- Oct 23, 2018
Dorian Merz authored
* reverts some changes from refs #13663 * fixes problem with missing notes data in different RecordDrivers
Dorian Merz authored
* bugfix in data-titleUniform * does not try to show lang-tag if empty
- Oct 22, 2018
Dorian Merz authored
* removes trailing periods in footnotes
Dorian Merz authored
* inherits getTitleUniform in SolrMarcFincTrait * renders search link of Original Title without language tag * modifies getTitleUniform() to display 240 only if IND 1 == 1 * now encloses lang-tag in ⟨ ⟩
- Oct 15, 2018
Dorian Merz authored
* adds getSetMultipart method * adds parent function to SolrDefaultFincTrait * translates captions of additionals
* changed translation rsp * removed resp
* do not show solr publish date
- Oct 04, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* adds third serviceLocator parameter at factory constructor to providing SolrAi with searches.ini settings * bugfixin missing highlighting at AI records
- Sep 27, 2018
* adapts path to retrieve wiso logo for all subordered instances
- Sep 25, 2018
Dorian Merz authored
* removes erroneously inherited getSourceID() * refs #11748
- Sep 19, 2018
* bugfix in \finc\ILS\Driver\FincILS::getFinesTotal * changed datatype of total amount to float * now adds up sum correctly
- Sep 17, 2018
* fixed typo in template file naming * now correctly named data-additionals.phtml
- Sep 13, 2018
Dorian Merz authored
* Bugfix in getAdditionals() * now adds sourceId to correct additional item
- Sep 12, 2018
* adds property name to title in core-templates * adds schema tags for language and parent publication * removes double output of title and adapts output of multiple languages * adapts schema-mark-up in holdingsils.phtml * adds empty price and priceCurrency for product
- Sep 11, 2018
* change structure of holdings-tab * adapt layout holdings-tab
Dorian Merz authored
* modifies OnlineEdition link target to Holdings tab
- Sep 10, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* adds method getCartographicData at SolrMarcFincTrait for retrieval of marc21 subfields 255$a$c
* adds data-dissertationNote template to finc master
- Sep 07, 2018
* fixes Lido schema tagging in finc
- Sep 05, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* makes paia var 'note' (libero #L9N) known to profile
- Aug 31, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* adds new FincIls method refreshLogin() to force balanceFinesOfUser() to get new scopes via paia login
Frank Morgner authored
* extends namespace for regex to receive barcodes from DAIA id
- Aug 30, 2018
* adds method getLocalStockSpecification() to get marc field 972$h
- Aug 28, 2018
Dorian Merz authored
- Aug 27, 2018
- Aug 23, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* add ILS Libero method payAnyFee.jsp to LiberoDingTrait.php * balances all fees of user in one action
- Aug 21, 2018
* adapts finc-wide result-list icons from format to accessibility of item
- Aug 20, 2018
* remove preg_replace in getLocalGivenCallnumber() Finc/../SolrMarcFincTrait.php
- Aug 17, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* modifies order of clauses to determine genre of further OpenUrl processing
* getPublishedIn instead of getAIDataIn * added isbn and year to book export * display issn instead of isbn if getISSNs()
Dorian Merz authored
* adds 776 subfield $b to getAdditionals()
- Aug 16, 2018
Dorian Merz authored
* adds getOnlineEditions function to Record ViewHelper
- Aug 15, 2018
Frank Morgner authored
* modifies getTitleDetails * displays content of 245$h * alters order of subfields
Dorian Merz authored
* shows external links for DE-Gla1 Bibliotheca System * manipulates core module
- Aug 14, 2018
* apply AllowFacetValues to advanced search
* swaps orange traffic light color for EZB links to yellow
- Aug 10, 2018
Dorian Merz authored
* changes static status handling * introduces finc/rules-evaluator package * uses StaticStatusRules.yaml if present
- Aug 08, 2018
* improves schema.org tagging on author and place of publication at data-publicationDetails.phtml