VuFind RVK-Tree Module
This module is an Open Source Software of the University Library Leipzig. The module retrieve the data of Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK).
Composer Finc Repo Module for RVK Search Tree !!!TODO: Add to packagist To Install by Composer
php composer require finc\Rvktree
Write to the configuration a mixins-statement.
return [
'mixins' => [
Move new theme from vendor to themes directory not necessary in finc: should work out-of-the-box as post post-install-cmd "copy-themes-force" templates/file.phtml
register new module not necessary in finc: should work out-of-the-box as post post-install-cmd "@dump-modules"
Create an optional configuration file in config folder to overwrite default settings, for example:
[RVKWidget] apiUrl = ""
rvk[] = "A"
rvk[] = "B"
rvk[] = "CA - CK"
rvk[] = "CL - CZ"
rvk[] = "D"
rvk[] = "E"
rvk[] = "F"
rvk[] = "G"
rvk[] = "H"
rvk[] = "I"
rvk[] = "K"
rvk[] = "LA - LC"
rvk[] = "LD - LG"
rvk[] = "LD,LH - LO"
rvk[] = "LD,LP - LY"
rvk[] = "MA - ML"
rvk[] = "MN - MS"
rvk[] = "N"