- Dec 08, 2023
* error: Error: Duplicate ID toolbar-menu ** removed and icon title added * Error: Attribute href not allowed on element button at this point. ** change button to a * Error: Element div not allowed as child of element h2 in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) ** remove nesting; move margin-btm class into a; add display-block style * add missing ids on inputs * correct heading translation * ship correct aria-describedby for subrecord favorite-action * error: doubled head-title ** use solution from 18780
- Dec 07, 2023
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
* currently only used by de_15
Robert Lange authored
- Nov 30, 2023
Alexander Purr authored
* add extended UserController and new route to module.config.php * add export logic to UserController * add translation * overwrite list.phtml ** add export button ** add styling
Alexander Purr authored
* add default parameter for createExportFile method to en-/disable of printing table header
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
refs #24276 [finc] added gvi trait to extract able bodied gvi ids from solr/marc to use in inter library fid change, implemented into finc for later usage
- Nov 07, 2023
Viola Elsenhans authored
- Oct 17, 2023
Mathias Maaß authored
- Oct 12, 2023
* cart/* * feedback/* * remove HelpTranslations/* * layout/layout.phtml * search/* ** moving partial from results.phtml into controls/results-tools.phtml ** rename advanced_search_information.phtml into advanced-search-information.phtml * footer.phtml (no changes - to specific) * header.phtml (no changes - to specific) * fid/* * myresearch/* * Recomment/* * record/* * RecordDriver/*/core.phtml ** Resolve name of RecordDataFormatter specification by record type (using added record-view-helper function) ** move tab-rendering in two separate templates * RecordDriver/* * additional: scss reordering ** move font- & icon-variables into _customVariables.scss ** move import of icon-components in _customComponents.scss
- Oct 09, 2023
Mathias Maaß authored
- Sep 28, 2023
Robert Lange authored
refs #24674 [finc] upgrade laminas/laminas-db to 2.12 for PHP8 and raise config version from php 7.2 to 7.3! * update dependency laminas/laminas-stdlib to 3.7.1 * also see https://packagist.org/packages/laminas/laminas-db * ignore phpunit result cache
- Sep 27, 2023
Robert Lange authored
* expand selenium tests ** fix selenium test for ubl changeLanguage ** add test for performance on result list ** example: docker exec -it selenium_php_1 sh -c "./vendor/bin/steward run de_15/24163 firefox --group performance-static --server-url http://selenium:4444/wd/hub -vvv" ** remove unused and large chrome image * add finc performance logger for simple time measurement as csv format * add http debug service for unlogged requests * need to be uncommented in module.config (also set file name under [Logging]) * Docker ** use image labels to avoid multiple images, container (and build caches) for each instance ** activate OpCache for PHP 8 to increase dev performance
- Sep 26, 2023
Viola Elsenhans authored
co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de> * fix php doc and styles
- Sep 07, 2023
Robert Lange authored
- Aug 31, 2023
Robert Lange authored
* recaptcha => captcha * comment out duplicate QueryFields * Zend => Laminas * fix code style: include instead of require * add csp ini * update dbis-module to 5.0.0 * update boss-module to 3.0.0 * update dbis-module to 5.0.0 * update worldcat module to 1.1 co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de> * use renamed cookies js file * replace Zend by Laminas in templates * feedback forms * FeedbackForms.yaml: ** prevent >>The reserved indicator % cannot start a plain scalar; you need to quote the scalar<< ** update docs * load correct capcha-view-helper * complement user-table-list for admin * reconfigure order list columns in user profile * using inline-script view-helper * add missing function in facets.ini that causes error
- Aug 30, 2023
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
* the better solution for missing ids in form fields: * add Ids for admin-edit-form.php * set correct attribute name in password-change-form.php * remove autocomplete on radio button in user-create-form.php * add correct php tag * remove duplicate ID in create.phtml
- Aug 16, 2023
Mathias Maaß authored
- Aug 15, 2023
Alexander Purr authored
* more consistent now
- Aug 09, 2023
- Aug 02, 2023
* update composer, use latest finc/vufindhttp-psrcompat version * replace Zend by Laminas in php * use laminas instead of Zend i18n resources * use updated module for permission provider * add translation for label_access_level_basic_access * replace Zend by Laminas * fix hydrator - use Laminas\Hydrator\ClassMethodsHydrator * fix hydrator - use Laminas\Hydrator\ClassMethodsHydrator, adapt doc * fix hydrator - use Laminas\Hydrator\ClassMethodsHydrator, adapt doc * add csp ini * convert inline script to Head script * adjust UserDataStrategy hydrate-method (maybe php7 problem only) ** failure at creating user and edit user data by admin ** prevent error: Too few arguments to function fid\Hydrator\Strategy\UserDataStrategy::hydrate() * adapt menu.phtml from finc ** add missing menu entries * add hydrator's extract-method return type * improve default config ** show createdAt-field in user list by default ** activate order export by default * add missing closing tag
- Jul 21, 2023
Robert Lange authored
Alexander Purr authored
* get working mapping of item-respons-json to DTO user by adding set-method * adding formatted date in table row
- Jul 20, 2023
Robert Lange authored
refs #24185 [finc] check overdue by date WITHOUT time - use date function for simplicity and slightly more performant
Robert Lange authored
- Jul 13, 2023
* also code styles
previously, in case the marc data was lacking some informations titles like ": FooBar" would be created with a leading ': ' without anything before, logic was added to assure both sides are present before using a binding symbol
- Jul 05, 2023
Jean-Pascal Kanter authored
* changed ezb resolver version of fid to only transmit one identifier for a library * also corrected url encoded typo that apparently crashed the entire API
- Jun 30, 2023
- Jun 14, 2023
Mathias Maaß authored
* fix showing 'no_resolver_links' message
- Jun 12, 2023
Robert Lange authored
refs #23952 [finc] add Traits for historicloansAction, mediaReadyToPickupAction and lockAccountAction * add historicloansAction and getDriverForILSRecordWithBarcode from de_zwi2 to finc HistoricLoansTrait.php * move mediaReadyToPickupAction from zwi2 to finc MediaReadyToPickupTrait * move lockAccountAction from zwi2 to finc LockAccountTrait
Robert Lange authored
* rename loanHistoryAction to historicloansAction as in VuFind MyResearchController ** rename in menu * config: set historic_loan_page_size to 30 as it is obvious default??? * rename getMyLoanHistory to getMyTransactionHistory in LiberoWachtlTrait ** remove erronemous custom pagination ** rename also in AjaxHandler for badges count * remove obsolete code for paginator in historicloans.phtml
- Jun 05, 2023
Mathias Maaß authored
* restore Redi finc class for multi-resolver support
- May 25, 2023
André Lahmann authored
- May 19, 2023
- May 12, 2023
André Lahmann authored
* add missing config section
- May 09, 2023
Robert Lange authored
- Apr 26, 2023
Alexander Purr authored
* SID 212
- Apr 25, 2023
Viola Elsenhans authored
* removes redundant sr-only * adds explanatory sr-only to select all buttons * unify generation of describedby title id * do not escape id * add title described by to cart link * add title described by to favorites link on result list * remove aria-label from default list * use getTitleDescribedById method (record view helper) only once in each template * replace old usage in myresearch templates * add aria-describedby to hierarchyTreeLink (on result list) co-authored by: Alexander Purr <purr@ub.uni-leipzig.de> co-authored by: Claas Kazzer <kazzer@uni-leipzig.de> co-authored by: Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>