- Feb 17, 2023
Robert Lange authored
* add getitbox tests for adrl * add basic tests for UBL * also refs #22797 * handle groups and different environments * add account test for WHZ * also refs #22801 * implement selenium grid for parallel execution * add adlr test for user delete / reactivation * add test for user partial order * also refs #22589 co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * remove redundant records * not part of rules section refs #22013 [finc] minimal doc improvements
- Feb 16, 2023
Viola Elsenhans authored
Alexander Purr authored
refs #23135 [finc] center access icon / cover on (mobile) record view by using full view port width * add record component
Mathias Maaß authored
co-authored by: jpkanter <kanter@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * finc-accessibility: fixed tag-typo in menu.phtml, added finc description header
- Feb 10, 2023
André Lahmann authored
* set https as standard protocol if no specific protocol is defined in given url
- Feb 09, 2023
Alexander Purr authored
* if (searches.ini-option [General] retain_filters_by_default == false) it prevents from retain / apply same filters on new searches * but the RetainFilterSetting should not be used to check the display of the 'reset filters'-button (inconsistent behavior)
Robert Lange authored
* allow negative method filter, meaning, we don't query the ILS when a method with leading "!" matches
- Feb 03, 2023
Robert Lange authored
- Feb 02, 2023
Claas Kazzer authored
* fixes errors in bookbag delet menu * corrects cart dropdowns ** removes redundant value=1 entries ** changes file to look like PR https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/2669 * adds SCSS for focus highlighting to bookbag dropdowns * corrects another dropdown menu with correc aria roles * improves finc missing icon by replacing hidden-xs with sr-only * improves finc missing icon by replacing hidden-xs with custom sr-only + visible MD/XL * Replaces caption in solrMarc core * SCSS active filters + search terms * corrects spelling of variable * SCSS active filters + search terms, corrects spelling of variable * corrects use of misspelled variable * adds missing !default flags + custom visibility class
- Jan 31, 2023
Alexander Purr authored
* link-text-decoration default is underline
Alexander Purr authored
Alexander Purr authored
* set finc default for link text decoration * set finc default for hover link text decoration
- Jan 26, 2023
Alexander Purr authored
* saves space * consistent behavior * dropping html (former desktop view) * change order of show-all-filter-toggler and reset-all-filters-button by change floating scss variables * add variables for floating-settings of reset-all-filters-button and show-all-filterd-toggler ** order can be changed in instances * show-all-filterd-toggler more accessible (tabbing) than before * read .collapsed class on show-all-filter-toggler * accidently deleted before * unify active filter container and advanced search information container (terms + links) * introduce new finc variables for container boxes * active filter container & and advanced search information container inherits from finc * can be overridden in instances * highly customizable ** padding, border & background * if there are more than 3 selected filters of the same filter group they will be shown in a dropdown * back to vufind standard * now enough space for many filters co-authored by: Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de> * reset filters * adds background to filters block + variables * active filters final touches * adjusts design to adv search terms
- Jan 24, 2023
Ere Maijala authored
* VF8 Make it possible to define the local address pattern for bypassing proxy. (#2604)
Mathias Maaß authored
co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de> * covers.js: make selector for spinner less specific
- Jan 20, 2023
Alexander Purr authored
* not logged in: ** don't show offcancas-toggler and profile menu ** breadcrumb like: Home -> History * logged in: ** show offcancas-toggler and profile menu ** breadcrumb like: Home -> My Account -> History
- Jan 12, 2023
Viola Elsenhans authored
André Lahmann authored
André Lahmann authored
- Jan 06, 2023
Viola Elsenhans authored
* fix book bag button in collection view * add missing translations co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * scss comment
Robert Lange authored
* only do health check (get status) when record id is set - testConnections is tried later anyway * early return when get status (basic availability) has no results - don't try DAIA in testConnections in FincILS again * separate between DAIA and PAIA in FincILS testConnections
Alexander Purr authored
* show separate box with button for delete and edit * aligns search terms and options with delete button * new search terms display
- Jan 05, 2023
Claas Kazzer authored
- Dec 20, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
* removes styles from containing element * sets styles for anchor contained within * Reset filters: unsets focus on outer elements, clarifies dropdown * active filters revision * streamlines scss
- Dec 19, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
refs #22652 [finc] introduces WCAG variables for smallest screens [non-breaking change, can be merged] * also adds missing !default and clarifies chunks
- Dec 13, 2022
André Lahmann authored
* add canEditAccount to FincILS driver * adapt getIgnoredProfileFields for FincILS driver * extend FincILS configuration with settings for getIgnoredProfileFields * some code refactoring
- Dec 09, 2022
Robert Lange authored
Robert Lange authored
- Dec 05, 2022
Mathias Maaß authored
- Dec 01, 2022
Mathias Maaß authored
* add getter methods for each PAIA cache key ** items ** fees ** notifications * remove items cache after placeTitleHold * remove items cache after
- Nov 30, 2022
Mathias Maaß authored
* newpassword action still uses database values
- Nov 28, 2022
Robert Lange authored
refs #22779 [finc] addendum, code style: add short description for GetUserMediaReadyToPickup AJAX handler
Alexander Purr authored
* improve default search tools (on bottom of result list) * comes from de_105 (tested in finc) * show search facets instead of tags in sidebar of author-home
- Nov 25, 2022
Mathias Maaß authored
Robert Lange authored
* close canvas on escape key * set focus on search-filter-toggle after closing facet sidebar * fix skip link to sidebar facets * fix skip link to sidebar facets - hide on mobile * set focus on search-filter-toggle after closing facet sidebar * TODO: check instances with "offcanvas = false" like de_l152 after VF6-upgrade refs #22564 [finc] use event.key instead of event.keyCode
- Nov 17, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
Robert Lange authored
* w3c ** help: use same userLang for xml as for lang in meta tag ** add help.phtml to update html5 DocType ** adv help: use hyphens for name props ** search help: use hyphens for name props ** adv help: restore changes in root from #18999 - moved to finc accessibility ** sources list: remove href from button ** sources list: remove stray end tag for dfg link ** sources list: remove invalid and unused itemcount * fix urls of sources list ** use url encoded quotion mark for base url ** do not use external link view helper co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * w3c cart / bookbag: remove redundant value="1"
- Nov 14, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* show unique occurences in all themes except foundation * sort results
- Nov 10, 2022
Alexander Purr authored
* cancelILLRequest, * cancelHold, * cancelStorageRetrievalRequest, * renewals
André Lahmann authored
* introduce PermissionProvider for X-Real-IP and RemoteAddr rules * minor refactoring to fix cs issues * refactored private getRemoteAddr to protected