- Jun 22, 2021
* extend AbstractAdmin to check for access permission for AdminModule ** admin module must be activated in config.ini by admin_enabled = true ** permission access.AdminModule should be set in permissions.ini
- Jun 21, 2021
* own variables are not needed here any more
* profile menus are now unordered lists ** use li.facet for border styling * corrects indents * finetunes SCSS * adjust word breaking * nicer word-break on small spaces on search result facats * remove facet group items underline co-authored by: "Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de>"
- Jun 17, 2021
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
- Jun 16, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* more specific message for RecordMissing exception * redirect message in case a fallback is used
* check if logged in * check if layout is not lightbox * add active class in menu when selected
- Jun 15, 2021
Heiko Wolf authored
- Jun 14, 2021
Heiko Wolf authored
- Jun 11, 2021
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
- Jun 10, 2021
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
Heiko Wolf authored
- Jun 09, 2021
Robert Lange authored
- Jun 04, 2021
* add template for unavailable status to finc theme
- Jun 03, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* do not check for existence of linked record on every call * add fallback seacrh in case of calling a missing record
- May 26, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* overwrite bootstrap version of login fields ** loginfields for MultiILS ** loginFields for catalogue login ** add autofocus to username
ha848myco authored
* Move the import of the finc customMixins to force its working * Remove doubly defined mixin from the customVariables * Add variable for default size in mixin outline * Replace finc related special outline style with outline mixin
Robert Lange authored
- May 25, 2021
* fixes layout tables in branchinfo * removes caption in holdingsils * adds margin to holdings tab alerts for better looks
- May 20, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* copied from /themes/bootstrap3/templates/Auth/Database/create.phtml ** add autocomplete for first name: given-name ** add autocomplete for last name: family-name ** add autocomplete for email: email ** add autocomplete for username: username ** add autocomplete for password: new-password ** add autocomplete for password confirmation: new-password * also add autocompletion for user fields of password reset ** add autocomplete for first name: given-name ** add autocomplete for last name: family-name ** add autocomplete for username: username ** add autocomplete for email: email
Robert Lange authored
* copied from /themes/bootstrap3/templates/Auth/AbstractBase/newpassword.phtml * add autocomplete for change user password inputs
Robert Lange authored
* remove unused getJournalHoldingsSolr in SolrMarcFincTrait * code styles for FincIls
- May 19, 2021
Gregor Gawol authored
Dorian Merz authored
* adds sysMessage to success message when placing a hold * cf. #7730
- May 18, 2021
* set focus on first input in advanced search form ** after page has been loaded ** BUT focus on next / new input when user adds new search field * reset limit for results on default on clear-button ** set variable for javascript in /search/advanced/limit.phtml
- May 05, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Apr 30, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
* for more or less facets buttons: stop parent event handling on link by event.stopImmediatePropagation() * facet group on single page: add ul * remove filters (side facets) as list * put scss into separate scss file in finc-accessibility theme * inherit scss from finc-accessibility theme * move potential PR SCSS to finc-accessibility * small refactoring on single-facet.phtml
Gregor Gawol authored
* set fieldset legend into template * styling fieldset legend * move legend position