- Nov 07, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Nov 06, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* changes according new Zend ServiceManager configuration
- Nov 05, 2019
* add method 'isMultiPart' in SolrDefaultFincTrait to encapsulate check for top leve
- Nov 04, 2019
* Set the password fields to default value for all rows. * remove update on missing table column pass_hash * Note: ** This script contains statements to handle the specific adaptions of the tables for Adlr. ** This script ensures the proper execution of the common migration script migrateData_Vufind1ToVufind5_Common.sql stored in folder module/finc/sql/migrations/mysql. ** First run this Adlr script then run the Common script! ** The scripts have to be executed within a mysql session on the related database. Co-authored-by:
Robert Lange <robert.lange@uni-leipzig.de>
Sebastian Kehr authored
* Note: * Before runnning this current script please check if there is the necessity to run database specific adaption scripts apart from the common way to ensure that the current script will work properly. * Currently there is the need for the Adlr database to run the script migrateData_Vufind1ToVufind5_First_Adlr.sql stored in folder module/fid_adlr/sql/migrations/mysql * The script has to be executed within a mysql session on the related database.
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Oct 30, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
- Oct 29, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* adds book orders menu entry * displays open orders in table * adds several templates * adds script to close modal on click to Order list links co-authored by: ckaz <kazzer@ub.uni-leipzig.de>
Dorian Merz authored
* adds template to display Address DTOs inline
Dorian Merz authored
* adds book orders entry in profile side menu * some code cleanup due to unused functionality
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Oct 28, 2019
* refactored record-icon.phtml * added additional values to display certain icon
* fixed config bug * fixed bug to register new lightbox network notice * new boss module version ** added network notice
- Oct 24, 2019
* accordeon opening ** remove "in" -class of accordeon in holdings and aquisition ** keep closed on mobile in holdings and aquisition ** open by javascript on desktop in holdings and aquisition ** add forgotten id in acquisitionpda * disable hover * do word-break * extract box into own template ** move from acquisitionpda.phtml and holdingsils.phtml into get-it-box/side-panel-links.phtml * truncate links to 50 chars * increase width for desktop * use moon icons for plus and minus in accordeon ** both icons have same width => no shaking * float icons left (for all accordeon) and set offset
* use get it box * set configuration file * display buttons * set boss module * edited translations * edited texts * modified accordeon config
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* added delivery status * retrieve solr field collection
* modified box config * show text Get It if facet_avail entry Free * modified config display buttons * config boss * retrieve BOSS if not collection UBL-FID-EBC
- Oct 23, 2019
Dorian Merz authored
* move menu items from footer to header ** mv faq and subject specialists from footer to header ** fit offset for language and registration links on mobile navigation overlay ** set nowrap for menu items to prevent line break ** raise padding for menu items ** lower font-size for menu items & screen >= lg * fix header links ** use target blank ** use temporary links to blog * adapt language menu to main menu ** no hover ** same line-height
* for buttons * for icons and text on search
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
* don't throw exception if record not found * override method of vufind record link helper * corrected alias for view helper RecordLink (because of wrong alias, extended finc RecordLink was never used, but existent)
Dorian Merz authored
Dorian Merz authored
- Oct 22, 2019