- Jul 20, 2022
https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/1409André Lahmann authored
* adapted further code changes from VuFind 6.1.2 to finc module * add EmailAuthenticator to ILSAuthenticator
- Jul 15, 2022
Claas Kazzer authored
* corrects form-control in modals * corrects help-links in adv. search * corrects fieldset for Create New Favorites List * corrects navbar height on xs * corrects paste error
Claas Kazzer authored
* removes javascript type references in finc * re-instates bulk-action-buttons template for proper id assignment and display * SCSS separation * removes javascript type references in finc * re-instates bulk-action-buttons template for proper id assignment and display * continues SCSS separation * clarifies keep filter elements (partial move to finc theme) * increases touch/click area on keep filters * bootstrap3 VF6.x to VF 8.1: adds missing !default flags to accessibility.scss ** attempt to get this fixes is in PR https://github.com/vufind-org/vufind/pull/2483 co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>
- Jul 11, 2022
Robert Lange authored
refs #21611 [finc] vf6 RecordTabs: use RecordTabs.ini and CollectionTabs.ini instead of module.config * SolrAI, use .ini instead of module.config ** also remove factory for StaffViewAI, but keep alias ** example record: ai-55-aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuanN0b3Iub3JnL3N0YWJsZS80MTg1OTE1Mw * SolrDefault, use .ini instead of module.config, example record: 66-986811 * SolrMarc, use .ini instead of module.config, example record for SolrMarc and HierarchyTree: 0-1753563739 * SolrMarcPDA, use .ini instead of module.config ** also remove factory configuration for AcquisitionPDA, but keep alias ** example record for SolrMarcPDA: 51-9783848749492 *SolrLido, use .ini instead of module.config ** also fix duplicate ending tag in SolrLido/core.phtml ** example record for SolrLido: finc-77-REUtMTUvbGlkby9vYmovMzMyMDM2Nzk * SolrDico, use .ini instead of module.config ** example records for SolrDico: ZDB-175-V16 | sid-77-col-portraitstich ** collection aren't active in finc - must be tested in de_15
- Jun 28, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* Auth * PermissionProvider * Recommend Ebsco and code styles for Ebsco class * ILS and do code styles for classes to initialize * view helpers and fix code styles
- Jun 17, 2022
kazzer@ub.uni-leipzig.de authored
* adds filter reset warning texts and colors * overwrites vertical align
- Jun 15, 2022
kazzer@ub.uni-leipzig.de authored
- Jun 14, 2022
Viola Elsenhans authored
* remove some classnames * corrects and updates add-to and remove-from cart buttons * adds corresponding SCSS according to new file structure * corrects class and adds alphabrowse in footer * updates header theme button * clarifies comment in checkbox.phtml * upgrade footer, header * upgrade /ajax/ * upgrade /cart * upgrade /collection/ * upgrade /ContentBlock/ * upgrade /Helpers/ * upgrade /layout/ * upgrade /librarycards/ * upgrade /myresearch/ * upgrade /record/ * upgrade /RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/ * upgrade /RecordDriver/RecordTab/ * upgrade /RecordDriver/search/advanced/ * upgrade /RecordDriver/search/controls/ * upgrade fix bug in single-facet * upgrade /search/ co-authored by: Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de> * corrects short php tags, clarifies search-history and facets * upgrade-related post-fixes * corrects code in finc-acc. for upgrade
- May 25, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* remove call of activateAllFacets in templates
Robert Lange authored
- May 12, 2022
Robert Lange authored
* also refs 21614
Robert Lange authored
Robert Lange authored
Robert Lange authored
Robert Lange authored
Robert Lange authored
- May 11, 2022
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Milo Ivir authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Demian Katz authored
- Resolves VUFIND-1405.
Diego Macêdo authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
- Related to erroneous factory implementation. - Resolves VUFIND-1402.
Josef Moravec authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
- Reformat comments in Overdrive.ini (word wrapping; normalized whitespace; no quoted Booleans) - Remove unused "previews" setting - Fix bug with missing showOverdriveAdminMenu setting
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
- Resolves VUFIND-1393.
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Juha Luoma authored