- Oct 29, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* adds book orders menu entry * displays open orders in table * adds several templates * adds script to close modal on click to Order list links co-authored by: ckaz <kazzer@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
Dorian Merz authored
* adds template to display Address DTOs inline
Dorian Merz authored
* adds book orders entry in profile side menu * some code cleanup due to unused functionality
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Oct 28, 2019
* refactored record-icon.phtml * added additional values to display certain icon
* fixed config bug * fixed bug to register new lightbox network notice * new boss module version ** added network notice
- Oct 24, 2019
* accordeon opening ** remove "in" -class of accordeon in holdings and aquisition ** keep closed on mobile in holdings and aquisition ** open by javascript on desktop in holdings and aquisition ** add forgotten id in acquisitionpda * disable hover * do word-break * extract box into own template ** move from acquisitionpda.phtml and holdingsils.phtml into get-it-box/side-panel-links.phtml * truncate links to 50 chars * increase width for desktop * use moon icons for plus and minus in accordeon ** both icons have same width => no shaking * float icons left (for all accordeon) and set offset
* use get it box * set configuration file * display buttons * set boss module * edited translations * edited texts * modified accordeon config
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* added delivery status * retrieve solr field collection
* modified box config * show text Get It if facet_avail entry Free * modified config display buttons * config boss * retrieve BOSS if not collection UBL-FID-EBC
- Oct 23, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* move menu items from footer to header ** mv faq and subject specialists from footer to header ** fit offset for language and registration links on mobile navigation overlay ** set nowrap for menu items to prevent line break ** raise padding for menu items ** lower font-size for menu items & screen >= lg * fix header links ** use target blank ** use temporary links to blog * adapt language menu to main menu ** no hover ** same line-height
* for buttons * for icons and text on search
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* don't throw exception if record not found * override method of vufind record link helper * corrected alias for view helper RecordLink (because of wrong alias, extended finc RecordLink was never used, but existent)
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Oct 22, 2019
- Oct 18, 2019
* adds missing offcanvas toggler and return link to FID theme
Dorian Merz authored
* improves offcanvas-toggler code to use short render template version * adds offcanvas-toggler code for _all_ templates where it is missing in bootstrap3 theme * adds offcanvas-myresearch template for offcanvas togglers used in myresearch context * replaces erroneous toogler with toggler * replaces missed toogler occurrence in compiled.scss
* set right class name .offcanvas-toggler * add offcanvas-toggler to search history template
* adds missing sidebar toggler to myresearch/profile.phtml * adds preliminary translation for toggler * adds missing offcanvas toggler to other myaccount templates
- Oct 17, 2019
* add icons for sid 48, 51, 78, 103 - icon for 76 (adlr ebooks) still missing * add icon for facet_avail = free * add mega_collection (value=VK Film), really needed / possible? * add icon for mega_collection = Verbundkatalog Film * read and set branding classes for sid / facet_avail / mega_collection in result-list of DefaultRecord * add class "left" in result-list of AIRecord to keep margin to get-it-button accurate * add some translations for title / mouse over (SID51, SID76, SID78, SID103) * add facet_avail for open access icon (value=free) * resize icons and set blue boxes instead of old images * make brand icons more eye-catching ** make text labels bold ** show ""open access" as text label ** rename ebooks for adlr.link
* corrects erroneous toogler into toggler * adds offcanvas-toggler to databases template * adds return link to menu template
* add file customForms to owerwrite default form styles * set black border for inputs * disable highlighting * style default checkbox as in mockup * mark required asterix as red * change colors of info-text * combine success-text and info-text message colors + border * set label font = ubuntu * disable hover colors (user agent autocompletion?) * set black color for default input
* screen >= lg: navigation-overlay fits content * screen >= lg: navigation-overlay add border and padding, position beneath burger menu, adjust z-index * remove some obsolets css * add missing links for databases and blog - "FIXME: about us still missing" * repair closing icon * lower font size of lg menu dropdown links * consolidate language submenu: use stylings of main sub menu ** same font size, padding and border ** same distance to navbar ** use letter spacing of main sub menu * improve main menu for mobile ** cover background on scrolling completely on tablet / phone ** set new calculation of placement for language and registration links -> closer to main menu * use arrow (chevron) instead of X for closing icon * closee main submenu after click on language menu or within search box * same scrolling behaviour of language and main menu ** both stay in top on home page ** keep visible when scrolling on other pages * use same width for closing and opening text to prevent moving menubar * rename close in German * improve javascript for closing menus by click on each other
* mark required fields in registration forms * map job title to requested permission * account for generalization of user creation form * translation fix * adjustments needed for hydration * build attributes after submit of user creation form * added newsletter boolean flag * adjust user update form * use hydrator for all user forms * translation fixes * override not-empty validator for newsletter field * fixup: adjust newsletter field options * adjust translations in user profile view and update form * include user group in user update form * adjust user update form spec * rename property for less confusion * rename user property and according form fields * fix input filter spec for newsletter field * render job_title element as select field * remove job_title element from update form * grant permissions on user creation * display user group as non-editable field in update form * changes to job title field in update form * display job title upda...
Dorian Merz authored
* initial refactoring to use address fieldsets on user creation and update * generalize user creation form ** allow for multiple addresses in more flexible ways ** introduce general radio fields for user groups * reuse dto on user creation with the help of zend-hydrator * adjust user update form * use hydrator for all user forms * fixup to user init method * add gpl license header * remove empty home library option from user update form * remove imports of non-existing classes * custom submit label in user update form * pass library list with ils authenticator * rename property for less confusion * implement possibly required ils authenticator method * render address id field only if value non-empty * convert user data property names to camel case via custom strategy * pass root input filter with context to nested input filters * relax requirements for first mandatory user address * first fixes to admin edit form * completely specify admin edit form i...