- Nov 28, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* same problem like in refs 22739
- Nov 23, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* specific selector to override in vufind6 introduced styles
- Nov 22, 2022
Robert Lange authored
- Nov 18, 2022
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
* added rules yaml, changed language files
- Oct 21, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* adapt finc changes of this ticket
- Oct 10, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* use tryMethod for getting source id * move fallback search into alert box
Alexander Purr authored
* start page ** <meta name="description"> only once - language check ** remove tabindex="-1" on search button's inner span * result list ** Element form not allowed as child of element span in this context -> search controls sort and pages ** an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value. -> added quote in result grouping template ** Element a not allowed as child of element ul in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) -> facet-lists more / less links within li (from finc-accessibility theme) ** Element div not allowed as child of element ul in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) -> date range slider facet as li (+ additional styling) ** The select element cannot have more than one selected option descendant unless the multiple attribute is specified. -> remove selected attribute from disabled option for limit and sort in offcanvas ** Attribute maxlength is only allowed when the input type is email, password, search, tel, text, or url. -> reuse finc version for date range slider (max instead of maxlength) * details view ** Element p not allowed as child of element h3 in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) -> subtitle as span instead of p ** Duplicate ID toolbar-menu. -> remove second ** Element ul not allowed as child of element span in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) -> span to div ** Attribute href not allowed on element button at this point. -> href to data-target ** Get-It-Box: #get-it-button / Ressources-Button (/Record/0-725915765) ** RecordTabs: #side-collapse-... (/Record/0-725915765) ** Bad value >>side-panel-Table of Contents<< for attribute id on element div: An ID must not contain whitespace. -> RecordTabs: use $tab instead $desc for construct ID in core-templates (but IDs are not really in use, IDs used just for styling) * result list (active filters) ** Duplicate ID applied_filter_1 -> in searchbox.phtml applied filter were rendered twice ** Attribute href not allowed on element button at this point. -> href to data-target ** toggle button facet group ** End tag ul seen, but there were open elements. -> moving endif (closing div and li was missed before); problem only if filters are active * date range slider ** revert design changes of ticket 22462 ** add up & down Arrows again by using input type=number * result list advanced search ** No p element in scope but a p end tag seen. -> remove falsely added closing p co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de> * add missing closing div in view
- Oct 05, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
Viola Elsenhans authored
* add template advanced/ranges * remove type=number of range-slider inputs * show register label for lg-screen * fix design for badges in sidebar
Robert Lange authored
* use depracated vf5 code without session storage
- Sep 27, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* adjust style
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
* changed 3 language entries correlating to database descriptions * forked dbis-content.html to change dropdown info text to plain info
Viola Elsenhans authored
* remove breaks * no margin-bottom for header in resluts
- Sep 21, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* fix language; active not bold * keep seperate design for language and register
- Sep 08, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* add id to data range slider
- Sep 07, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* change braces to change evaluation order * keep previous logic to hide link if disabeLast is true * results: code style
- Sep 06, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* fix footer, fix link to savedList, SCSS FIXME * fix offcanvas-toggler in orders, profile and history * change red, adapt type of slider, fix order of search controls * restore facet * restore styling for tabs * fix quickfilter * fix color for filter * fix advanced search padding * fix close offcanvas and register checkbox * fix checkbox height
- Aug 30, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* removes finc variable imports and adds comment in customVariables * re-defines BS dimensions in customVariables to prevent grunt errors co-authored by: Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de> * SCSS revision * adds (mostly) SCSS linter improvements
- Aug 26, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* reuse RecordViewHelperFactory from finc (theme) ** delete copied factory from fid_adlr * delete old factory call, inherit from finc (module)
- Aug 25, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* remove static factories for record drivers, see also 21615 * additional: remove factory entries in module.config for not explicit overridden record drivers * feedback form url error ** create policy back url by using route ** not vf6-upgrade specific * add UBL internal docker mailer for ALPHA configuration ** easier testing ** all vufind mails will be send and redirect to itself (docker.ub.intern.uni-leipzig.de)
