- Jul 16, 2020
* set link label with config * retrieve subfield sequence y then n and then 3 * added indicators
Dorian Merz authored
* adapts getTOC to MARC standard
- Jul 14, 2020
* adds a space to before and after icons of offcanvas toggler * non-breaking beautifying change
- Jul 10, 2020
* added template
- Jul 08, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* add via Delegator * validate config file before adding * make factory more generic ** allows inherited FincLibero drivers to use same factory method
- Jul 06, 2020
* corrects lightbox and scss ** restores lightbox.js ** turns navbar-height calculation into correct formula * bugfixes xs ** changes offcanvas toggler into link ** hides media icons on XS by default ** adds margin-right to lang menu * fixes media display in result list * reverts hiding media icon (breaking change) * fixes IDs and anchors for correct sidebar functionality * fixes more sidebars * removes solo switch in record view * replaces strcmp operation in header since header is used in most instances * fix to lang menu: removes over-complicated hidden attribute
- Jul 02, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
see issue/15055 for details
- Jul 01, 2020
Claas Kazzer authored
* improves print setting for favorites list * reinstates print.scss
Dorian Merz authored
* rebuild changes from #9016 * serialize data to new DB field ** use VuFind's new getExtraMetadata * change method for serialization ** relies on RecordDriver function instead of Solr fields ** adds some additional data ** add some functions to serialization * adds result-list template to provide print output * change search link for missing records * use advanced search * show standard title line for missing records * assure bacwards compatiblity ** handle resource table entries that have been added before this feature went active ** early return if extra_metadata is missing * some code styling
Dorian Merz authored
* adds TreeRenderer section to HierarchyDefault.ini * allows for selection of tabs that are linked to from the tree * configure tree parent links differently
- Jun 29, 2020
* fixes visibility of remove search group button
* Recommend/CatalogResults.phtml * Recommend/OpenLibrarySubjects.phtml * Recommend/WebResults.phtml
* removes lightbox.js * adds missing element to German translations * removes redundant template (BS version works!) * corrects translation
* Removed finc/../Recommend/SideFacetsDeferred.phtml * Removed themes/finc/js/advanced_search.js * Removed themes/finc/templates/breadcrumbs/default.phtml * Removed themes/finc/templates/layout/lightbox.phtml * Review the pagination ** Used the BS solution as base and do some little corrections ** Add only German translations related to the new pagination items
* For moese hover add the underline and change backgroundcolor
* restructures and corrects SCSS for header and language dropdown * corrects outline in header: removes solide white border for hover/focus * fix header outline color: sets border color on focus to focus color
* Hover for Search-Inout and Search-Select in header * Hover contrast for language option fields * Hover over search input field * Hover over language selection for MD and LG ** Active language is a disabled button now ** No rebuilt of the page for an active language now * Mouse hover is identically now with keyboard hover for the header logo * Some amendments for the header ** Add focus for search input field and search selection ** Review the language button *** For only two configured languages there will appear only a button for the other language not beeing used currently *** For more than two languages there will appear a dropdown menu ** Set the navbar height to 112px as suggested in the ticket
- Jun 25, 2020
* adds templates missing from issue 17607
* Add a 'skip to' link to the sidefacets only for the search results page * Do not show this link for XS screen * Refine the skip to message ** Add prefix ** Distinguish between de and en language * Remove "Weiter" in the skip link text for German translation
* Reachability of delete and empty button on the cart side
* On the sidebar: <h4> becomes <h2>
* Set the <h3> to <h2> * Amend contrast for hover over "jstree-clicked" item * Amend contrast for hover over the toggle triangle * Amend the color for clicked Context items * Remove solution suggestion
- Jun 24, 2020
* for details see issue/17621_new co-authored by: "Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de>"
- Jun 22, 2020
* Remove the link to the Alpha Browse from the footer area
* Set the contrast for disabled submit button * Show the input fields and labels when they have an incorrect input * Show the the related error message for the incorrect field
* Modal close button gets black blackground on keyboard focus
* Increase the contrast for hover related to the normal status * Amend the hover contrast for some elements * Use variables for hover colors
- Jun 19, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* for details see issue/12851
- Jun 18, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* re-enacts on DefaultRecord those changes made to VF4 SolrDefault templates ** data-additionals.phtml (cf. #15397) ** data-otherRelationshipEntry.phtml ** data-titleUniform.phtml (cf. #17161) ** link-titleUniform.phtml (cf. #17161, refs #17745) ** record-icon-class.phtml
- Jun 16, 2020
* add finc bootstrapper with error listener * add finc error templates for timeout and runtime * add translations for timeout and service unavailable * name Templates like Exception class name * fix error message: use system email * use vufind5 coding styles
Dorian Merz authored
* move uncritial functions (according refs #17230) to finc module * clarifies imports
- Jun 15, 2020
Chris Hallberg authored
- Incorporates improvements from #1586 and #1587. - Moves next/prev navigation to a shared template to reduce redundancy.
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored