refs #20842 [finc] refactor getPickUpLocations
* move getWachtlPickUpLocations from de_zwi2, de_d13 to LiberoWachtlTrait for PAIA usage to fetch pickUpLocations * move getPickUpLocations from de_105, de_l152, de_15, de_ch1 to FincLibero for DAIA usage to fetch pickUpLocations ** check for config var "useWachtlPickupLocations" to use LiberoWachtlTrait ** check for useDaiaLocationId to use FincIls getPickUpLocations ** otherwise use customData from getCustomData * refactor parseDaiaArray for getPickUpLocations ** set item_id for non-title-hold orders (storage retrieval request) ** also refs #20223
- local/config/vufind/FincLibero.ini 5 additions, 0 deletionslocal/config/vufind/FincLibero.ini
- module/finc/src/finc/ILS/Driver/FincLibero.php 45 additions, 0 deletionsmodule/finc/src/finc/ILS/Driver/FincLibero.php
- module/finc/src/finc/ILS/Driver/LiberoWachtlTrait.php 43 additions, 0 deletionsmodule/finc/src/finc/ILS/Driver/LiberoWachtlTrait.php
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