- Sep 14, 2022
André Lahmann authored
- Aug 18, 2022
André Lahmann authored
* implemented client_credentials login for PAIA driver according to vufind-org PR#2449 * allow login withouth password when client_credential is set (Shibboleth, todo PR for vufind-org)
- Jul 15, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* add script for ajax post * showStaffViewInLightbox can be activated in config.ini, Site-section * button appears in toolbar, no record tab is rendered * fit responsive table within modal * use word break for long open url too in resp-table styles
- Jul 11, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* view helper loads additional property from ini and adds css class to view variable co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de> * code styles
Robert Lange authored
refs #21611 [finc] vf6 RecordTabs: use RecordTabs.ini and CollectionTabs.ini instead of module.config * SolrAI, use .ini instead of module.config ** also remove factory for StaffViewAI, but keep alias ** example record: ai-55-aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuanN0b3Iub3JnL3N0YWJsZS80MTg1OTE1Mw * SolrDefault, use .ini instead of module.config, example record: 66-986811 * SolrMarc, use .ini instead of module.config, example record for SolrMarc and HierarchyTree: 0-1753563739 * SolrMarcPDA, use .ini instead of module.config ** also remove factory configuration for AcquisitionPDA, but keep alias ** example record for SolrMarcPDA: 51-9783848749492 *SolrLido, use .ini instead of module.config ** also fix duplicate ending tag in SolrLido/core.phtml ** example record for SolrLido: finc-77-REUtMTUvbGlkby9vYmovMzMyMDM2Nzk * SolrDico, use .ini instead of module.config ** example records for SolrDico: ZDB-175-V16 | sid-77-col-portraitstich ** collection aren't active in finc - must be tested in de_15
- Jun 23, 2022
Mathias Maaß authored
* adds a interlibrary loan link to the list of recommendations if search result was empty. * add isil parameter to interlib loan url * refactor and add docblocks * add descriptive text to interlibrary loan link * use a configurable url template
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
refs #21623 [finc] separated citavi and endnote export, added small format mapper for citavi export, probably not 100% coverage as of now * extended citavi export format, needed to touch SolrMarcFincTrait to add getPages() * added volume function to finctrait
- Jun 20, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* move data-containerTitle.phtml and result-list.phtml to finc * use fallback search for superior journals in default records too
- Apr 27, 2022
André Lahmann authored
- Feb 24, 2022
Robert Lange authored
- Jan 26, 2022
André Lahmann authored
- Jan 06, 2022
André Lahmann authored
* add EZB resolver driver trait in finc for easier mergin and preparation of pull request * added resolver configuration parameters and comments to local/Resolver.ini * added new configuration parameters to Resolver.ini for setting ezb/zdb=1 * aligned finc EZB resolver with VuFind EZB resolver * minor changes in GetResolverLinks->handleRequest to align with VuFind module * remove ResoverTrait and minify fetchLinks * inherit title selector for resolver result xpath from vufind co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>
- Dec 08, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* configure style based icons in separate config file iconMapping.ini * specify mapping by type and set defaults for finc (transfered and simplified from record-icon-class.phtml) * fetch single or multiple facets in recordViewHelper and merge them - specified by type and concatenateKeys * remove obsolete templates record-icon-class.phtml, record-icon-class, record-icon-sprite, and record-icon-sprite-class * map icons by facetAvail (default) * add mapping by format (alternative) * add additional translations * use lowercase for format icon mapping
- Nov 24, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* move getWachtlPickUpLocations from de_zwi2, de_d13 to LiberoWachtlTrait for PAIA usage to fetch pickUpLocations * move getPickUpLocations from de_105, de_l152, de_15, de_ch1 to FincLibero for DAIA usage to fetch pickUpLocations ** check for config var "useWachtlPickupLocations" to use LiberoWachtlTrait ** check for useDaiaLocationId to use FincIls getPickUpLocations ** otherwise use customData from getCustomData * refactor parseDaiaArray for getPickUpLocations ** set item_id for non-title-hold orders (storage retrieval request) ** also refs #20223
