CSS Datei so erweitern das alle Styles Nachfolger von #rvk-tree sein müssen.
Veränderungen vorgenommen mit Python Script `python import pyperclip
if name == "main": """ Takes all text from clipboard (in this case an entire css file) and formats it accordingly / adds the specific text that is hardcoded into this """ entry_filter = [".j", "#js", ".vakata"] all_is_text = pyperclip.paste() lines = str(all_is_text).split("\n") bloated = "" for line in lines: insert = False for check in entry_filter: if line.lstrip().startswith(check): insert = True if not insert: bloated += line + "\n" continue lead = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' ')) to_add = f"{' '*lead}#rvk-tree {line.lstrip()}" bloated += to_add + "\n" pyperclip.copy(bloated)