BBI Blog = BBI Blog
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results_for = Search: %%lookfor%%
results_count = %%count%% results
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add_filter_not = Add filter: NOT %%text%%
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From the year = From the year
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the year = the year
New Publication = New Publication
New Publications = New Publications
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Recent Blog Posts = Recent Blog Posts
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404_message = Unfortunately, this page does not exist. If you are certain that there should be a page here, <a href="mailto:%%email%%">please let us know</a>. Otherwise, how about taking a break and getting a hot cup of tea?
boss_true = Available in your library
boss_false = "Not available in your home library. Your home library can tell you whether the title can be ordered by interlibrary loan."
boss_noISXNZBD = "Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further information on availability for this title at the moment. Your home library can tell you whether the title can be ordered by interlibrary loan."
history_purge = Discard unsaved searches
history_recent_searches = Your Recent Searches
home_databases = <h2>Databases</h2><p>Beyond the FID BBI portal, there are numerous other databases relevant to book studies and library and information science. Here is an overview.</p>
home_provision = <h2>Provision of Specialized Literature</h2><p>The FID BBI licenses full-text and reference databases for researchers in the fields of book studies, library and information science, which can be accessed via the reference portal. In addition, researchers can obtain specialized literature directly from the FID BBI. If you have not found the publication you are looking for, <a href="%%feedback_url%%">please contact us</a>. We will take care of it.</p>
home_sources = <h2>Our Data Collections</h2><p>The title data recorded in the portal originates from a wide variety of sources. A list of the collections and information about their respective filtering can be viewed here.</p>
home_step_1 = <p>The Specialized Information Program on Book Studies, Library and Information Science (FID BBI) provides literature and information for researchers in the three disciplines.</p>
home_step_2 = <p>Researchers, lecturers and students can conduct targeted research in over 3 million data records.</p>
home_step_3 = <p>The data pool is fed by over 30 data sources that are regularly updated.</p>
home_step_4 = <p>Registrieren Sie sich kostenlos für die Nutzung weiterer Funktionen.</p>
home_suggestions = <h2>Suggestions and Feedback</h2><p>The FID BBI is designed to meet the needs of researchers. If you are missing a data source, cannot find a particular title, or are looking for more detailed information about the FID BBI, <a href="%%feedback_url%%">contact us</a> or <a href="%%blog_url%%">visit our blog</a>.</p>
home_tagline = The Main Research Catalogue for<br> Book Studies, Library and Information Science
licenses_BookHistoryOnline = "Book History Online" bibliography hosted at
licenses_Infodata = Infodata via WTI Frankfurt
no_resolver_links = Not available online.
search_in_resource = Search in this data source
search_in_specific_resource = Search in "%%resource%%"
; #19399
Data Sources = Data Collections
Databases = Databases
Legal Notes = Legal Notice
Accessibility = Accessibility
Contact Form = Contact Form
Browse data sources = Show Data Collections
Show databases = Show Databases
;translations for Advanced search
Medientyp = Media Type
; #19529 translations for slimselect dropdowns
slimselect_placeholder = "Selection"
slimselect_empty_result = "No matches"
; #19569
Create New Account = Create Account
; DBIS / Licenses
dbis_hint = "Notice"
dbis_licenses_name = "Databases"
dbis_licenses_name_long = "Access to free and licensed databases"
dbis_name = "Further databases relevant to book studies, library and information science"
dbis_text = "This overview lists all free databases that are registered in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DBIS (Datenbank-Infosystem)</a> and are relevant to book studies, library and information science. If you are logged in with your user account, you will also be shown databases licensed by your home library. These can usually only be accessed via your respective university network or via VPN access."
licenses = "Databases licensed via the FID BBI"
licenses_desc_1 = "Currently, you have access to:"
licenses_desc_2 = "Further license offers are in preparation. You may also write us your suggestions, which offers should also be licensed. Please use our <a href="../Contact/ContactForm">contact form</a>.<br /><br /><br />Our <a href="../AdlrRegistration/Terms">terms of use</a> apply."
licenses_forbidden_login_required = "These licenses are available for registered users in specific user groups."
licenses_forbidden_permission_denied = "These licenses are only available for registered users in specific user groups."
licenses_not_available = "Normally, databases are displayed here that the FID BBI has licensed for registered users. Currently there are no licenses."
licenses_notice_html = "Please use the newspaper archives for normal searches only. The licences granted are not designed for mass retrieval of newspaper pages (e.g. for text mining). Downloads beyond the usual level will lead to premature expiry of the licensed quotas and is at the expense of your colleagues.<br /><br />Please always contact us in advance by e-mail or via our <a data-lightbox href="%%contact_url%%">contact form</a> if you would like to retrieve a larger number of documents for a research project or use text mining. We will then get in touch with you. <br /><br />Please also note our <a data-lightbox href="%%terms_url%%">Terms of Use</a>.<br /><br />Thank you for your understanding."
licenses_search = "Databases"
licenses_text = "Here you have access to databases that have been specially licensed by us for you. We cover the costs for you."
dbis_access_0 = "freely accessible on the internet"
dbis_access_1 = "accessible via the network of your home library"
dbis_access_500 = "National license"
dbis_access_2 = "accessible via a single user license at your home library"
bbi_blog_url = ""
kvk_url =
bbi_twitter_account = ""
; #20242
Releases = "New Publications"
switchtab_info_releases = This list only contains new publications
switchtab_with_licenses = You can order these new publications for loan free of charge. The book will be sent to you directly from the bookseller. - The costs are covered by the FID BBI.
switchtab_not_logged_in = Researchers at German institutes (user group 1) can order these publications for loan free of charge.<br/>No account yet? <a href="%%registerUrl%%">Register now.</a>
switchtab_without_licenses = Researchers at German institutes (user group 1) can order these publications for loan free of charge.
search_in_tab_releases = Search in new publications
search_in_tab_all = "Search entire catalog for "%%lookfor%%""
search_everywhere = New search in entire catalog