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Commit 1e77fcee authored by Demian Katz's avatar Demian Katz
Browse files

Merge pull request #352 from EreMaijala/my-lang-fix

Finnish and Swedish language tweaks in line with commit 8b22d3fa...
parents 08dc2642 36d8eb94
No related merge requests found
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ hold_invalid_request_group = "Valittu varausryhmä on virheellinen. Yritä uudes
hold_login = "tehdäksesi varauspyynnön"
hold_place = "Tee varaus"
hold_place_fail_missing = "Pyyntö epäonnistui puuttuvien tietojen vuoksi. Ota yhteyttä kirjaston asiakaspalveluun."
hold_place_success_html = "Varauspyyntö onnistui. <a href="%%url%%">Varauspyynnöt</a>."
hold_place_success_html = "Varauspyyntö onnistui. <a href="%%url%%">Varaukset</a>."
hold_profile_html = "Kirjaudu <a href="%%url%%">kirjastokortilla</a> nähdäksesi varaukset."
hold_queue_position = "Sijainti jonossa"
hold_request_group = "Varauksen kohde"
......@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ Holdings = "Saatavuustiedot"
Holdings at Other Libraries = "Saatavuus muissa kirjastoissa"
Holdings details from = "Saatavuus:"
Holds = "Varaukset"
Holds and Recalls = "Varaukset ja palautuspyynnöt"
Holds and Recalls = "Varaukset"
Home = "Koti"
home_browse = "Selaus:"
HTML Full Text = "HTML-kokoteksti"
......@@ -571,10 +571,10 @@ Most Recent Received Issues = "Uusimmat saapuneet numerot"
Multiple Call Numbers = "Useita sijainteja"
Multiple Locations = "Useita sijainteja"
Musical Score = "Nuottijulkaisu"
My Favorites = "Omat suosikit"
My Fines = "Omat maksut"
My Holds = "Omat varaukset"
My Profile = "Oma profiili"
My Favorites = "Suosikit"
My Fines = "Maksut"
My Holds = "Varaukset"
My Profile = "Omat tiedot"
Narrow Search = "Rajaa hakua"
navigate_back = "Takaisin"
Need Help? = "Tarvitsetko apua?"
......@@ -1010,14 +1010,14 @@ You must be logged in first = "Kirjaudu sisään ensin"
Your Account = "Oma tili"
Your book bag is empty = "Kirjakori on tyhjä"
Your Checked Out Items = "Lainat"
Your Comment = "Omat kommentit"
Your Comment = "Kommentit"
Your Favorites = "Suosikit"
Your Fines = "Maksut"
Your Holds and Recalls = "Varauspyynnöt"
Your Holds and Recalls = "Varaukset"
Your Lists = "Listat"
Your Profile = "Omat tiedot"
Your search terms = "Hakuehdot"
Your Tags = "Omat tagit"
Your Tags = "Tagit"
your_match_would_be_here = "Osuma olisi tässä."
Zip = "Postitoimipaikka"
zoom = "Zoomaa"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ add_comment_fail_blank = "Comment cannot be blank."
add_comment_success = "Comment added."
add_favorite_fail = "Fel: posten kunde inte sparas"
add_favorite_prefix = "Lägg till"
add_favorite_suffix = "till dina favoriter"
add_favorite_suffix = "till favoriter"
add_list_fail = "Fel: att spara listan misslyckades"
add_other_libraries = "Inneslut artiklar i andra bibliotek"
add_search = "Lägg till ett sökfelt"
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ hold_invalid_request_group = "Utvalda gruppen duger inte. Kolla och försök ige
hold_login = "för att reservera material"
hold_place = "reservera"
hold_place_fail_missing = "Reservering misslyckades p.g.a. saknande uppgifter. Vänd dig till bibliotekets kundtjänst."
hold_place_success_html = "Material har reserverats. <a href="%%url%%">Mina reserveringar</a>."
hold_place_success_html = "Material har reserverats. <a href="%%url%%">Reserveringar</a>."
hold_profile_html = "Logga in med din <a href="%%url%%">bibliotekskort</a> för att se reserveringar."
hold_queue_position = "Läget i kön"
hold_request_group = "Reservera från"
......@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ Holdings = "Tillgänglighet"
Holdings at Other Libraries = "Tillgänglighet i andra bibliotek"
Holdings details from = "Tillgänglighet i"
Holds = "Reserveringar"
Holds and Recalls = "Reserveringar och återkallande"
Holds and Recalls = "Reserveringar"
Home = "Hem"
home_browse = "Bläddring:"
HTML Full Text = "HTML-fulltext"
......@@ -571,10 +571,10 @@ Most Recent Received Issues = "Senast inkomna nummer"
Multiple Call Numbers = "Flera placeringar"
Multiple Locations = "Flera placeringar"
Musical Score = "Musikal"
My Favorites = "Mina favoriter"
My Fines = "Mina avgifter"
My Holds = "Mina reserveringar"
My Profile = "Min profil"
My Favorites = "Favoriter"
My Fines = "Avgifter"
My Holds = "Reserveringar"
My Profile = "Profil"
Narrow Search = "Begränsa sökningen"
navigate_back = "Back"
Need Help? = "Behöver du hjälp?"
......@@ -1009,15 +1009,15 @@ You do not have any storage retrieval requests placed = "Du har inga lagerbestä
You must be logged in first = "Du måste logga in först"
Your Account = "Mitt konto"
Your book bag is empty = "Din kundvagn är tom"
Your Checked Out Items = "Mina lån"
Your Comment = "Mina kommentarer"
Your Favorites = "Mina favoriter"
Your Fines = "Mina avgifter"
Your Holds and Recalls = "Mina reserveringar"
Your Lists = "Mina listor"
Your Profile = "Min profil"
Your Checked Out Items = "Lån"
Your Comment = "Kommentarer"
Your Favorites = "Favoriter"
Your Fines = "Avgifter"
Your Holds and Recalls = "Reserveringar"
Your Lists = "Listor"
Your Profile = "Profil"
Your search terms = "Sökvillkor"
Your Tags = "Mina taggar"
Your Tags = "Taggar"
your_match_would_be_here = "Din träff skulle vara här."
Zip = "Postanstalt"
zoom = "Zooma"
\ No newline at end of file
0% or .
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