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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jul 23, 2021
  2. Apr 21, 2020
  3. Jan 21, 2020
  4. Jan 09, 2020
  5. Dec 05, 2019
  6. Dec 04, 2019
  7. Nov 22, 2019
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #16020 [fid_adlr] add contact form · c94fb39c
      Alexander Purr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * add receiver information to config.ini
      * add 2 forms configurations to FeedbackForms.yaml
      * include FeedbackController in module.config.php
      * add extended FeedbackController
      * add 2 form templates
      * add translations
  8. Nov 19, 2019
  9. Oct 24, 2019
  10. Oct 17, 2019
    • Sebastian Kehr's avatar
      refs #15998 [fid_adlr] user management forms related changes · 784a6b9b
      Sebastian Kehr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * mark required fields in registration forms
      * map job title to requested permission
      * account for generalization of user creation form
      * translation fix
      * adjustments needed for hydration
      * build attributes after submit of user creation form
      * added newsletter boolean flag
      * adjust user update form
      * use hydrator for all user forms
      * translation fixes
      * override not-empty validator for newsletter field
      * fixup: adjust newsletter field options
      * adjust translations in user profile view and update form
      * include user group in user update form
      * adjust user update form spec
      * rename property for less confusion
      * rename user property and according form fields
      * fix input filter spec for newsletter field
      * render job_title element as select field
      * remove job_title element from update form
      * grant permissions on user creation
      * display user group as non-editable field in update form
      * changes to job title field in update form
      * display job title update notice
      * use custom validator for home address fields
      * let first line of first address be optional
      * let user specify default delivery address
      * adjust permissions configuration
      * adjust permissoins translations
      * customize admin edit form
      * user update form style hotfix
      * revision of admin edit form
  11. Oct 09, 2019
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #16031 [fid_adlr] add basic content for home page · 7d0d4f01
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * add basic structure for home page
      * add de / en translations for home page texts
      * import rss feed => todo: mv to myresearch controller
      * fix some css bugs: remove transitions
      * fix basic styling for xl screens
      ** keep home text centered
      * fix display menu toggle for edge
      ** problem with transitions still exists - need to disable collaps-timing
      * set z-index for header-links
      * fix menu z-index for xs
      * disable transitions to speed up main menu ecetera
      * supplement to home page: xs and sm text sizes
      * refactor texts on home page
      ** transform menu 1 and 2 uppercase
      ** lower line-height of Blog headline
      ** databases and new releases in ubuntu mono
      ** services sub headlines in ubuntu mono / separate div
      * fix font color and offsets in headlines
      * refactor blog import
      ** extract url data strings to main config
      ** rough catching of exceptions in rss helper
      ** set fallback = direct link to blog
      * fix line-height of services headlines for md screen - use same as lg
  12. Oct 01, 2019
  13. Sep 25, 2019
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #15589 [fid_adlr] transfer licenses from composer package into instance and embed DBIS package · d534122d
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * .gitignore changed: ignore copied dbis mixin in theme folder
      * composer.json changed: add DBIS package AND add post-install / post-update - hooks to copy mixins after composer install or update
      * config/application.config.php changed: also dbis module is still needed here for activation
      * fid_adlr/config/vufind/config.ini changed: set adlr licenses configuration
      * fid_adlr/config/vufind/fid.ini changed: set current api backend - remove on go live
      * fid_adlr/config/vufind/permissionBehavior.ini added: derived from fid for correct handling of permissions in permissionHelper (defaultDeniedTemplateBehavior = true)
      * fid_adlr/config/vufind/permissions.ini added: set permissions for licenses (currenty full_access only) and dbis (all)
      * module/fid_adlr/config/module.config.php changed: add routes for licenses = dbis = databases
      * module/fid_adlr/src/Controller/MyResearchController.php & MyResearchControllerFactory.php added: handle dbis and licenses actions
      * themes/fid_adlr/languages/de.ini & themes/fid_adlr/languages/en.ini changed: add translations for dbis and licenses
      * themes/fid_adlr/scss/_customMixins.scss & themes/fid_adlr/scss/compiled.scss changed: add styling for dbis, stub accordeon as mixin
      * themes/fid_adlr/templates/footer.phtml added: for second link to dbis (databases) -> note #15652
      * themes/fid_adlr/templates/myresearch/databases.phtml & dbis-content.phtml added: databases encapsulate dbis and licenses
      * themes/fid_adlr/templates/myresearch/menu-additional-entries.phtml added: plugin menu entry to databases - called by fid/myresearch/menu
      * themes/fid_adlr/theme.config.php changed: add finc-dbis theme
    • Sebastian Kehr's avatar
      refs #16072 [fid_adlr] create instance specific zend module stub · 05637d5b
      Sebastian Kehr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
    • Gregor Gawol's avatar
      refs #15650 [fid_adlr] design detail view · 20434a17
      Gregor Gawol authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * set module fid_adlr
      * set core data default & ai
      * set design
      * display share button
      * changed design share button menu
      * changed breadcrumb
      * set tab table of contents to recorddataformatter
      * fixes bug playing times
      * set format bold
  14. Sep 23, 2019
  15. Jun 19, 2019
    • Sebastian Kehr's avatar
      refs #15383 [fid] user management / registration · ea7bfde8
      Sebastian Kehr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * migration of former core-module-package contents
      * first adjustments of api client logon functionality
      * fix initial registration step
      * registration finalization adjustments
      * fetch libraries on registration
      * improved logon client method
      * refresh logon only if stale
      * throw exception on bad credentials
      * adjust config files
      * fetch user details only if logged on
      * rename namespace, text domain as well as module and theme
      * untrack compiled css
      * let registration form look like login form
      * rename ils driver for config injection by ils connection
      * use aliases for authenticator and ils driver
      * let authenticator support account creation
      * enable account creation in base config
      * override default account creation route
      * introduce user controller and update action
  16. May 03, 2019
  17. Apr 24, 2019