GitLab now enforces expiry dates on tokens that originally had no set expiration date. Those tokens were given an expiration date of one year later. Please review your personal access tokens, project access tokens, and group access tokens to ensure you are aware of upcoming expirations. Administrators of GitLab can find more information on how to identify and mitigate interruption in our documentation.
There was an error fetching the commit references. Please try again later.
export_choose_format="Please choose an export format."
export_download="Download File"
export_exporting="Creating Export File"
export_fail="Your items were not exported"
export_invalid_format="The selected export format is not supported by this record."
export_missing="Some data was missing. Your items were not exported."
export_no_formats="This record does not support export."
export_redirect="Start export to %%service%%"
export_refworks="Start export to RefWorks"
export_save="Save File"
export_selected="Export Selected"
@@ -491,15 +548,17 @@ fav_email_fail = "Sorry, an error has occurred. Your favourite(s) were not e-mai
fav_email_missing="Some data was missing. Your favourite(s) were not emailed."
fav_email_success="Your favourite(s) were emailed as requested."
fav_export="Export Favourites"
fav_list_delete="Your favourite list was deleted"
fav_list_delete="List has been deleted"
fav_list_delete_cancel="This list was not deleted"
fav_list_delete_fail="Sorry, an error has occurred. Your list was not deleted."
fine_limit_patron="You have reached your fines limit and cannot renew items"
fix_metadata="Yes, fix the metadata; I'll wait"
forsearch="for search"
fulltext_limit="Limit to articles with full text available"
google_map_cluster_points="Cluster Points"
group_AND="ALL Groups"
group_OR="ANY Groups"
@@ -532,21 +591,33 @@ hold_login = "for hold and recall information"
hold_place = "Place Request"
hold_place_fail_missing="Your request failed. Some data was missing. Please contact the issue desk for further assistance"
hold_place_success="Your request was successful"
hold_profile_html="For hold and recall information, please establish your <a href="%%url%%">Library Catalog Profile</a>."
hold_queue_position="Queue Position"
hold_required_by="No longer required after"
hold_success="Your request was successful"
home_browse="Browse by"
ils_offline_holdings_message="Holdings and item availability information is currently unavailable. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and contact us for further assistance:"
ils_offline_home_message="Your account details and live item information will be unavailable during this time. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and contact us for further assistance:"
ils_offline_login_message="Your account details will be unavailable during this time. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and contact us for further assistance:"
ils_offline_status="Our Library Management System is currently under maintenance."
ils_offline_title="System Under Maintenance"
items_added_to_bookbag="item(s) added to your Book Bag"
items_already_in_bookbag="item(s) are either already in your Book Bag or could not be added"
lightbox_error="Error: Cannot Load Popup Box"
list_access_denied="You do not have permission to view this list."
list_edit_name_required="List name is required."
load_tag_error="Error: Could Not Load Tags"
login_disabled="Login is not available at this time."
map_results_label="At this location:"
mobile_link="You appear to be on a mobile device; switch to mobile view?"
no_description="Description not available."
no_items_selected="No Items were Selected"
nohit_filters="Filters currently applied to this search:"
@@ -574,6 +645,7 @@ note_785_7 = "Merged with"
on_reserve="Reserves - Ask at Circulation"
orcreateanewlist="or create a new list"
peer_reviewed_limit="Limit to articles from peer-reviewed journals"