- Nov 29, 2017
Sebastian Kehr authored
* changed preferred composer install method from «source» to «dist»
Sebastian Kehr authored
* removed compiled css files
Sebastian Kehr authored
* Merge tag 'v4.1.1' into issue/11810 * updated vendor dependencies (via @composer update@)
Sebastian Kehr authored
* updated @local/dev/config/vufind/FincILS.ini.sample@ for testing against daia/paiawachtl * changes to class @finc\ILS\Logic\Holds@: ** changed @getHoldings@ as super method changed: copied super method and added call to @processEmailHolds@ ** changed method @processEmailHold@: copied @processILLRequests@ from super class and adjusted strings ** removed @getBlockedEmailHoldDetails@ since not needed anymore ** changed @formatHoldings@ as super method changed; TODO: check whether @purchase_history@ gets correctly handled * adjusted @themes/finc/templates/RecordTab/holdingsils.phtml@ due to changes of returned values by @finc\ILS\Logic\Holds::getHoldings@ * created @themes/finc/templates/search/searchTabs.phtml@ to test whether variable @$searchTabs@ actually exists
- Nov 27, 2017
Sebastian Kehr authored
* updated vendor deps using @composer update@ since an existing @composer.lock@ was preventing install of some packages (e.g. @sabre/vobject@) * created class @finc\Controller\Factory@ extending @vufind\Controller\Factory@ which basically overrides @getGenericController@ to use a dynamically resolved namespace * modified @finc\module.config.php@ to use @finc\Controller\Factory@ for controller classes previously declared as @invokable@ * removed constructor from @finc\Controller\RecordController@ * added protected method @finc\RecordDriver\SolrDefault::getAuthorRolesArray()@ expected by @finc\RecordDriver\SolrDefaultFincTrait@ since it was removed from @vufind\RecordDriver\SolrDefault@
- Nov 24, 2017
Sebastian Kehr authored
Sebastian Kehr authored
Sebastian Kehr authored
- Nov 23, 2017
* fixes display of total fines in myresearch-menu * non-ajax version * see also refs #11243
- Nov 21, 2017
* minor typo fix fav_delete_warn at local/languages/de.ini
* fixing paiaCache ** clear paia cache for current patron after succesfully placing a hold ** adjusted paia getter to use cache key without suffix
* moves getGenreFacet() to correct trait SolrDefault
* adds control-label class to forms that require it
* [minor] adds comments concerning the use of affix and navbar-fixed-top
- Nov 16, 2017
Eoin Kilfeather authored
- Nov 15, 2017
Demian Katz authored
- Nov 14, 2017
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
- If 'links' is undefined, do not throw a notice. - Do not define unused $channelLinkData variable.
- Nov 13, 2017
Demian Katz authored
Frank Morgner authored
* extend ViewHelper ExternalCatalogueLink.php ** add exclusive filters e.g. -getSourceID ** bugfix overlapping source ids displaying htwk external links twice ** add multiple filter rules per institutions
* fixes form layout finc/.../auth/abstractbase/resetpassword.phtml
* fixes acquisitionpda form for Desktop
Frank Morgner authored
* add SafeMoneyFormat method to ajax controller * display currency of fees at additional account infos
* re-enacts negative fees * does not show fes with wrong format cf. note-45
* re-enacts negative fees * does not show fes with wrong format cf. note-45
- Nov 08, 2017
Frank Morgner authored
* restrict subject naming of creator to 'preferred' attribute
- Nov 07, 2017
Frank Morgner authored
* expand method getDissertationNote() to marc 502 subfields $a,b,c,d,g at SolrMarcFincTrait.php * change return type from string to array * adjust finc theme core.tpl at SolrDefault and SolrMarc
- Nov 06, 2017
* modified apa and mla citations for AI
Frank Morgner authored
Frank Morgner authored
* remove urls from display if an url pattern is given -> see config.ini [LinksRewrite]
Frank Morgner authored
* var type fix VCard at FincILS.php * fix notice errors of undefined vars at VCard at FincILS.php
- Nov 03, 2017
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Frank Morgner authored
* var type fix VCard at FincILS.php * fix notice errors of undefined vars at VCard at FincILS.php
- Oct 30, 2017
Demian Katz authored
- Oct 27, 2017
* replaces # with javascript:void(0); in advanced search delete buttons
* adds CoverRouter to Record ViewHelper
- Oct 26, 2017
Demian Katz authored
changed German translation of 'Zip' to 'PLZ'