- Aug 23, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* adapt /layout/ templates to VF6.1.2 * revert changes /feedback/form of VF6.1.2 * adapt /myresearch/ templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt /Recommend/ templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt /Recommend/SideFacets/ templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt /record/ templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt /RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/core templates to VF6.1.2 * format /RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/core replace closing tag * adapt /RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/ templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt /RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/ /RecordDriver/SolrAI/ templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt core templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt /RecordTab/ templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt /search/advanced/ templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt /search/controls/ templates to VF6.1.2 * adapt /search/ templates to VF6.1.2 * fix bugs of templates to VF6.1.2 * reset off-Canvas-Togglers in myresearch/profile VF6.1.2 * redo showing selected filter-list above facte, Recommend/SideFacets VF6.1.2 * remove offcanvas-toggler /DefaultRecord/core.phtml VF6.1.2 * remove offcanvas-toggler /SolrMarc/core.phtml VF6.1.2 * remove classname table-resp-data in /RecordTab/ VF6.1.2 * fix closing if in /DefaultRecord/list-entry VF6.1.2 co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * remove table-resp-data class from tables to prevent ugly responsive tables
- Jul 11, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* remove icon template * add baseIconClass to iconMapping.ini * new RecordViewHelper and Factory
- Jun 22, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* addresses * twitter * linked DSGVO paragraphs * text snippets * using external link view helper * adapt policy texts
Viola Elsenhans authored
* open edit list in lightbox * add template edit to fid_adlr for setting adlr design * add dropdown for delete in edit mode * fix bug for show dropdown * set function for delete and cancel; adapt style * adapt layout for result-links
- Jun 02, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
- May 25, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* enable result grouping checkbox on top of facets * load search controller methods from results grouping plugin by inheriting from plugins search controller * display toggle link at the end of main record * subrecords ** appear directly underneath the toggle link ** unordered list ** subrecords are structured (html, classes) like a main records (almost identical) * save subrecord to favorites * add hidden inputs for select correct subrecord * displaySaveStatus works now for record and subrecord - is triggered on loading result-list or after closing save-to-favorite lightbox ** status /view changes applies only for first occurrence ** prevents subrecord from displayed as favorite (filled star) if the parent record was added to favorite * show correct subrecord icons * toggle-link color * translations * better placement of result list record icons on small resolutions ** parent record icons are displayed on top of the record ** parent record title and informat...
- May 18, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* add package in composer.local.2.fid-adlr with zend version * add group limit an match string in configs for live and alpha * add record driver for default and ai to use package * add checkbox for grouping - but commented out * render grouping on result list of default and ai * update composer.lock after manual edit of composer.local.2.fid-adlr.json * check if driver uses result grouping by calling hasSubRecords * alpha config: override full section * hide checkbox control to deactivate result grouping
- May 17, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* fix bug for active menu entry
Viola Elsenhans authored
- May 12, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* remove corporate author
- May 02, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
- Apr 20, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
* hides sort and display n items buttons for XS and SM * fixes misplaced icons in record view ** removes redundant 'and screen' in SCSS ** reduced padding-right on large devices for mainbody
- Apr 13, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* add inheritance if needed * dependent to 16852
- Mar 23, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* remove redundant configuration * remove redundant MyResearchController * remove redundant templates * remove redundant German translations ** use "devops/i18n-merge.sh data/i18n/languages/de.ini themes/fid_adlr/languages/de.ini themes/fid/languages/de.ini": ** remove duplicate token "Username " and E-Mail-Adresse with parent file. ** remove duplicate token "dbis_hint " and "Hinweis" with parent file. ** remove duplicate token "dbis_licenses_name_long " and "Zugang zu freien und lizenzierten Fachdatenbanken" with parent file. ** remove duplicate token "dbis_name " and "Fachdatenbanken" with parent file. ** remove duplicate token "licenses " and "Datenbanken" with parent file. ** remove duplicate token "licenses_desc_1 " and "Momentan haben Sie Zugriff auf:" with parent file. ** remove duplicate token "licenses_not_available " and "Diese Lizenzen sind derzeit leider nicht verfügbar." with parent * remove redundant English ...
Robert Lange authored
* allow empty inputs in home address if checkbox for delivery_address is deactivated * set required attributes by javascript in new introduced user_delivery_address.js - except for line 2 * add new translation for checkbox label * code styles / add comments * add horizontal row as divider between user data sections
- Mar 14, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
Claas Kazzer authored
- Mar 09, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
- Mar 07, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
* adds autocomplete to home and office address forms * adds autocomplete to user update form * add autocomplete to 2nd address (home address) update form * add template comments co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
Robert Lange authored