- Mar 05, 2021
Alexander Purr authored
* templating and translations of digitization-on-demand-service * order only with full_access * add order list links to profile menu ** for normal user own acquisitions ** for admin complete acquisitions
Robert Lange authored
Alexander Purr authored
* new route via "/Record/0-123456/fidDigitization" * new form config * new form template * add type specific order information on acquisition trait and order hydrator * add translation keys - incomplete jet * add translation
Robert Lange authored
refs #17985 [finc,BARF] advanced search: set focus to first input after adding new search field or group * copy advanced_search.js from bootstrap to finc
- Mar 04, 2021
for details see issue/18845
* Move links to the top * Move charges notice to the bottom * Remove duplicate links * Remove redundant "Online Links" caption * Remove `target="_blank"` from external links; it should be the user's decision if links are opened in the current tab or a new one * Remove breaks from strings * On small screens: ** Remove the vertical decorative lines to make better use of available space ** Change tabs layout so all tabs are clickable, highlight the current tab with a connecting line * fix label on free resources ** Freely available resources no longer have contradictory labels. ** Fix typo in translations. * increase margin on WorldCat link list * improve get-it box ** Add external-link icon ** Use external-link view helper ** Update translations: Remove breaks and fix capitalization * fix resolver links (WIP) ** Remove duplicate resolver links ** Style print links * Fix margins THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND REQUIRES FURTHER CHANGES.
- Mar 03, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
André Lahmann authored
- Mar 02, 2021
* Wrap modal in <section> to avoid issues with multiple <h1> on the same page and update heading styles. * add loading animation to modal * fix header and form styles
Even on advanced search page.
- Mar 01, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* remove sub-collections for BASE * alternative styling of AMSL resources list * add empty source descriptions for English language * some restyling and scss refactoring ** re-use filters_title style as used in FAQs ** add more bottom padding ** simplify scss ** make link text more specific ** remove magnifier icon ** draw vertical line further
Robert Lange authored
Robert Lange authored
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* also see 18509 * use language tags in format facet ** refactor method getLanguageTag in side facets helper *** add parameter for html attributes *** always return html wrapped in specified element tag *** lax check if tag key starts with term instead of full match ** fetch language tags in finc format-list for format facets on result list * refactor language tags for performance ** avoid pregmatch, use fastest isset *** keys in facet.ini must be case sensitive and full length * add more tags in facet.ini
* adds lang="" to core files, result list and bookbag * adds more tags for fav list * adds more tags to myaccount views
* fix German translation * fix English translation
- Feb 26, 2021
* adopt changes of 17673, performance optimization for local holdings boost
* unwrap BackendException to get TimeoutException * use camelCase for systemEmail view helper in exception templates
Dorian Merz authored
* removes erroneous AjaxController definition
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Feb 25, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* preferredly use $689 * obey order given in ind2 * adds sources priority * adds fallback to $650 if empty * + corrects empty return type in getLocalSubject
* add white background to favicons - Improving visibility on dark backgrounds.
* remove attribute aria-contols, which is not not absolutely necessary * could be also handled in theme.js
- Feb 24, 2021
* add option to keep search filters * improve keep-filters accessibility ** Extend clickable area ** Fix focus styles ** Show tooltip on keyboard focus * improve search input with keep-filters ** Long search strings were overlapped by the keep-filters checkbox, fixed by adding padding.
Dorian Merz authored