- Jan 21, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* adds switch tab side recommendation * shows short label of selected search tab in dropdown button * fix translation of button label * style switchtab recommendation
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* modified config * edited text * refactored templates * edited some translations * new boss version v0.0.13
Dorian Merz authored
* adapt templates to new GetIt logics
Dorian Merz authored
* modified config * remove obsolete method * set comments * bug fixing hierarchy records * bug fixing local DE-15 with isbn
Dorian Merz authored
* re-structures logics * partitions into distinct source id packages * returns full config set for each
* firefox: need to set height for menu overlay and wrapper * hide footer and content when main menu is opened to avoid buggy scrolling
* profile * saved searches
Dorian Merz authored
* change text for forbidden databases * show link icon for fid licensed databases * show link icon for ALL databases + licenses links
* add icon and scss of iconcategory * use png from docx file of refs #15767
* remove redundant saved favorites from detail view for core template of ** SolrDefault ** SolrAI ** SolarMarc * show saved list when loaded on mobile too * favorites / star icon: replace awesome font icon by iconmoon in result list * override vufind js method to display filled star icon when item has been saved to favorites / personal list * hide favorites / saved lists on result view * also hidden on detail for mobile (vufind default behaviour)
* consider adlr-specific form fields
Dorian Merz authored
* dislay all user data (mostly in read-only mode) * exclude most attributes via validation groups * drop former editable_attributes configuration
* override history action of vufind search controller and bootstrap history template for handling lightbox (no menu), exclude bookmarks * place clock icon with tooltip beneath and therefore adjust css * add translation like de_15 for headline
* set search controller home action as default (empty path => Search/Home) * for alpha and live config.ini
* adjust reset password form * add translation to username change form * adjust send search mail form and record mail form ** changed config for senders email address as default ** adjust templates ** add translations ** remove textarea height limitation * use the correct language key * adjust translation
Dorian Merz authored
* remove required text and add information to username change form * prefill email address at password reset form * disable email input and email validation for logged in users
* for in_collection and published_in * in detail for Source and Set_Multipart * change separator for authors from comma to semicolon ** in result list ** in detail template * separate title_sub from title_short * fine tuning of font size / placement in result and detail view
* replace finc logo by inverted standard finc logo with higher resolution (no svg) * add ubl logo * combine footer logos in one line (except xs sreen) * set text for ubl footer link ** add translation ** remove duplicate key contact_form from translation files
refs #16672 [fid_adlr] move advanced search information and linking from header into the content section * show always searchbox / searchForm, even if advanced search was used * add partial within content section, repositioning offcanvas-toggler * add translations
- Jan 20, 2020
* move advanced search from searchbox to menu and home link * replace type filter by toggle for disabling facets * reset prefilter (type) too when retain-filters-checkbox is disabled ** use javascript to set hidden dropdown to default = all * change category filter text by javascript * fix main menu layout for sm and xs
- Jan 14, 2020
* fix: properly handle empty user data on hydration * add missing translations * account for anonymous logons on authorization * remove headline in template
- Jan 13, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Jan 10, 2020
* Changed Tibetanisch to Tibetisch
* prevent duplicate array entries when calling 'isActive' of OpenUrl-helper twice * initialise record resolvers as empty array * add test for current resolvers, context and active
- Jan 09, 2020
* get LiberoId via Client * add FeedbackControllerDelegatorFactory