- Dec 11, 2015
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Catches description using DC
SamuelOPH authored
This should make VuFind stores description of everything harvested using ojs.xsl. Altough It looks like using nlm is better with OJS, I think it would be nice to improve this method too.
- Dec 10, 2015
Demian Katz authored
- Thanks to Ross Shanley-Roberts.
Chris Hallberg authored
Conflicts: themes/bootstrap3/js/autocomplete.js
Demian Katz authored
- Dec 09, 2015
Chris Hallberg authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Ere Maijala authored
- avoids problems with e.g. combined search, permissions handling.
- Dec 08, 2015
Chris Hallberg authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Smoother "must be logged" translation
SamuelOPH authored
SamuelOPH authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
- Dec 07, 2015
Demian Katz authored
l.osullivan authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Demian Katz authored
Chris Hallberg authored
André Lahmann authored
- problems could be caused by trailing separators in MARC 505$t - e.g. for subfield $t content "abcde -- " this would result in ["abcde", " "] eventually displaying an empty row in TOC-tab
Demian Katz authored
- Don't require non-empty catalog password (some ILS systems don't need a password).
Ere Maijala authored
Switched to trigger() for the selection event so that it can be bound to with the bind() function and the initialization function doesn't need to be modified. Moved the autocomplete window to the form so that the bounding rect is not needed thus avoiding positioning problems e.g. when window is scrolled while suggestions are loading. Align suggestions when window is resized. Set the initial content with .html(). Use the greater of input width and form width for the maximum autocomplete list width instead of the arbitrary * 2 width.
Demian Katz authored
Remove cat_password check in Shibboleth Auth Plugin
Demian Katz authored
Disable xdebug in Travis build.
André Lahmann authored
* remove cat_password check in Shibboleth Auth Plugin as not every ILS requiress a password (consistent requirements according to ILSAuthenticator)
Ere Maijala authored
- Dec 04, 2015
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Chris Hallberg authored
Jiří Kozlovský authored
There is an error parsing $amount in case of having the 'z31-credit-debit' field in custom language, because the z-31-sum is multiplied by $mult, which is undefined as it didn't have any default value yet