- Nov 14, 2019
* set library list in session correctly in method requestLibraryList * add method 'requestLibraryById' for getting single library from api
* update composer dependency for dbis package * use latest adlr api * refactor DBIS usage *# use DBIS id from patron library list instead of bibId *# fallback: get home library from api directly *# fallback: can't get library list from api: set parameter for mapping bibId => dbis in js of dbis-content.phtml to true *# add fid client in MyResearch Controller for 2) and 3) * use latest dbis package
* add mixin for main links * reorder myresearch menu and add letter spacing * handle hover effect * use ubuntu mono font for normal links too * change translation for go_to_list link
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 13, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* set permission
* new boss-module version v0.0.6
* show toggler for myresearch menu and toggler for search facets in sm * use xs styling / effects for sidebar * fix minus-icon hover disappearing in facets and compress entries (lower padding)
* decrease headline line-height and font-size * decrease width of elements in menubar * set backgrpund white in menubar * fix footer on detail view * todo: handle tables / favorites
* grant implicit permissions on registration * adjust office address line mapping * set default api to staging/adlr
Dorian Merz authored
* making data format definition from fid available in adlr
* add general form logic for acquisitions ** add acquisition trait for business logic ** add order hydrator ** form definitions and templates (using record data formatter) ** delegator for using api client within controller * add subito article and partial copy forms ** add form definition and templates ** add business logic within trait ** create order by using api * add language keys * simple order hydrator
Dorian Merz authored
* removes deprecated code from finc's search/home.phtml * this allows for the display of channels and home facets
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 12, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 11, 2019
- Nov 08, 2019
* drop column username_id after copying to username * drop user_id_key unique key constraint * set default values on columns firstname, lastname, cat_username
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
refs #16234 [master-v5] do not drop (non-existing) column username_id and user_id_key unique constraint
Dorian Merz authored
* introduces new Exception types * uses those Exceptions to authorize user
- Nov 07, 2019
* of Default record driver * of SolrAi record driver
* fine tuning of ordering of links * dont use side-panels on detail record, instead display get-it-box within media-body * fix internal format on detail view * remove toggler for sidebar * remove box from sidebar in SolrAI and SolrMarc also ** set new breakpoint for full width of get-it-box: small-medium-max (col-md) ** rearrange title icons like mock-ups for different screens ** fix footer right padding (if within main) * fix styling for PDA ** differentiate between full and partly copy ** set border radius for both get it box (amber and azure) like mockup * style text for pda partcopy notice
* fix home page * fix default pages
* use and adjust styles from facet offcanvas-toggler * edit back button in menu.phtml * add icon to offcanvas-toggler-myresearch.phtml * add translations
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 06, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* changes according new Zend ServiceManager configuration