- Aug 12, 2020
André Lahmann authored
* fixes transparent modal bug -- must-have for all instances!!
- Aug 03, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* move function to master branch
- Jul 31, 2020
* removed library weimar * changed transEsc to translate external links
* not cutting tailing "-7" any more * match endings like "X", "-X" or "-2"
Dorian Merz authored
* remove unnecessary (and error prone) function * bugfix in data-titleUniform: avoids undefined index error
Dorian Merz authored
* can now apply more than one type of pre munge * works for other query handlers now * TODO: adapt running instances
- Jul 30, 2020
* change searchspecs.yaml in local * testing: update cross-check fixtures for finc.SearchSpecsReaderTest:testParentYaml ** local searchspec ** local alpha searchspec
- Jul 29, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* "unpacks" AjaxHandler response * now shows item counts in MyResearch menu correctly
* repair outdated option test in PAIATest testgetOptionsNotOnlyFirstButAll
- Jul 28, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
- Jul 27, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* fixes function call bug from getItemStatus
- Jul 23, 2020
* prepare testing directory structure for yaml comparism ** add fixtures in same order as config files ** use symlinks for real configs ** use result searchspecs for old outcome before refactoring * fix finc test setup for docker * add finc SearchSpecsReaderTest ** run: docker exec -it [php container] sh -c "vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration module/finc/tests/phpunit.xml module/finc/tests/unit-tests/src/fincTest/Config/SearchSpecsReaderTest.php" [--filter testParentYaml]" * in local searchspecs.yaml ** use vufind as parent and keep only delta * in local alpha searchspecs.yaml ** use local as parent, no delta * use autoconfig version 2.3.3, see also https://git.sc.uni-leipzig.de/ubl/bdd_dev/webmasterei/autoconfig/-/commit/7b396da68c63820c869d45ca655d70d77b417aef * add env var for local searchspecs.yaml in docker-env.0.finc.yml
* dont reload favorites because we use ajax in templates for single items ** early return when layout is lightbox ** for multiple items we still use bulk action in CartController * dont set flash messages when deleting items ** override method performDeleteFavorite from vufind ** prevent delayed success messages when loading modals ** use VuFind.lightbox.alert with javascript in template instead (see 17711)
* give user feedback when deleting single favorite by spinner * remove list items after successful deleting, don't reload page * show lightbox on error or success => should replace overriden functionality of setting buggy flash messages in performDeleteFavorite
- Jul 20, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* filter out empty links
- Jul 17, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* reverts #13902 * adds MultiDataFieldsTrait to offer some multiline functions * adapts relevant templates
* introduce PAIA options containing pickupbranch * needed to differentiate between storageId and pickuplocation of ILL items: ** read paiaConditions from FincLibero.ini ** add method 'mapOptions' to read certain or all options of PAIA conditions for details see issue/17508
- Jul 16, 2020
* set link label with config * retrieve subfield sequence y then n and then 3 * added indicators
Dorian Merz authored
* adapts getTOC to MARC standard
- Jul 14, 2020
* adds a space to before and after icons of offcanvas toggler * non-breaking beautifying change
- Jul 10, 2020
* added template
- Jul 08, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* add via Delegator * validate config file before adding * make factory more generic ** allows inherited FincLibero drivers to use same factory method
- Jul 07, 2020
Robert Lange authored
- Jul 14, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
- Jul 13, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
- Jul 06, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
* corrects lightbox and scss ** restores lightbox.js ** turns navbar-height calculation into correct formula * bugfixes xs ** changes offcanvas toggler into link ** hides media icons on XS by default ** adds margin-right to lang menu * fixes media display in result list * reverts hiding media icon (breaking change) * fixes IDs and anchors for correct sidebar functionality * fixes more sidebars * removes solo switch in record view * replaces strcmp operation in header since header is used in most instances * fix to lang menu: removes over-complicated hidden attribute
- Jul 02, 2020
Dorian Merz authored
see issue/15055 for details
Dorian Merz authored
- Jul 01, 2020
Claas Kazzer authored
* improves print setting for favorites list * reinstates print.scss
Dorian Merz authored
* rebuild changes from #9016 * serialize data to new DB field ** use VuFind's new getExtraMetadata * change method for serialization ** relies on RecordDriver function instead of Solr fields ** adds some additional data ** add some functions to serialization * adds result-list template to provide print output * change search link for missing records * use advanced search * show standard title line for missing records * assure bacwards compatiblity ** handle resource table entries that have been added before this feature went active ** early return if extra_metadata is missing * some code styling
Dorian Merz authored
* adds TreeRenderer section to HierarchyDefault.ini * allows for selection of tabs that are linked to from the tree * configure tree parent links differently
- Jun 29, 2020
* fixes visibility of remove search group button
* Recommend/CatalogResults.phtml * Recommend/OpenLibrarySubjects.phtml * Recommend/WebResults.phtml