- Jun 25, 2020
* adds templates missing from issue 17607
* Add a 'skip to' link to the sidefacets only for the search results page * Do not show this link for XS screen * Refine the skip to message ** Add prefix ** Distinguish between de and en language * Remove "Weiter" in the skip link text for German translation
* Reachability of delete and empty button on the cart side
* On the sidebar: <h4> becomes <h2>
* Set the <h3> to <h2> * Amend contrast for hover over "jstree-clicked" item * Amend contrast for hover over the toggle triangle * Amend the color for clicked Context items * Remove solution suggestion
- Jun 24, 2020
* for details see issue/17621_new co-authored by: "Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de>"
- Jun 22, 2020
* Remove the link to the Alpha Browse from the footer area
* Set the contrast for disabled submit button * Show the input fields and labels when they have an incorrect input * Show the the related error message for the incorrect field
* Modal close button gets black blackground on keyboard focus
* Increase the contrast for hover related to the normal status * Amend the hover contrast for some elements * Use variables for hover colors
- Jun 19, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* for details see issue/12851
- Jun 18, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* re-enacts on DefaultRecord those changes made to VF4 SolrDefault templates ** data-additionals.phtml (cf. #15397) ** data-otherRelationshipEntry.phtml ** data-titleUniform.phtml (cf. #17161) ** link-titleUniform.phtml (cf. #17161, refs #17745) ** record-icon-class.phtml
- Jun 16, 2020
* add finc bootstrapper with error listener * add finc error templates for timeout and runtime * add translations for timeout and service unavailable * name Templates like Exception class name * fix error message: use system email * use vufind5 coding styles
Dorian Merz authored
* move uncritial functions (according refs #17230) to finc module * clarifies imports
- Jun 15, 2020
Chris Hallberg authored
- Incorporates improvements from #1586 and #1587. - Moves next/prev navigation to a shared template to reduce redundancy.
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
- Removes need for "Toggle navigation" label. - Changes how Bootstrap's .collapse works.
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
* add method * add template
- Jun 10, 2020
* Change color of right element of breadcrumb
* Set the color to white
* rearranges some SCSS declarations for better clarity
* Add hover to sidefacet toggle buttons * Use variable for hover color for the button.title * Move the button.title styling configuration near to line 540 after .btn-transparent * Change element description for .title hover
* change <h2> to <h1> * Search History - Head title hierarchy depends on logging status now ** Dependent on the logging status and the existence of book bags there is a decision which hierarchy the related head titles will get TODO: Revert when VF-core adapts this fix