- Sep 25, 2019
* just plain footer css within scss file * footer completed, correct scss nesting, use of scss variables and functions
* set module fid_adlr * set core data default & ai * set design * display share button * changed design share button menu * changed breadcrumb * set tab table of contents to recorddataformatter * fixes bug playing times * set format bold
- Aug 30, 2019
* refine submenu and mobile search menu for xs and lg ** use simple dropdown for language select ** fix bootstrap affix bug, prevent switch after click ** disable transitions for menus ** improve menu for xs and lg ** sm+lg: change background / color for collapsed main menu header links ** xs: shift language and registrion links to navigation-overlay * format header template ** use two spaces for tab ** lg: remove scrollbar on home page when menu is opened * style links after login * hide text on xs (navbar-extended) * set link to my account before login link * consolidate sm, md and lg ** style medium size ** prevent overlapping elements in menu bar ** rename navbar-extended to navbar-additional-text-[screen] to show / hide elements depending on size * improve search tabs behaviour and styling ** suppress page reload loading after click on tab / format filter ** transform tab list into select ** instead fetch selected hidden values by javascript ** style format fi...
- Jul 31, 2019
* set configuration * merge new web design * set design ** facets list ** search controls ** search filters ** icons ** facets ** phone view
- Jul 18, 2019
* corrects fonts path * integrates icon font * replaces icons in header.phtml and searchbox.phtml * adds woff2
- Jul 15, 2019
* New Adlr header design ** initial implementation of SCSS structure ** initial implementation of basic fonts (icon font still missing) ** initial commit of basic images for header ** initial template customizations to accomodate new header design and behavior * improves LG look (not yet complete) * adds category icons folder * adds initial translations
- Feb 20, 2018
- Feb 16, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* rename instance structure in fid_adlr instead of adlr_link * rename foundation artefact default.scss in compiled.scss
- Mar 07, 2016
* fix for erroneous breakpoints for adlr_link
- Jul 17, 2015
André Lahmann authored
* introduced scss to adlr_link-theme