- Apr 28, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* adding abstract translation * add default translation for homepage, volume and year * build translation key within template
- Mar 31, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* EZB-Resolver: ** save access state to each ezb resolver result ** reuse getElectronicResults removed in ticket 20764 * ResolverLinks helper hands over print- or electronic results to templates instead of prepared access and message information * handle access (article order button) and messaging in templates now ** messages are generated by type (electronic / print and access state) * improve array merging in template resolverLinks-print.phtml * change parseLinks method: differs from inherited finc ezb resolver by not requesting print state 10
- Jan 06, 2022
André Lahmann authored
* introduced translation domain for GetItBox * refactored templates to use GetItBox domain * refactored state logic in resolverLinks-button.phtml to work with standardized VuFind access states * refactored and aligned GetResolverLinks->handleRequest with finc version * remove fetchLinks from EZB, use parent
- Jan 04, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* devops info: ** run "./install-codestylechecker.sh install" to install dependencies for git hooks code style checks ** see https://projekte.ub.uni-leipzig.de/projects/finc-intern/wiki/Code-Quality-Checking_mit_PHPStorm#section-5 for integration of CS Fixer validation in PHPStorm * $HOME/bin/codestylechecker/php-cs-fixer3 fix --config=$HOME/bin/codestylechecker/vufind.php-cs-fixer.php_cs module/fid/src/ * add missing class and method comments * move view helper classes to correct directory * run codesniffer-beautifier for modules and templates co-authored by: Dorian Merz <merz@ub.uni-leipzig.de> co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
- Dec 15, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
refs #21063 [fid] changes after using PHP CS Fixer 3.1.0 instead of 2.14.0 (friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer) * PHP CS Fixer 3.1.0 is used in VuFind8 * working just with test/vufind.php-cs-fixer.php ruleset from VuFind8 ** with updated ruleset ** some rule names / settings changed because of fixer version * running by command: ** ../VuFind8/vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=../VuFind8/tests/vufind.php-cs-fixer.php module/fid
Alexander Purr authored
* vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=tests/phpcs.xml module/fid/ * vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=tests/vufind.php_cs module/fid * using PHP_CodeSniffer 3.6.2 instead of 3.4.0 (squizlabs/php_codesniffer)
- Jun 05, 2020
Gregor Gawol authored
* extended status to display subito button
- Nov 15, 2019
* display print issues in separate box * display messages * only one ezb request * set js function to fid module * fixed button bug * changed get it box config * set new position messages * set registration info * default info ezb resolver * set other registration info text
Dorian Merz authored
- Sep 27, 2019