- Nov 02, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* move general config initialization to finc FincLibero * make required configs available * ignore absent config if not required * de_zi4 configs DONE * enhance readability * introduce helper function setMemberFromConfig * move de_15 init here * throw Exception on init error * introduce new class InitException * force throwing of Exception in case of missing required config * KNOWN BUG: Exception not thrown in overlay
- Oct 29, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* refactor ILL request handling ** adds getMyILLRequests-Method to FincILS ** introduces checkMethodILLRequests to check for the existence of adequate config * add ILLpattern to init() * add label filter * from DE-15, refs #15214 * allow for more general label filters * added documentation on config
- Oct 28, 2021
* reverted #19621 * reverted #17979 * clean up view helper factory * add pullrequest changes
- Aug 19, 2021
* also delete obsolete sample configuration from config.ini * fix and update test for ExternalCatalogueLink ** use record_id instead of ppn ** fix mocking expactations ** use test by calling: docker exec -it [your_favorite_vufind_folder]_php_1 sh -c "vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration module/finc/tests/phpunit.xml module/finc/tests/unit-tests/src/fincTest/View/Helper/Root/ExternalCatalogueLinkTest.php"
- Jul 15, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* set non-lucene-syntax handling configurable on a per-SearchType basis co-authored by: André Lahmann <lahmann@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * added some more comments to searches.ini
- Mar 01, 2021
* also see 18509 * use language tags in format facet ** refactor method getLanguageTag in side facets helper *** add parameter for html attributes *** always return html wrapped in specified element tag *** lax check if tag key starts with term instead of full match ** fetch language tags in finc format-list for format facets on result list * refactor language tags for performance ** avoid pregmatch, use fastest isset *** keys in facet.ini must be case sensitive and full length * add more tags in facet.ini
- Feb 18, 2021
Gregor Gawol authored
* set config
- Feb 11, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Feb 05, 2021
* removed obosolete facet access_avail from facets.ini * searchspecs.yaml optimization for Local holdings boosting * removed obsolete method getAccessFacet from SolDefaultFincTrait
- Jan 20, 2021
* Enhance the timeout to guaranty the complete Channels search * Prevent Whoops error by adding extends \VuFind\Cover\Router * Show the details view after clicking on an element refs #18898[finc] Adopt the changes made in ticket 17612 * Contrasty hover over slick arrows ** Set color contrast and an outline
- Dec 16, 2020
* in menu of side facets: ** by using SideFacets helper ** setting terms to decorate in facets.ini * in footer: ** remove empty call to layout()->poweredBy ** translate poweredBy ** remove language tag of poweredBy, because it's translated ** use external link view helper for footer images ** set aria-hidden to true for images * adjust alt text for footer images (like UBL) in language files
- Dec 02, 2020
* simplifies match-conditions * adds performing string-function
- Dec 01, 2020
Robert Lange authored
* use solr instead of ils ** because not every instance has an ils ** because ils driver has not to be configured anymore ** but still use ils on local alpha for demo driver and missing indexExtension * add finc New Items Plugin and Controller ** use indexExtension to create query for date range * use radio selects instead of buttons for range * add label-for options * add legend and better translations (Choose Period) * removes styling br * adds mainbody for styling
- Nov 25, 2020
* Review German translation for E-Mail ** Set German translation to "Mailen" ** Show the bulk action button list on search result page by default ** Bulk action button list: Change the order of the buttons ** Favorites: *** Add aria-label to the edit and delete button for every item *** Show action and title for the new aria-label * Review bulk action buttons ** Change order *** Change order for the result list *** Change order for the favorite list ** Change German translation for Print * Review variable bookbag_email_selected ** Use it again in h2 tag ** Change German translation
