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ubl / finc / packages / rules-evaluator
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterSimple rules evaluator based on Symfony Expression Language Component.
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ubl / bdd_dev / docker / vufind-nginx
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyNginx webserver for VuFind
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Bibliographie zur Leipziger Universitätsgeschichte
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ubl / bdd_dev / webmasterei / histvv / histvv-data
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterHistVV data contains all static data of HistVV application besides of scans which are located at repository histvv-scans.
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Finished static web page running under two domains kosmosdeswissen.de or inpursuitofknowledge.org only for documentation.
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mycore_applications / common / dptbase-work
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis project contains a maven module to handle work entries for MyCoRe projects.
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Converts PNGs to ZPL internal graphic format for printing.
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mycore_applications / orient / mymss-portal-migration
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
This module contains data models to store biological collection data.
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This project contains all documentation about the MyMss-Portal-project.
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ia221migy / Crowd Translation Project
MIT LicenseUpdated