- Nov 30, 2022
Mathias Maaß authored
* newpassword action still uses database values
- Nov 17, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* w3c ** help: use same userLang for xml as for lang in meta tag ** add help.phtml to update html5 DocType ** adv help: use hyphens for name props ** search help: use hyphens for name props ** adv help: restore changes in root from #18999 - moved to finc accessibility ** sources list: remove href from button ** sources list: remove stray end tag for dfg link ** sources list: remove invalid and unused itemcount * fix urls of sources list ** use url encoded quotion mark for base url ** do not use external link view helper co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * w3c cart / bookbag: remove redundant value="1"
- Oct 21, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* add cluster for extracting possible year ranges * set up possible ranges and by user chosen filtered years at the beginning of template to provide fitting variables for inputs and date range slider * adjust configuration for loading complete range of years
- Aug 01, 2022
Robert Lange authored
- Jul 27, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* add h2 element for titel in EDS/result-list
- Jul 22, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
* removes from finc-accessibility and adds it to finc * fine tunes and styles it in finc * styles Active Filters in header * removes Active Filters from finc-accessibility * fine-tunes active filter elements in header * adds ellipsis for overlong filter elements * re-alligns elements due to ellipsis-related changes * corrects erroneous for-label * fixes active filters alignments
- Jul 15, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
* removes javascript type references in finc * re-instates bulk-action-buttons template for proper id assignment and display * SCSS separation * removes javascript type references in finc * re-instates bulk-action-buttons template for proper id assignment and display * continues SCSS separation * clarifies keep filter elements (partial move to finc theme) * increases touch/click area on keep filters * bootstrap3 VF6.x to VF 8.1: adds missing !default flags to accessibility.scss ** attempt to get this fixes is in PR https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/2483 co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>
- Jun 17, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
* adds filter reset warning texts and colors * overwrites vertical align
- Jun 14, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* remove some classnames * corrects and updates add-to and remove-from cart buttons * adds corresponding SCSS according to new file structure * corrects class and adds alphabrowse in footer * updates header theme button * clarifies comment in checkbox.phtml * upgrade footer, header * upgrade /ajax/ * upgrade /cart * upgrade /collection/ * upgrade /ContentBlock/ * upgrade /Helpers/ * upgrade /layout/ * upgrade /librarycards/ * upgrade /myresearch/ * upgrade /record/ * upgrade /RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/ * upgrade /RecordDriver/RecordTab/ * upgrade /RecordDriver/search/advanced/ * upgrade /RecordDriver/search/controls/ * upgrade fix bug in single-facet * upgrade /search/ co-authored by: Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de> * corrects short php tags, clarifies search-history and facets * upgrade-related post-fixes * corrects code in finc-acc. for upgrade
- Apr 27, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* but try to set focus on first focusable element on tab pane
- Apr 13, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* fixing bugs for mobile
- Feb 21, 2022
Robert Lange authored
- Nov 18, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* set origin in lightbox on target * TODO: print button, remove data-lightbox-ignore?