- Nov 13, 2020
ha848myco authored
* For offcanvas=true: ** Set focus to back button on sidebar resp. to active element on account sidebar ** Add back button for Author search on result list ** Add toggle button for search tips ** Add back button for search tips ** Add toggle button on page Library Cards ** Add toggle button on page Change Password * For offcanvas=false: ** Add back button ** Add link to the sidebar (toggle button) ** Add link to the content (back button) ** Set focus to back button on sidebar resp. to active element on account sidebar * Add new translation for search tip toggle button * adds aria-labels to offcanvas * sets sidebar for XS ** sets default to offcanvas true ** sets default to bookbag true ** makes sidebar on XS 100% wide when offcanvas is off ** corrects various scss glitches * use altered function in separate JS file ** avoid copy-paste overhead in case of changes on parent theme
- Oct 08, 2020
ha848myco authored
* Add publishDateSort = adv_search_year in the Results block of facets.ini * Translation for Range-from-to
- Sep 30, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* this is basically a backport of the new ajaxCovers Feature in VuFind 7 ** see https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/1679 for details * use recordIcon as coverReplacement * link ajax loaded covers (de_15) * show cover images on click (for de_15)
Robert Lange authored
* use fallback cover specified in finc again, noCover2.gif * remove object tag and render $cover like before
- Sep 02, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
- Aug 25, 2020
Robert Lange authored
* use shards main and ai for alphas and in finc docker file * set AI url
- Aug 18, 2020
* reset to original operating mode: first cover, then style based icons ** Default core ** SolrAI core ** SolrMarc core * but if cover cannot be loaded, then use style based icon as fallback ** by using object tag with inner icon ** by setting content of fallback icon noCover2 to empty => interpreted as no content in browser * add new fallback icon instead of changing existing ** keep noCover2.gif unchanged, but add new empty file noCoverEmpty.gif ** use noCoverEmpty.gif in finc as default noCoverAvailableImage set in config.ini ** after merging this branch, instances won't have a noCoverAvailableImage anymore: *** either set noCoverAvailableImage = images/noCover2.gif in instance config.ini *** or use object tag in core templates as in master core templates co-authored by: "ckaz <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de>" refs #17752 [finc vf5] fixes record view icon placement * fixes record view icon placement for left-aligned facets in ** DefaultRecord/core ** SolrAi/core ** SolrMarc/core * fixes style-based icon display with left-aligned facets * corrects switchable ini-settings for displaying either stylebasedicons or other icons/covers * adds definition for right-floating record view icons when sidebar is left-aligned
- Jul 31, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* can now apply more than one type of pre munge * works for other query handlers now * TODO: adapt running instances
- Jul 30, 2020
* change searchspecs.yaml in local * testing: update cross-check fixtures for finc.SearchSpecsReaderTest:testParentYaml ** local searchspec ** local alpha searchspec
- Jul 23, 2020
* prepare testing directory structure for yaml comparism ** add fixtures in same order as config files ** use symlinks for real configs ** use result searchspecs for old outcome before refactoring * fix finc test setup for docker * add finc SearchSpecsReaderTest ** run: docker exec -it [php container] sh -c "vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration module/finc/tests/phpunit.xml module/finc/tests/unit-tests/src/fincTest/Config/SearchSpecsReaderTest.php" [--filter testParentYaml]" * in local searchspecs.yaml ** use vufind as parent and keep only delta * in local alpha searchspecs.yaml ** use local as parent, no delta * use autoconfig version 2.3.3, see also https://git.sc.uni-leipzig.de/ubl/bdd_dev/webmasterei/autoconfig/-/commit/7b396da68c63820c869d45ca655d70d77b417aef * add env var for local searchspecs.yaml in docker-env.0.finc.yml
- Jul 01, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* adds TreeRenderer section to HierarchyDefault.ini * allows for selection of tabs that are linked to from the tree * configure tree parent links differently
- May 11, 2020
Dorian Merz authored