- Sep 28, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* do not provide link to empty search * fix permission name * adds info text ** ... for logged in users without access to licensed material ** fixes English translation * stay in Releases search, inform user * fix error concerning homepage search box using stored hidden filters
* insert twitter-Link * delete double Sentence * revise text on databases * turn "lizensiert" into "lizenziert" * correct spelling mistakes * add information on direct delivery service * insert h2 on delivery services * shift paragraphs
- Jul 25, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* add source 'Infodata' to allow list * set unproxied Infodata link in config.ini
- Jul 09, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Apr 22, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* in ** nav ** blog entry list ** FAQ ** Suggestions block on home page * remove TODOs
- Apr 19, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
- Apr 15, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* change wording of "Create Account" * accessibility page: add full stop and new paragraph * fix translations in search ** result page, facets ** advanced search form: tranlation of slimselect placeholder and empty results * fix some search links * refactoring of "misspelled resources" mapping ** now uses YAML ** enables use of special characters * add some source mappings * adapted BASE to new page structure * 18826 accessibility information page, including footer link * 18995 AMSL Sources page explanatory line in German TODO add english translation * 18995 fix some AMSL Source scope notes * 19399 start page, "about us", and "for subject librarians"
- Apr 08, 2021
Robert Lange authored
* Fix most missing/duplicate get-it links. * All fallback text if no info available. * Use external link view helper for external links. * Update "no resolver links" translation. * Clean up template code. * Replace preg_match_all with strpos and add TODO * Fix HTML, use <div> and <p> appropriately * Indent links * Add margins between elements * Remove margin below last element
* Extend, simplify and rename grid classes, now supporting a 12-column grid system similar to Bootstrap. * Add links to search box and footer. * Make footer 3 columns and move links to the right. * Change post excerpt suffix to prevent breaks directly before the ellipsis. * add icons for database and sources * remove indention from address TODO: Some texts still require translation.
- Mar 15, 2021
- Mar 04, 2021
* Move links to the top * Move charges notice to the bottom * Remove duplicate links * Remove redundant "Online Links" caption * Remove `target="_blank"` from external links; it should be the user's decision if links are opened in the current tab or a new one * Remove breaks from strings * On small screens: ** Remove the vertical decorative lines to make better use of available space ** Change tabs layout so all tabs are clickable, highlight the current tab with a connecting line * fix label on free resources ** Freely available resources no longer have contradictory labels. ** Fix typo in translations. * increase margin on WorldCat link list * improve get-it box ** Add external-link icon ** Use external-link view helper ** Update translations: Remove breaks and fix capitalization * fix resolver links (WIP) ** Remove duplicate resolver links ** Style print links * Fix margins THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND REQUIRES FURTHER CHANGES.
- Mar 01, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* remove sub-collections for BASE * alternative styling of AMSL resources list * add empty source descriptions for English language * some restyling and scss refactoring ** re-use filters_title style as used in FAQs ** add more bottom padding ** simplify scss ** make link text more specific ** remove magnifier icon ** draw vertical line further
* fix German translation * fix English translation
- Feb 25, 2021
- Feb 22, 2021
- Feb 16, 2021
Dorian Merz authored
* activate finc/dbis-module in version 3.0.0 * configure licenses and dbis requests * provide EZproxy link for "Book History Online"
- Dec 03, 2020
* Update/create all templates required for the frontpage * Add new styles, webfonts, icons and images * Update/add translations * Add a factory method for including SVG icons for more details see issue/18596