- Dec 16, 2020
* using reload flag within user details request to force refresh * do not save order list in session any more
- Dec 07, 2020
* fixed bug * remove partcopy button * changed text
- Dec 04, 2020
* prevents from displaying not updated user data in VuFind * user-object is refreshed automatically after successful user update
Dorian Merz authored
* navigation landmark isn't needed anymore
* Change display property * Handle width XS * Review the widths SM, MD and LG * Complete the width XS * Surround the select box and the refresh button with a div-tag * Review the styling for the width XS * Review the new div-tag for all widths
* add submit button to page limit and sorting form on result lists (and favorites) ** no automatic page reload on selection change ** therefore no focus changing * language selection form ** change language link into submit button ** still using js for setting language value before submitting
* Remove title attributs having redundant information related to the content
- Dec 03, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
Robert Lange authored
Dorian Merz authored
* introduce finc HeadTitle ViewHelper * use library name instead of empty title
Dorian Merz authored
* replaces div with span because div not allowed in this context
Dorian Merz authored
* remove addFincIdToRecord * introduce searchRelatedRecords instead * introduce getLinkedKxpRecord for multiple record linking functions * move getRelatedRecords funcionality to getAdditionals * show more Online Editions in holdings tab ** extend getAdditionals by note (MARC subfield $n) ** also show link if $n === 'Online-Ausgabe" * detail view ** only show actually linked records if present ** show more elaborate label for related records * refactor getHierarchyParentID ** reuse getRelatedKxpRecord
Dorian Merz authored
- Dec 02, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* simplifies match-conditions * adds performing string-function
- Dec 01, 2020
* do ajax calls before document loaded * load within cover template by id * use style based icon or default icon as preview while loading covers * minimize script for ajax covers in template
Dorian Merz authored
Robert Lange authored
* use solr instead of ils ** because not every instance has an ils ** because ils driver has not to be configured anymore ** but still use ils on local alpha for demo driver and missing indexExtension * add finc New Items Plugin and Controller ** use indexExtension to create query for date range * use radio selects instead of buttons for range * add label-for options * add legend and better translations (Choose Period) * removes styling br * adds mainbody for styling
- Nov 30, 2020
Robert Lange authored
* give landmarks translated titles * moves skip links and intro text inside header * removes 'Toolbar' title from toolbar.phtml (already in h2 above) co-authored by: "Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de>"
* fixes header icons and my account labels * formats my account warning icons * increase padding on myaccount menu numbers * fine-tunes overdue and ok buttons * adjusts warning/bell icons in header on hover
* for details see issue/18535 * additionally: move templates to accessibility theme
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 27, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* also removed redundant array-check in Router
- Nov 25, 2020
* cleans up FincMissing - result-list * purges redundant code from FincMissing - result-list co-authored by: "Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de>"
* Review German translation for E-Mail ** Set German translation to "Mailen" ** Show the bulk action button list on search result page by default ** Bulk action button list: Change the order of the buttons ** Favorites: *** Add aria-label to the edit and delete button for every item *** Show action and title for the new aria-label * Review bulk action buttons ** Change order *** Change order for the result list *** Change order for the favorite list ** Change German translation for Print * Review variable bookbag_email_selected ** Use it again in h2 tag ** Change German translation
- Nov 23, 2020
- Nov 20, 2020
Alexander Purr authored
* add uniqueId as identifier for record title link / span * use everywhere the same describedById structure for checkbox aria-describedby and id of title span/ link
- Nov 19, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 16, 2020
* introduces variable to overwrite link decoration * introduces variables for modal close buttons * corrects erroneous variables * alters layout.phtml for modal loading display inside modal-body * changes close-x color
- Nov 13, 2020
ha848myco authored
* For offcanvas=true: ** Set focus to back button on sidebar resp. to active element on account sidebar ** Add back button for Author search on result list ** Add toggle button for search tips ** Add back button for search tips ** Add toggle button on page Library Cards ** Add toggle button on page Change Password * For offcanvas=false: ** Add back button ** Add link to the sidebar (toggle button) ** Add link to the content (back button) ** Set focus to back button on sidebar resp. to active element on account sidebar * Add new translation for search tip toggle button * adds aria-labels to offcanvas * sets sidebar for XS ** sets default to offcanvas true ** sets default to bookbag true ** makes sidebar on XS 100% wide when offcanvas is off ** corrects various scss glitches * use altered function in separate JS file ** avoid copy-paste overhead in case of changes on parent theme
- Nov 12, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* Remove list tags related from the search box like the bootstrap3 solution * Adapt the styles for having good results for 200% zoom * Review header for SM ** Review shards and search filters for SM to have no overlapping ** Remove space between the search buttons ** Adapt the search input field for the account page with the account warning button
- Nov 10, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 09, 2020
* edit getURLs in SolrMarcFincTrait for marc 856 https://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd856.html ** new: set description to full text if 856 ind.2 = 0 (resource) and other subfields missing (3, x, z, y) ** new: set description to further information if 856 ind.2 = 2 (related resource) and other subfields missing (3, x, z, y) ** keep: set description to Online Access if ind.2 = 0 and doi.org and ind1 = 0 * add translation for Further information and full text plain ** full text / Volltext ** Further informationen / Weiterführende Informationen
* Add start link to breadcrumbs * Switch colors for focus and hover over a breadcrumb link * Advanced search result list: ** Reduce margin-bootom to make the breadcrumb visible ** But it works only for 100% and a search term occupying only one line