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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 25, 2022
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #21409 [fid_adlr] result grouping styling · b68823c4
      Alexander Purr authored
      * enable result grouping checkbox on top of facets
      * load search controller methods from results grouping plugin by inheriting from plugins search controller
      * display toggle link at the end of main record
      * subrecords
      ** appear directly underneath the toggle link
      ** unordered list
      ** subrecords are structured (html, classes) like a main records (almost identical)
      * save subrecord to favorites
      * add hidden inputs for select correct subrecord
      * displaySaveStatus works now for record and subrecord - is triggered on loading result-list or after closing save-to-favorite lightbox
      ** status /view changes applies only for first occurrence
      ** prevents subrecord from displayed as favorite (filled star) if the parent record was added to favorite
      * show correct subrecord icons
      * toggle-link color
      * translations
      * better placement of result list record icons on small resolutions
      ** parent record icons are displayed on top of the record
      ** parent record title and information can use whole width
      ** subrecords now without indent, up to 30% more space
      * showing spinning wheel while reloading
      * add screen reader descriptions
      * prevent browser prompt on reload page via JS
      2 tags
  2. May 18, 2022
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #21281 [fid_adlr] add VuFindResultsGrouping · d506ed25
      Robert Lange authored
      * add package in composer.local.2.fid-adlr with zend version
      * add group limit an match string in configs for live and alpha
      * add record driver for default and ai to use package
      * add checkbox for grouping - but commented out
      * render grouping on result list of default and ai
      * update composer.lock after manual edit of composer.local.2.fid-adlr.json
      * check if driver uses result grouping by calling hasSubRecords
      * alpha config: override full section
      * hide checkbox control to deactivate result grouping
      2 tags
  3. May 17, 2022
  4. May 12, 2022
  5. May 06, 2022
  6. May 04, 2022
  7. May 02, 2022
  8. Apr 29, 2022
    • Alexander Purr's avatar
      refs #21654 [finc] make resolver traffic light accessible · fb60b3c7
      Alexander Purr authored
      * adjust styling
      * reuse de_15 style by moving to finc theme
      ** no-bullet class (add zero padding)
      ** resolver links list item styling (marging and padding, more space between items)
      * remove stair effect
      * add no-bullet class to phtml
      * clearer translation
  9. Apr 28, 2022
  10. Apr 27, 2022
  11. Apr 20, 2022
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #20357 [finc] set punctuation for Marc titleDetails if not already set · 401d1fdc
      Robert Lange authored
      * with syntax "245a: 245b (245n); 245p/ 245c"
      * colon only when 245a AND 245b exist
      * change order of subfields for records without pre-formated punctuation and ignore 245h
      * fetch multiple subfields for 245n and 245p and concatenate with coma
      * add tests for Marc getTitleDetails punctuation
      * run with command: docker exec -it [your_docker_php_container] sh -c "vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration module/finc/tests/phpunit.xml module/finc/tests/unit-tests/src/fincTest/RecordDriver/SolrMarcFincTestCase.php --filter testGetTitleDetails"
    •'s avatar
      refs #21511 [fid_adlr] fixes position of action buttons in results list · d2eb5700 authored
      * hides sort and display n items buttons for XS and SM
      * fixes misplaced icons in record view
      ** removes redundant 'and screen' in SCSS
      ** reduced padding-right on large devices for mainbody
  12. Apr 13, 2022
  13. Apr 04, 2022
  14. Apr 01, 2022
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #21133 [finc] use RecordDataFormatter for topics and rvk · 778cf4ee
      Robert Lange authored
      * add specs for topics and rvk in RecordDataFormatterFactory
      * add data-topics.phtml and data-rvk.phtml
      * use specs and render output of RecordDataFormatter in topics.phtml
      * remove obsolete message 'Topics unavailable' for empty content - tab should not be used at all due to hasTopics check
      2 tags
  15. Mar 31, 2022
  16. Mar 28, 2022
  17. Mar 23, 2022
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #19089 [fid_adlr] finc/dbis: remove redundant code and update package · da99aa18
      Robert Lange authored
      * remove redundant configuration
      * remove redundant MyResearchController
      * remove redundant templates
      * remove redundant German translations
      ** use "devops/ data/i18n/languages/de.ini themes/fid_adlr/languages/de.ini themes/fid/languages/de.ini":
      ** remove duplicate token "Username " and  E-Mail-Adresse with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "dbis_hint " and  "Hinweis" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "dbis_licenses_name_long " and  "Zugang zu freien und lizenzierten Fachdatenbanken" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "dbis_name " and  "Fachdatenbanken" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses " and  "Datenbanken" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses_desc_1 " and  "Momentan haben Sie Zugriff auf:" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses_not_available " and  "Diese Lizenzen sind derzeit leider nicht verfügbar." with parent
      * remove redundant English translations
      ** use "devops/ data/i18n/languages/en.ini themes/fid_adlr/languages/en.ini themes/fid/languages/en.ini":
      ** remove duplicate token "Username " and  Email address with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "dbis_hint " and  "Notice" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "dbis_licenses_name_long " and  "Access to free and licensed databases" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "dbis_name " and  "subject-specific Databases" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "dbis_text " and  "The subject-specific databases shown below and provided by DBIS are free to access. If you are logged in with your user account, additional databases which are specifically licensed by your home library are also listed. As a rule, these can only be accessed via your respective university network or VPN access." with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses " and  "Databases" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses_desc_1 " and  "Currently, you have access to:" with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses_desc_2 " and  "Further license offers are in preparation. You may also write us your suggestions, which offers should also be licensed. Please use our <a href="../Contact/ContactForm">contact form</a>.<br /><br /><br />Our <a href="../AdlrRegistration/Terms">terms of use</a> apply." with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses_forbidden_login_required  " and  "These licenses are only available for registered users in certain user groups." with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses_forbidden_permission_denied " and  "Licensed resources are not available for your user group." with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses_not_available " and  "Licensed resources temporarily not available." with parent file.
      ** remove duplicate token "licenses_notice_html " and  "Please use the newspaper archives for normal searches only. The licences granted are not designed for mass retrieval of newspaper pages (e.g. for text mining). Downloads beyond the usual level will lead to premature expiry of the licensed quotas and is at the expense of your colleagues.<br /><br />Please always contact us in advance by e-mail or via our <a data-lightbox href="%%contact_url%%">contact form</a> if you would like to retrieve a larger number of documents for a research project or use text mining. We will then get in touch with you. <br /><br />Please also note our <a data-lightbox href="%%terms_url%%">Terms of Use</a>.<br /><br />Thank you for your understanding." with parent file.
      * finc/dbis: update package version to 4.0.1 for short open tags
      2 tags
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #20900 [fid_adlr] make home address fields optional · 382e2565
      Robert Lange authored
      * allow empty inputs in home address if checkbox for delivery_address is deactivated
      * set required attributes by javascript in new introduced user_delivery_address.js - except for line 2
      * add new translation for checkbox label
      * code styles / add comments
      * add horizontal row as divider between user data sections
  18. Mar 14, 2022