- Jan 09, 2020
* get LiberoId via Client * add FeedbackControllerDelegatorFactory
* supplies Libero ID via User DTO
- Jan 08, 2020
Sebastian Kehr authored
- Dec 09, 2019
* if ai record remove empty notice box
* display ebook notice
Sebastian Kehr authored
* handle multi-valued issue attribute in publication meta data * normalize publication issue only if actually set
* if ai record remove empty notice box
* display ebook notice
Sebastian Kehr authored
* handle multi-valued issue attribute in publication meta data * normalize publication issue only if actually set
- Dec 06, 2019
* fixed some boss bugs
Dorian Merz authored
* adds missing changes from issue * had been lost due to a merge conflict
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* UserController: first check for param 'backUrl' before using referer original author: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>
* modified get it config * bug fixing ** comment out if exists isxn ** hidden boss notice if boss false
- Dec 05, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* adds config for hierarchy display * changes on hierarchy tree ** changes link target to default Record view ** adds background color for current tree element * change tab hierarchy title translations
* modified module config
Dorian Merz authored
* adapts GetIt box logic for hierarchy parents * use cascading translation for multi-valume notices
Dorian Merz authored
* properly reacts on WorldcatTab RecordPermission * uses new hasRecordPermission function co-authored by: "Gregor Gawol <gawol@ub.uni-leipzig.de>"
Dorian Merz authored
* allows for specific test for presence of a single RecordPermission
- Dec 04, 2019
* citation is pre formatted with HTML and used in view * add order to session saved user * provides complete order list (even newest orders) * create common getOrderLabel function
* set backUrl in policy link of form * UserController: first check for param 'backUrl' before using referer
* get delivery address direct via DTO User * template adjustments * show additionally college if business address is used
* regex only for EBC EBooks ** set config * bug fixing ticket 16523
* add xdebug related headers to fidis requests * update composer.lock
- Dec 03, 2019
* RecordDataFormatterFactory does not inherit method / settings from finc... * therefore add setting default core * therefore add method getDefaultCoreSpecs * try to use order / items from finc and other adlr defaults * restrict possible fields for default core * remove unnecessary function calls in getDefaultCoreSpecs
* remove e-books section and obsolete lines in MediaLicenses (config.ini) * policy: use link in accordeon instead of button * show descriptions for several databases
* route * action * template (using partial) * language keys
- Nov 29, 2019
* minimal changes in templates and form configs * adjustments templates * styling of acquisition forms
* add complete record-link
- Nov 28, 2019
* fix link to contact form ** delete link for development from header ** add link in footer ** style link as specified in mockup, use icon moon for arrow ** use / add translation * fix text on home page - fit as mockup * refactor preselect form ** lower font-size of headline / h1 => h2 ** change translations for subject and submit button * style and refactor second feedback forms ** configure default fields in FeedbackForms.yml to hard override defaults by same name (name / email) ** order inputs in second form (after preselect) by FeedbackForms.yml ** remove unused / duplicated code / add comments ** TODO: merge preselect.phtml into form.phtml and preselectAction into formAction ** set textarea min height in feedback forms by css ** set required attribute styling like in registration forms * feedback forms: ** add config for alpha ** remove unused user in preselect action ** add necessary label for dummy elements in Feedback.yaml ** fix caching of email subject in form action ** fix privacy notice check ** change translations on main form and response text ** change recipient to adlr.link
- Nov 22, 2019
* add receiver information to config.ini * add 2 forms configurations to FeedbackForms.yaml * include FeedbackController in module.config.php * add extended FeedbackController * add 2 form templates * add translations
- Nov 21, 2019
* helper function object-to-array * use temporarily title as order label * bugfix access pages key
- Nov 19, 2019
* for registration and password change (add adlr form and add embed in module.config) * no special sign required * but capital letter needed instead * change password validation error text for adlr
* add label attribute to order dto * adjust order templates to display order label
- Nov 15, 2019
* display print issues in separate box * display messages * only one ezb request * set js function to fid module * fixed button bug * changed get it box config * set new position messages * set registration info * default info ezb resolver * set other registration info text