newsletter field
      * render job_title element as select field
      * remove job_title element from update form
      * grant permissions on user creation
      * display user group as non-editable field in update form
      * changes to job title field in update form
      * display job title update notice
      * use custom validator for home address fields
      * let first line of first address be optional
      * let user specify default delivery address
      * adjust permissions configuration
      * adjust permissoins translations
      * customize admin edit form
      * user update form style hotfix
      * revision of admin edit form
  22. Oct 09, 2019
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #16031 [fid_adlr] add basic content for home page · 7d0d4f01
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * add basic structure for home page
      * add de / en translations for home page texts
      * import rss feed => todo: mv to myresearch controller
      * fix some css bugs: remove transitions
      * fix basic styling for xl screens
      ** keep home text centered
      * fix display menu toggle for edge
      ** problem with transitions still exists - need to disable collaps-timing
      * set z-index for header-links
      * fix menu z-index for xs
      * disable transitions to speed up main menu ecetera
      * supplement to home page: xs and sm text sizes
      * refactor texts on home page
      ** transform menu 1 and 2 uppercase
      ** lower line-height of Blog headline
      ** databases and new releases in ubuntu mono
      ** services sub headlines in ubuntu mono / separate div
      * fix font color and offsets in headlines
      * refactor blog import
      ** extract url data strings to main config
      ** rough catching of exceptions in rss helper
      ** set fallback = direct link to blog
      * fix line-height of services headlines for md screen - use same as lg
  23. Oct 01, 2019
  24. Sep 25, 2019
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #15589 [fid_adlr] transfer licenses from composer package into instance and embed DBIS package · d534122d
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * .gitignore changed: ignore copied dbis mixin in theme folder
      * composer.json changed: add DBIS package AND add post-install / post-update - hooks to copy mixins after composer install or update
      * config/application.config.php changed: also dbis module is still needed here for activation
      * fid_adlr/config/vufind/config.ini changed: set adlr licenses configuration
      * fid_adlr/config/vufind/fid.ini changed: set current api backend - remove on go live
      * fid_adlr/config/vufind/permissionBehavior.ini added: derived from fid for correct handling of permissions in permissionHelper (defaultDeniedTemplateBehavior = true)
      * fid_adlr/config/vufind/permissions.ini added: set permissions for licenses (currenty full_access only) and dbis (all)
      * module/fid_adlr/config/module.config.php changed: add routes for licenses = dbis = databases
      * module/fid_adlr/src/Controller/MyResearchController.php & MyResearchControllerFactory.php added: handle dbis and licenses actions
      * themes/fid_adlr/languages/de.ini & themes/fid_adlr/languages/en.ini changed: add translations for dbis and licenses
      * themes/fid_adlr/scss/_customMixins.scss & themes/fid_adlr/scss/compiled.scss changed: add styling for dbis, stub accordeon as mixin
      * themes/fid_adlr/templates/footer.phtml added: for second link to dbis (databases) -> note #15652
      * themes/fid_adlr/templates/myresearch/databases.phtml & dbis-content.phtml added: databases encapsulate dbis and licenses
      * themes/fid_adlr/templates/myresearch/menu-additional-entries.phtml added: plugin menu entry to databases - called by fid/myresearch/menu
      * themes/fid_adlr/theme.config.php changed: add finc-dbis theme
    • Sebastian Kehr's avatar
      refs #16072 [fid_adlr] create instance specific zend module stub · 05637d5b
      Sebastian Kehr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
    • Gregor Gawol's avatar
      refs #15650 [fid_adlr] design detail view · 20434a17
      Gregor Gawol authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * set module fid_adlr
      * set core data default & ai
      * set design
      * display share button
      * changed design share button menu
      * changed breadcrumb
      * set tab table of contents to recorddataformatter
      * fixes bug playing times
      * set format bold
  25. Sep 23, 2019
  26. Jun 19, 2019
    • Sebastian Kehr's avatar
      refs #15383 [fid] user management / registration · ea7bfde8
      Sebastian Kehr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * migration of former core-module-package contents
      * first adjustments of api client logon functionality
      * fix initial registration step
      * registration finalization adjustments
      * fetch libraries on registration
      * improved logon client method
      * refresh logon only if stale
      * throw exception on bad credentials
      * adjust config files
      * fetch user details only if logged on
      * rename namespace, text domain as well as module and theme
      * untrack compiled css
      * let registration form look like login form
      * rename ils driver for config injection by ils connection
      * use aliases for authenticator and ils driver
      * let authenticator support account creation
      * enable account creation in base config
      * override default account creation route
      * introduce user controller and update action
  27. May 03, 2019
  28. Apr 24, 2019