Robert Lange authored
* define hierarchy tree tab as ajax-loadable * fix: set aria-controls for ajax tabs just-in-time to avoid reference of aria to unloaded tab-content, also #19938
Robert Lange authored
* copy and modify boostrap cart.js to finc-accessibility * integrate changes of #18034 to finc-accessibility/cart.js * delete cart-finc.js
- Nov 09, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* catch key-enter events on new class dropdown-abort (bootstrap-accessibility-*.js-files) ** first set focus on toggler on keydown ** second toggle menu on keyup
- Nov 04, 2021
Claas Kazzer authored
* adds initial changes to initially active tab in view.phtml * cleans up previous misses * set aria-selected for tab control on initial load * add sr-only hint on control tabs * info that content has to be loaded by click / enter * reverts changes to using li + a co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de> * set aria-hidden for tab content * use active tab text for aria-labelledby on first load without ajax * copy record.js from bootstrap ** set aria-selected tab controls by jquery ** add role and aria-label to new tab pane in record.js::getNewRecordTab ** only set value for aria-controls onload in view.phtml for active tab ** set value for aria-controls when tab is clicked / tab loaded by ajax ** add focus on content after click on control ** info that content has to be loaded by click / enter * remove console log from bootstrap-accessibility-en.min.js
- Nov 03, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* use data-href instead of href as button attribute * move role="search" from nav to parent div * use div instead of span for parent search control forms * use div > form > nocscript * use href within a-tag instead of button * results encapsulate search/controls/view.phtml within div * add id for reference on result list items, also refs #18019 * SideFacets - cluster-list use span instead of div * try setting modal-title by javascript in LIGTHBOX ONLY * urlencode square brackets in link-isn.phtml * remove form-legend in profile forms for new-password and account
- Oct 11, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* add missing required attribute for current password in new-password-form * reference for-attributes in password input labels of new-password-form
- Oct 08, 2021
Gregor Gawol authored
* move cluster-list.phtml changes to finc-accessibility theme
- Sep 30, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* copy abstractBase login.phtml from bootstrap * add aria-label in cataloglogin.phtml and login.phtml
- Sep 28, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* use getTOC and specific data template for TOC tab
- Sep 27, 2021
* beautify bootstrap-accessibility-en.min.js and bootstrap-accessibility-de.min.js * override bootstrap show / hide / addAriaAndCollapsedClass: don't add aria-expanded to collapsing element ** copy methods from bootstrap.min.js and avoid setting of aria-expanded="false" or aria-expanded="true" for elements to collapse (e.g. ul) * Recommend SideFacets: add aria-expanded for collapse trigger buttons in templates on page load
- Sep 24, 2021
Claas Kazzer authored
- Jul 07, 2021
* changes overcomplex wording in carousel J
- Jun 29, 2021
* creates a German version in finc-accessibility * translate caroussel terms to German * use empty standard version to overwrite outdated default * use language specific versions for German and English in layout template * add template for similar items to load accessibility plugin as ajax tab ** necessary to register new elements loaded by ajax co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>
- May 26, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* overwrite bootstrap version of login fields ** loginfields for MultiILS ** loginFields for catalogue login ** add autofocus to username
- May 20, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* copied from /themes/bootstrap3/templates/Auth/Database/create.phtml ** add autocomplete for first name: given-name ** add autocomplete for last name: family-name ** add autocomplete for email: email ** add autocomplete for username: username ** add autocomplete for password: new-password ** add autocomplete for password confirmation: new-password * also add autocompletion for user fields of password reset ** add autocomplete for first name: given-name ** add autocomplete for last name: family-name ** add autocomplete for username: username ** add autocomplete for email: email
Robert Lange authored
* copied from /themes/bootstrap3/templates/Auth/AbstractBase/newpassword.phtml * add autocomplete for change user password inputs
- Apr 30, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
* for more or less facets buttons: stop parent event handling on link by event.stopImmediatePropagation() * facet group on single page: add ul * remove filters (side facets) as list * put scss into separate scss file in finc-accessibility theme * inherit scss from finc-accessibility theme * move potential PR SCSS to finc-accessibility * small refactoring on single-facet.phtml
- Mar 11, 2021
* add landmarks for active facets * refactor short (aka skip) links * add hint for page reload as title in side facets * show all applied side facets * Add filter title to facet title tags * Add filter name to facets * Corrects filter help texts * Filter help texts * adds filter help text to top selection * specify side facet help texts * make facets more accessible * make exclude-facets more accessible for details see issue/18993 co-authored by: "Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de>"
- Mar 01, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* adds lang="" to core files, result list and bookbag * adds more tags for fav list * adds more tags to myaccount views
- Feb 01, 2021
ha848myco authored
* Add aria-label attribute where missing * Add aria-label and at the same time remove the related span tag * Add new translations for Toggle Dropdown
- Dec 18, 2020
* make cover link not focusable
- Dec 16, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
+ code styling
- Dec 11, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* reverts some changes from #17950 * also adds role=alert to alerts (accessibility:vf5.1) co-authored by: "Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de>"
- Dec 08, 2020
* removes ajax-account.js -- we use BS version * unifies expand sidebar behaviour to use aria-label instead of title
- Dec 04, 2020
* Remove title attributs having redundant information related to the content
- Nov 30, 2020
* for details see issue/18535 * additionally: move templates to accessibility theme