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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Feb 26, 2022
  2. Feb 07, 2022
  3. Jan 14, 2022
  4. Jan 04, 2022
  5. Aug 03, 2021
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #20323 [finc] add script for i18n language token import · 2a0ae704
      Robert Lange authored
      * usage after changing translations via i18n controller /Admin/I18n: "devops/ data/i18n/languages/de.ini local/languages/de.ini"
      * add minified local/languages/de.ini
      * corrects German typo for errorcode_member_not_found in local
      * output:
      ** remove duplicate token "Email " with obsolete value  "E-Mail" by  "Mailen".
      ** remove duplicate token "Print " with obsolete value  Druck by  "Drucken".
      ** remove duplicate token "bookbag_email_selected " with obsolete value  "E-Mail" by  "Links zu ausgewählten Medien per E-Mail versenden".
      ** remove duplicate token "Skip_navigation_links " with obsolete value  "Sprunglinks zum Inhalt" by  "Sprunglinks zur Suche und zum Inhalt".
      ** replace token "errorcode_member_not_found " with old value  "Die Benutzernummer exisitiert nicht" by new value  "Der aufgerufene Titel (%%id%%) ist nicht vorhanden."
      * minify local en.ini
      * usage "devops/ data/i18n/languages/en.ini local/languages/en....
  6. Jan 22, 2021
  7. Jul 23, 2020
    • Robert Lange's avatar
      refs #17714 [master] use inheritance for searchspecs.yaml · 2011eba2
      Robert Lange authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * prepare testing directory structure for yaml comparism
      ** add fixtures in same order as config files
      ** use symlinks for real configs
      ** use result searchspecs for old outcome before refactoring
      * fix finc test setup for docker
      * add finc SearchSpecsReaderTest
      ** run: docker exec -it [php container] sh -c "vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration module/finc/tests/phpunit.xml module/finc/tests/unit-tests/src/fincTest/Config/SearchSpecsReaderTest.php"
      [--filter testParentYaml]"
      * in local searchspecs.yaml
      ** use vufind as parent and keep only delta
      * in local alpha searchspecs.yaml
      ** use local as parent, no delta
      * use autoconfig version 2.3.3, see also
      * add env var for local searchspecs.yaml in docker-env.0.finc.yml
  8. Mar 13, 2020
  9. Mar 11, 2020
    • Sebastian Kehr's avatar
      refs #17116 [master-v5] Docker fixups · eea72d69
      Sebastian Kehr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * avoid necessity of special chars in autoconfig specific environment variable names
      * assure env file is generated for mail container
      * let generated searches.ini file contain an empty index shards section by default
      * ignore data folder completely
      * use updated version of vufind-httpd image
      * let env container write with uid:gid of project root
      * let composer event handlers being called with correct uid:gid
      * add xsl and dom php extensions
      * avoid high cpu usage by endless loops
  10. Mar 06, 2020
  11. Mar 04, 2020
  12. Mar 03, 2020
    • Sebastian Kehr's avatar
      refs #16923 [master-v5] docker development consolidation · ecb94e9d
      Sebastian Kehr authored and Dorian Merz's avatar Dorian Merz committed
      * no more usage of slow vufind-php image for various containers
      * use stock docker library images where possible for faster startup
      * build custom images for php and composer only to include xdebug and required extensions
      * provide and leverage custom entrypoint shell scripts for most containers
      * inject environment variables defined in docker-env.*.yml files within entrypoints
      * place environment variables defaults in in docker-env.0.finc.yml
      * place composer and npm caches in git-ignored subdirectories of project root directory
      * gracefully terminate all container processes (especially grunt and mail) for faster shutdown
      * let versions of php and mariadb equal those in current live systems
      * let container-written files have uid/gid of project root directory by default
      * forward exposed container ports to non-standard ports on host system
      * allow to override uid/gid of written files as well as host ports via environment variables
      * specify exact au...
  13. Nov 14, 2019
    • Sebastian Kehr's avatar
      refs #16236 [master-v5] · df95877b
      Sebastian Kehr authored
      * restore vanilla v5.1.0 composer configuration and dependencies
      * drop composer platform php override to allow for dependencies requiring php > 7.0.8
      * install and configure add composer merge plugin
      * update npm-shrinkwrap.json
      * add finc specific dependencies via custom composer file
      * assure all symfony packages are locked to 3.4.*
      * execute themes-copy script on composer install and update