- Nov 22, 2019
* add receiver information to config.ini * add 2 forms configurations to FeedbackForms.yaml * include FeedbackController in module.config.php * add extended FeedbackController * add 2 form templates * add translations
- Nov 19, 2019
* for registration and password change (add adlr form and add embed in module.config) * no special sign required * but capital letter needed instead * change password validation error text for adlr
* set route to subito order * button design
* add label attribute to order dto * adjust order templates to display order label
- Nov 15, 2019
* added some translations * modified resolver config * changes positioning js-data * display doi url * change api urls * set translations
* display print issues in separate box * display messages * only one ezb request * set js function to fid module * fixed button bug * changed get it box config * set new position messages * set registration info * default info ezb resolver * set other registration info text
Dorian Merz authored
* uses different parameter name to avoid name clash with view Helper * simplifies downgrade function for OpenURL 0.1
* removes distance from right edge of screen for offcanvas * tiny minor scss beautification fixes
- Nov 14, 2019
* update composer dependency for dbis package * use latest adlr api * refactor DBIS usage *# use DBIS id from patron library list instead of bibId *# fallback: get home library from api directly *# fallback: can't get library list from api: set parameter for mapping bibId => dbis in js of dbis-content.phtml to true *# add fid client in MyResearch Controller for 2) and 3) * use latest dbis package
* add mixin for main links * reorder myresearch menu and add letter spacing * handle hover effect * use ubuntu mono font for normal links too * change translation for go_to_list link
- Nov 13, 2019
* show toggler for myresearch menu and toggler for search facets in sm * use xs styling / effects for sidebar * fix minus-icon hover disappearing in facets and compress entries (lower padding)
* decrease headline line-height and font-size * decrease width of elements in menubar * set backgrpund white in menubar * fix footer on detail view * todo: handle tables / favorites
* grant implicit permissions on registration * adjust office address line mapping * set default api to staging/adlr
* add general form logic for acquisitions ** add acquisition trait for business logic ** add order hydrator ** form definitions and templates (using record data formatter) ** delegator for using api client within controller * add subito article and partial copy forms ** add form definition and templates ** add business logic within trait ** create order by using api * add language keys * simple order hydrator
* removes deprecated code from finc's search/home.phtml * this allows for the display of channels and home facets
- Nov 07, 2019
* of Default record driver * of SolrAi record driver
* fine tuning of ordering of links * dont use side-panels on detail record, instead display get-it-box within media-body * fix internal format on detail view * remove toggler for sidebar * remove box from sidebar in SolrAI and SolrMarc also ** set new breakpoint for full width of get-it-box: small-medium-max (col-md) ** rearrange title icons like mock-ups for different screens ** fix footer right padding (if within main) * fix styling for PDA ** differentiate between full and partly copy ** set border radius for both get it box (amber and azure) like mockup * style text for pda partcopy notice
* fix home page * fix default pages
* use and adjust styles from facet offcanvas-toggler * edit back button in menu.phtml * add icon to offcanvas-toggler-myresearch.phtml * add translations
- Oct 29, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* adds book orders menu entry * displays open orders in table * adds several templates * adds script to close modal on click to Order list links co-authored by: ckaz <kazzer@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
Dorian Merz authored
* adds template to display Address DTOs inline
Dorian Merz authored
* adds book orders entry in profile side menu * some code cleanup due to unused functionality
- Oct 28, 2019
* refactored record-icon.phtml * added additional values to display certain icon
* fixed config bug * fixed bug to register new lightbox network notice * new boss module version ** added network notice
- Oct 24, 2019
* accordeon opening ** remove "in" -class of accordeon in holdings and aquisition ** keep closed on mobile in holdings and aquisition ** open by javascript on desktop in holdings and aquisition ** add forgotten id in acquisitionpda * disable hover * do word-break * extract box into own template ** move from acquisitionpda.phtml and holdingsils.phtml into get-it-box/side-panel-links.phtml * truncate links to 50 chars * increase width for desktop * use moon icons for plus and minus in accordeon ** both icons have same width => no shaking * float icons left (for all accordeon) and set offset
* use get it box * set configuration file * display buttons * set boss module * edited translations * edited texts * modified accordeon config
* modified box config * show text Get It if facet_avail entry Free * modified config display buttons * config boss * retrieve BOSS if not collection UBL-FID-EBC
- Oct 23, 2019
* move menu items from footer to header ** mv faq and subject specialists from footer to header ** fit offset for language and registration links on mobile navigation overlay ** set nowrap for menu items to prevent line break ** raise padding for menu items ** lower font-size for menu items & screen >= lg * fix header links ** use target blank ** use temporary links to blog * adapt language menu to main menu ** no hover ** same line-height
* for buttons * for icons and text on search
* don't throw exception if record not found * override method of vufind record link helper * corrected alias for view helper RecordLink (because of wrong alias, extended finc RecordLink was never used, but existent)
- Oct 18, 2019
* adds missing offcanvas toggler and return link to FID theme
* improves offcanvas-toggler code to use short render template version * adds offcanvas-toggler code for _all_ templates where it is missing in bootstrap3 theme * adds offcanvas-myresearch template for offcanvas togglers used in myresearch context * replaces erroneous toogler with toggler * replaces missed toogler occurrence in compiled.scss
* set right class name .offcanvas-toggler * add offcanvas-toggler to search history template
* adds missing sidebar toggler to myresearch/profile.phtml * adds preliminary translation for toggler * adds missing offcanvas toggler to other myaccount templates