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refs #21417 [fid_adlr] w3c validation
* start page ** <meta name="description"> only once - language check ** remove tabindex="-1" on search button's inner span * result list ** Element form not allowed as child of element span in this context -> search controls sort and pages ** an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value. -> added quote in result grouping template ** Element a not allowed as child of element ul in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) -> facet-lists more / less links within li (from finc-accessibility theme) ** Element div not allowed as child of element ul in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) -> date range slider facet as li (+ additional styling) ** The select element cannot have more than one selected option descendant unless the multiple attribute is specified. -> remove selected attribute from disabled option for limit and sort in offcanvas ** Attribute maxlength is only allowed when the input type is email, password, search, tel, text, or url. -> reuse finc version for date range slider (max instead of maxlength) * details view ** Element p not allowed as child of element h3 in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) -> subtitle as span instead of p ** Duplicate ID toolbar-menu. -> remove second ** Element ul not allowed as child of element span in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.) -> span to div ** Attribute href not allowed on element button at this point. -> href to data-target ** Get-It-Box: #get-it-button / Ressources-Button (/Record/0-725915765) ** RecordTabs: #side-collapse-... (/Record/0-725915765) ** Bad value >>side-panel-Table of Contents<< for attribute id on element div: An ID must not contain whitespace. -> RecordTabs: use $tab instead $desc for construct ID in core-templates (but IDs are not really in use, IDs used just for styling) * result list (active filters) ** Duplicate ID applied_filter_1 -> in searchbox.phtml applied filter were rendered twice ** Attribute href not allowed on element button at this point. -> href to data-target ** toggle button facet group ** End tag ul seen, but there were open elements. -> moving endif (closing div and li was missed before); problem only if filters are active * date range slider ** revert design changes of ticket 22462 ** add up & down Arrows again by using input type=number * result list advanced search ** No p element in scope but a p end tag seen. -> remove falsely added closing p co-authored by: Robert Lange <> * add missing closing div in view
- themes/fid_adlr/scss/_customVariables.scss 3 additions, 0 deletionsthemes/fid_adlr/scss/_customVariables.scss
- themes/fid_adlr/scss/components/_headings.scss 1 addition, 0 deletionsthemes/fid_adlr/scss/components/_headings.scss
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/Recommend/SideFacets.phtml 1 addition, 1 deletionthemes/fid_adlr/templates/Recommend/SideFacets.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/Recommend/SideFacets/cluster-list.phtml 20 additions, 12 deletions...id_adlr/templates/Recommend/SideFacets/cluster-list.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/Recommend/SideFacets/range-slider.phtml 8 additions, 7 deletions...id_adlr/templates/Recommend/SideFacets/range-slider.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/core.phtml 5 additions, 5 deletions.../fid_adlr/templates/RecordDriver/DefaultRecord/core.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/RecordDriver/SolrAI/core.phtml 5 additions, 5 deletionsthemes/fid_adlr/templates/RecordDriver/SolrAI/core.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/RecordDriver/SolrMarc/core.phtml 5 additions, 5 deletionsthemes/fid_adlr/templates/RecordDriver/SolrMarc/core.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/get-it-box/links.phtml 1 addition, 1 deletionthemes/fid_adlr/templates/get-it-box/links.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/layout/layout.phtml 5 additions, 2 deletionsthemes/fid_adlr/templates/layout/layout.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/record/view.phtml 1 addition, 1 deletionthemes/fid_adlr/templates/record/view.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/search/advanced/ranges.phtml 0 additions, 86 deletionsthemes/fid_adlr/templates/search/advanced/ranges.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/search/advanced_search_information.phtml 1 addition, 1 deletion...d_adlr/templates/search/advanced_search_information.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/search/controls/grouping.phtml 1 addition, 1 deletionthemes/fid_adlr/templates/search/controls/grouping.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/search/controls/limit-offcanvas.phtml 2 additions, 2 deletions.../fid_adlr/templates/search/controls/limit-offcanvas.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/search/controls/sort-offcanvas.phtml 2 additions, 2 deletions...s/fid_adlr/templates/search/controls/sort-offcanvas.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/search/results.phtml 4 additions, 4 deletionsthemes/fid_adlr/templates/search/results.phtml
- themes/fid_adlr/templates/search/searchbox.phtml 2 additions, 16 deletionsthemes/fid_adlr/templates/search/searchbox.phtml
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