- Dec 04, 2019
* regex only for EBC EBooks ** set config * bug fixing ticket 16523
* add xdebug related headers to fidis requests * update composer.lock
- Dec 03, 2019
* route * action * template (using partial) * language keys
- Nov 29, 2019
* minimal changes in templates and form configs * adjustments templates * styling of acquisition forms
* add complete record-link
- Nov 28, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* added note translations
Dorian Merz authored
* uses URL as link label in case there is noc description given
- Nov 21, 2019
* helper function object-to-array * use temporarily title as order label * bugfix access pages key
- Nov 19, 2019
* set route to subito order * button design
* add label attribute to order dto * adjust order templates to display order label
- Nov 15, 2019
* display print issues in separate box * display messages * only one ezb request * set js function to fid module * fixed button bug * changed get it box config * set new position messages * set registration info * default info ezb resolver * set other registration info text
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* modified view helper openurl * add clean doi method
Dorian Merz authored
* uses different parameter name to avoid name clash with view Helper * simplifies downgrade function for OpenURL 0.1
* removes distance from right edge of screen for offcanvas * tiny minor scss beautification fixes
- Nov 14, 2019
Sebastian Kehr authored
* remove unneeded gitignore file * add fid generic dependencies * add dependency to phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock
Sebastian Kehr authored
Sebastian Kehr authored
* restore vanilla v5.1.0 composer configuration and dependencies * drop composer platform php override to allow for dependencies requiring php > 7.0.8 * install and configure add composer merge plugin * update npm-shrinkwrap.json * add finc specific dependencies via custom composer file * assure all symfony packages are locked to 3.4.* * execute themes-copy script on composer install and update
* set library list in session correctly in method requestLibraryList * add method 'requestLibraryById' for getting single library from api
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 13, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* add general form logic for acquisitions ** add acquisition trait for business logic ** add order hydrator ** form definitions and templates (using record data formatter) ** delegator for using api client within controller * add subito article and partial copy forms ** add form definition and templates ** add business logic within trait ** create order by using api * add language keys * simple order hydrator
Dorian Merz authored
* removes deprecated code from finc's search/home.phtml * this allows for the display of channels and home facets
- Nov 12, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 11, 2019
- Nov 08, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
refs #16234 [master-v5] do not drop (non-existing) column username_id and user_id_key unique constraint
Dorian Merz authored
* introduces new Exception types * uses those Exceptions to authorize user
- Nov 07, 2019