- Oct 11, 2021
Claas Kazzer authored
* introduces initial 2 column styling * revises column SCSS to use existing BBI styles * adds correct headings * turns result list sidebar tools into ul too * Sidefacets as uls ** fine-tunes two-column layout ** introduces two-column layout to result list sidebar ** introduces heading to result list sidebar ** corrects heading hierarchy in result list sidebar * sidebar toolbars as ULs ** fixes look across all media queries ** fine-tunes look on any device below 400px * switch confounded translations for toolbar headlines co-authored by: Gregor Gawol <gawol@ub.uni-leipzig.de> co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>
- Sep 28, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
from I18nController, authored by "Anna Lingnau <lingnau@hab.de>"
- Jun 21, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
plus: remove BBI-specific German translation
- Apr 19, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Apr 15, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* change wording of "Create Account" * accessibility page: add full stop and new paragraph * fix translations in search ** result page, facets ** advanced search form: tranlation of slimselect placeholder and empty results * fix some search links * refactoring of "misspelled resources" mapping ** now uses YAML ** enables use of special characters * add some source mappings * adapted BASE to new page structure * 18826 accessibility information page, including footer link * 18995 AMSL Sources page explanatory line in German TODO add english translation * 18995 fix some AMSL Source scope notes * 19399 start page, "about us", and "for subject librarians"
- Mar 04, 2021
* Move links to the top * Move charges notice to the bottom * Remove duplicate links * Remove redundant "Online Links" caption * Remove `target="_blank"` from external links; it should be the user's decision if links are opened in the current tab or a new one * Remove breaks from strings * On small screens: ** Remove the vertical decorative lines to make better use of available space ** Change tabs layout so all tabs are clickable, highlight the current tab with a connecting line * fix label on free resources ** Freely available resources no longer have contradictory labels. ** Fix typo in translations. * increase margin on WorldCat link list * improve get-it box ** Add external-link icon ** Use external-link view helper ** Update translations: Remove breaks and fix capitalization * fix resolver links (WIP) ** Remove duplicate resolver links ** Style print links * Fix margins THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND REQUIRES FURTHER CHANGES.
- Feb 18, 2021
- Dec 03, 2020
* Update/create all templates required for the frontpage * Add new styles, webfonts, icons and images * Update/add translations * Add a factory method for including SVG icons for more details see issue/18596
- Nov 05, 2020
* set resolver config * set resolver output * translate link label * use finc resolver response rendering instead of fid * configure worldcat tab to be shown with active OpenUrls co-authored by: "Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de>"
- Oct 23, 2020
* config * translations * templates * updated OpenUrlRules.json * disable orders
- Oct 05, 2020
Robert Lange authored
Revert refs #17407 [fid_bbi] replace bbi specific sources list by amsl values - List resources/sources via amsl.api This reverts commit bfdbc646. and commit d281e08a.
- Sep 30, 2020
ha848myco authored
* Add new conf file Amsl.ini to fid_bbi ** Set related url to the resource for DE-23 ** Set mappings for main_key and sub_key * Place the link to the resources within the footer.phtml * Auxillary translations * Set isil to FID-BBI-DE-23 in Amsl.ini refs #17407 [fid_bbi] Remove library specific AMSL changes which are just solved in finc * Remove file amsl/sources-list.phtml * Remove block AMSL from compiled.scss
- Sep 07, 2020
- Jul 06, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* enable admin section, activates module via config * restricts access through fidis * only show resource tags older than one week * prepare admin tags display with date filter * add sorting link to tag list template * add missing translation * show date on admin tags list * clarify tag display is suspended for one week * clarify admin tag list entries * link admins to tag management pages * adds links in footer and myresearch menu * change wording of tags saving success line * clarifies delay between saving and public display of tags
- May 20, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* adds some help texts * additional info for user * some styling * fix styling of usertags menu entry
- May 18, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* adds all my tags section to MyResearch * clarifies usage of "Your Tags" Recommend (i.e. filter for Favorite Lists)
- May 14, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* removes counting for tags * adds markings for "tagged by you" and "tagged by others" * clarifies tag usage by improved wording
- Mar 18, 2020
Gregor Gawol authored
- Feb 20, 2020
- Dec 11, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* activates user list tags * translations for "Your Tags" * show all tags on favorites overview ** fixes bug inherited from bootstrap3 theme * show all tags for user in select list ** adapts VuFind-core DB query ** TODO: Is this a Bug? File a Pull Request
Dorian Merz authored
* adds JS functionality to permalink * copies URL to clipboard
* modified feedback form
- Dec 03, 2019
* from 'Your' to 'My' Searches | Profile * clean up de.ini
- Oct 08, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* changes German and English wording for Data Collections in ** side facet ** footer ** data collection browsing page title
- Oct 07, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* integrate worldsearch module * merges WolrdCat and HoldingsILS tabs * sets WorldcatTab as default * adds FID-BBI specific RecordTab ViewHelper to have tab still displayed even for empty WorldCat response
- Sep 03, 2019
* set additional fields * set some comments * refactored source code * set translations * accept terms of use and privacy policy
- Sep 02, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* new FID specific error message (on Exception)
- Aug 27, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* display HTML snippet to be embedded in external website
- Aug 14, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* ENG: Browse Collections * GER: Datensammlungen durchsuchen
Dorian Merz authored
* inherits translations from finc-Master level * removes duplicate translations and translation files * removes unused files from Alpha level language folder * bugfixes: ** fixes Subjects template ** avoids Undefined variable error
- Jul 03, 2019
* translate format in records of result-list * add some translations in fid_bbi.ini
- Jun 28, 2019
- Jun 27, 2019
* switches on bookbag * unhides saved in favorites block in result list * moves collection info for defaultRecord below data and items block, right-alogned * changes icon size for bookbag to correspond to favorites * removes fa-2x as this leads to wrong display in detail view * adds css rule for large size in result list * adds mixin to make items sr-only rather than hide them * applies mixin to cart labels in result list * relabels E-Mail this in cart tools to be same as E-mail this in Search tools * changes cart icon in header * resets check_saved_statuses for testing * changes padding in Saved in Favorites box * reinstates 'hidden' to savedLists
Dorian Merz authored
* adds back link on details view * adds jump marks in result list * jumps back to correct position * avoid hyphenation ** set hyphens: none for all elements ** avoids ugly line breaks in details table co-authored by: Claas Kazzer <kazzer@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
- Jun 26, 2019
* also add missing translations for Access facet section
- Jun 19, 2019
* harmonizes send labels in result list and record view * corrects print icon in record view
* fixes table alignment in myResearch profile * harmonizes use of Mein BBI labels (replaces Mein Konto)
- May 22, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* changes Username to E-Mail address
* expand FeedbackForms for new registration form - dont use default registration * send mail to hab * refactor policy - always required on feedback forms * get mail subject in FeedbackController.php:sendMail if none configured / found * copy translations and home libraries from core-package, TODO: remove after backend api is working * basic registration form ** add info text registration_form_info ** set home library required and add first empty option as default